勉強会 2005,1![]() The Anatomy of Desire 単語&イディオム |
P117/P118/P119/P120/P121 | |
P117 | |
strip off |
If you strip off your clothes, you take them off. |
anatomy(n) | Anatomy is the study of the structure of the bodies
of people or animals. 解剖学,解剖論 |
obligate(v) | If something obligates you to do a particular thing,
it creates a situation when you have to do it. 〈人に〉(…する)義務を負わせる,義務づける?}to do?;〈人に〉(…を)強いる,余儀なくさせる |
raw(adj) | If a part of your body is raw, it is red and painful,
perhaps because the skin has come off or has been burnt. 〈肌などが〉皮膚のむけた,赤肌の;〈傷などが〉肉を露出している;ひりひり[ちくちく]痛む |
skin(v) | If you skin a dead animal, you remove its skin. 〈手・足などを〉すりむく |
saint(n) | If you refer to a living person as a saint, you meant
that they are extremely kind, patient, and unselfish. 清浄な[高徳の]人,慈愛深い人,(一般に)聖人,君子 |
swab(v) | If you swab something, you vclean it using a wet cloth
or a tool called a mop. …を消毒綿[綿棒,綿球]で消毒する;〈のど・傷口に〉(薬などを)綿棒で塗る |
retardant(n) | 遅延反応剤,減[緩]速剤 |
P118 | |
trench(n) | A trench is a long narrow channel in the ground used
by soldiers in order to protect themselves from the enemy. People often
refer to the battle grounds of the first Word War in Northern France and
Belgium as the trenches. (土手なども含む)塹壕,防御陣地,前線 |
infiltrator(n) | An infiltrator is a person who has infltrated a place
or organization. 浸入しているもの,浸透物 |
thoroughly(adv) | carefully, assidously, conscientiously, efficiently,
exhaustively, from top to bottom, fully, intensively, metiulously, painstakingly,
scrupulously. 徹底的に |
dead-center(n) | 死点(dead point) ど真ん中 |
blare(v) | If something such as a siren or radio blares, it makes
a loud, unpleasant noise. 〈らっぱ・ラジオなどが〉耳障りな大きな音を発する,がんがん鳴り響く |
infiltrator(n) | An infiltrator is a person who has infiltrated a place
or organization. 侵入者 |
expeditiously(adv) | |
expeditous(adj) | Expeditious means quick and efficient. 〈人・行動などが〉手早い,急速な,迅速な |
P119 | |
caress(v) | If you caress someone, you stroke them gently and
affectionately. (軽く優しく)愛撫する |
staunch(v) |
To staunch the flow of something means to stop it. |
swab(v) | If you swab something, you clean it using a wet cloth
or a tool called a mop. …を(モップなどで)掃除する,洗い流す((down));〈水などを〉ふき取る,吸い取る |
conglomerate(n) | A conglomerate is a large business firm consisting
of several different companies. (種々雑多な物の)集合(体), 団塊 コングロマリット,複合企業(体) |
P120 | |
shudder(v) | If you shudder, you shake with fear, horror, or disgust,
or because you are cold. (恐怖・寒さなどで)身震いする,(嫌で)ぞっとする,身の毛がよだつ |
incision(n) | An incision is a sharp cut made in something, for
example by a surgeon who is operating on a patient. (特に外科で)切開 |
shroud(n) | A shroud is a cloth which is used for wrapping a dead
body. (死者の体を包む)埋葬布,経帷子(きょうかたびら), 屍衣 |
resign(v) | If you resign yourself to an unpleasant situation
or fact, you accept it because you realize that you cannot change it. (運命などに)従う,服する,甘んじて受ける |
pluck(v) | If you pluck something from somewhere, you take it
between your fingers and pull it sharply from where it is. つかむ;いきなり[ぐいと]引っ張る |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
/Summary/掲示板/勉強会HOME/おすすめ洋書/アメリカのベストセラー | |
Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/Harry Potter第四巻の勉強会 | |
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