![]() The Bridge 単語&idioms |
P103/P104/P105 | |
P103 | |
cradle(v) |
If you cradle someone or something in your arms or hands, you hold
them carefully and gently. |
impulse(n) | An impulse is a sudden desire to do something. 心のはずみ,出来心,一時的な感情;(…したいと思う)衝動 |
belatedly(adv) | |
belated(adj) | A belated action happens later than it should have
done. (いつもの時間・予期された時間・好機などに)遅れてくる,後になる |
slung | Slung is the past tense and past participle of sling. |
sling(v) over | If you sling something over your shoulder or over
something such as a chair, you hang it there loosely. (つり革で)…を(…に)つるす |
ripe(adj) | Ripe fruit or grain is fully grown and ready to eat. 〈果物が〉熟した,うれた;〈穀物が〉刈[取]り入れ時の |
cantaloupe(n) | A cantaloupe is a type of melon. カンタループ(メロン) |
brisk(adj) | If the weather is brisk, it is cold and fresh. 〈風・天候などが〉身の引き締まるような |
stroll(n) | ぶらぶら歩き,そぞろ歩き,漫歩;散歩 |
squint(v) | If you squint at something, you look at it with your
eyes partly closed. (…を)目を細めて見る,細目で見る |
warrant(n) | If you say that there is no warrant for something,
you mean that there is no good is reason to justify it. (…する)許可,認可;正当な理由[根拠] |
P104 | |
barge(n) | A barge is a long narrow boat with a flat bottom.
Barge ujsed for carry ing heavy loads, especially on canals. (運河・河川・港などで使う)平底荷船,はしけ |
ballet(n) | Ballet is a type of very skilled and artistic dancing
with carefully planned movements. バレエ |
plop(n) | A plop is a soft, gentle sound, like the sound made
by something dropping into water without disturbing the surface much. (水面に落ちて)ポチャン[ドブンなど]と音をたてる;(瓶の栓を抜くときなどに)ポンと音がする |
puncture(n) | A puncture is a small hole in a car tyre or bicycle
tyre that has been made by a sharp object. (とがった物などで)刺すこと,穴をあけること |
mugger(n) | A mugger is a person who attacks someone vilonetly
in street in order to steal from them. (凶器を持って襲う)強盗,辻強盗 |
prey(n) | You casn refer to the people who someone tries to
harm or trick as their prey (敵・詐欺師・病気などの)犠牲(者), 餌食,食いもの |
camellia(n) | A camellia is a large bush that has shiny leaves and
large white, pink, or red flowers similar to a rose. ツバキ(椿) |
scalloped(adj) | Scallop objects are decorated with a series of small curves along the edges. |
scallop(v) | …を波形に仕上げる |
P105 | |
stark(adj) |
Something that is stark is very plain in appearance. |
recede(v) | If something recede from you, it moves away. 退く,(…から)後退[退却]する,引っ込む,引き下がる |
sojourn(n) | A sojourn is a short stay in a place that is not your
home. (一時的な)逗留(とうりゅう), 滞在 |
stoop(v) | If you stoop, you stand or walk with your shoulders
bent forward. 身をかがめる,上体[体]を前方に曲げる,かがむ,こごむ |
heft(v) | 持ち上げて重さをみる,手で重さを量る |
palm(v) | こっそり拾い上げる |
catapult(n) | A catapult is a device for shooting small stones.
It is made of a Y-shaped stikc with a piece of elastic tied between the
two top parts. (おもちゃの)石投げ,ぱちんこ |
heave(v) | If you heave something heavy or difficult to move
soemwhere, you push, pull or lift it usuing a lot of effort. 〈重い物を〉(…へ)上げる,持ち上げる |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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