第31回Net 勉強会 2004,9

Dog Life


comforter(n) A comforter is a large cover filled with feathers or similar material which you put over yourself in bed instead of a sheet and blankets.
velvety(adj) If you descirbe something as velvety, you mean that it is pleasntly soft to touch and has the appearance or quality of velvet.
perfume(v) If the smell of something perfumes a place or area, it makes it smell nice.
mull(v) IF you mull something, you think about it for a long time before dciding what to do.
put sb on ((主に米話))(特にうそを真実と見せかけて)〈人を〉からかう,かつぐ,だます
solitude(n) Solitude is the state of being alone, especially when this is peaceful and pleasant.
bound(v) If a person or animal bounds in a particular direction, they move quickly with large steps or jumps.
reverie(n) A reverie is a state of imagining or thinking about pleasant things, as if you are dreaming.
夢想;沈思,瞑想(めいそう), 物思い;空想,夢想,白日夢
exhalation(n) (息・ため息・蒸気などを)吐き出すこと,放出,発散,蒸発;(興奮・怒りなどを)外に出すこと,発散
lustre(n) Lastre is gentle shining light that is reflected from a surface, for example from polished metal.
spectral(adj) If you describe someone or something as spectral you mean that they look like a ghost.
bay(v) If a dog or wolf bays, it makes loud, long cries.
note(n) You can use note to refer to a particular feeling, impression, or atmosphere.
((通例 a note,the note))しるし,兆候,暗示;様子,雰囲気;(…の)意思表示[表明],合図;(…の)響き
distill(v) If a thought or idea is distilled from previous thoughts, ideas, or experiences, it comes from them. If it is distilled into something, it becomes part of that thing.
wail(n) If someone wails, they make long, loud, high-pitched cries which express sorrow or pain.
collective(adj) Collective actions, situations, or feelings involve orare shared by every member of a group of people.
knoll(n) A knoll is a low hill with gentle slopes and a rounded top.
cunning(n) Cunning is the ablity to achieve things in a clever way, often by deceiveing other people.
狡猾(こうかつ)さ,ずるさ,悪知恵 巧妙さ(dexterity), 熟練,器用さ
domesticate(v) When people domesticate wild animals or plants, they bring them under control and use them to produce food or as pets.
coarsest coarseの最大級
coarse(adj) Coarse things have a rough texture because they consist of thick threads or large pieces.
耳障りな,きしる,キーキーいう 粗野な,粗暴な 下等な
teeny(adj) If you describe something as teeny, you are emphasizing that it is very small.
puli(n) プーリー:ハンガリーで改良された中形の牧羊犬.
indescribable(adj) You use indescribable to emphasize that a quality or condition is very intense or extreme, and therfore cannot be properly described.
gaudy(adj) If something is gaudy, it is very brightly-colured and showy.
immodest(adj) If you describe someone's behaviour as immodest, you mean that it shocks or embarrasses you because you think that it is rude.
opalescence(n) Opalescent means colurless or white like an opal, or changing colour like an opal.
prane(v) If someone prances around, they walk or move around with exaggerated movements, usually because they want people to look at them and admire them.
後脚で跳ね上がる,跳ねながら進む 意気揚々と進む,闊歩(かっぽ)する,小躍りして行く
exuberant(adj) If you describe something as exuberant, you like it because it is lively, exciting, and full of energy and life.
hunky-dory(adj) すてきな,申し分のない,素晴らしい
cadence(n) The cadence of someone's voice is the way their voice gets higher and lower as they speak.
yelp(n) If a person or dog yelps, they giev a sudden short cry, often because of fear or pain.
demonic(adj) Demonic means coming from or belonging to a demon or being like a demon.
limbo(n) If you say that someone or something is in limbo, you mean that they are in a situation where they seem to be caught between two stages and it is unclear what will happen next.
忘却のかなた[淵] 中間の状態
preen(v) If someone preens themselves, they spend a lot of time making themselves look neat and attractive, used especially if you want to show that you disapprove of this behaviour or that you find it ridiculous and amusing.
brood(v) If someone broods over something, they think about it a lot, seriously and often unhappy.
…をじっと考える,熟考する(ponder); くよくよ考える
aberration(n) An aberration is an incident or way or behaving that is not typical.
常道を外れること,常軌を逸すること;(真理・道徳からの)逸脱 (自然界に見られる)異常,変状
contrition(n) 悔恨,悔悟,改悛
frailty(n) If you refer to the frailties or frailty of people, you are refering to their weakness.
lapse(n) A lapse is a moment or instance of bad behaviour by someone who usually behaves well.
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDCD-ROM小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました
Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/Harry Potter第四巻の勉強会