勉強会 2004,11![]() Happy 単語&イディオム |
P112/P113/P114 | |
P112 | |
sideburns(n)plural |
If a man has sideburns, he has a strip of hhair growing down the side
of each cheek. |
plump(adj) | You can describe someone or something as plump to
indicate taht they are rather fat or rounded, usually when you think this
is a good quality. 〈人・体の部分が〉ふっくらした,丸々とした;肉づきのよい |
ropier | ropeyの比較級 |
ropey(adj) | inferior, deficient, inadequate, of poor quality,
poor ぼろぼろの,おんぼろの |
fragrant(adj) | Something that is fragrant has a pleasant, sweet smell. よいにおいの,芳香性の |
shade(n) | A shade of a particular color is one of its different
forms. For example, emerald green and olive green are shades of green. 陰,物陰 色の明暗[濃淡]の度合い,色調,色合い |
spiky(adj) | Something that is spiky has one or more sharp points. 大釘の形をした,大釘[犬釘]のような,先のとがった |
prong(n) | The prongs of something such as a fork are the long,
thin pointed parts. [宝石]プロング,爪(つめ):宝石を金具類に石留めする爪 |
trail off | If a speaker's voice or a speaker trails off or trails
away, their voice become quieter and they hesitate until they stop speaking
completely. 〈声・音などが〉だんだん小さくなる,しだいに弱まる;〈話などが〉本筋からそれる,しりすぼみになる |
P113 | |
light-headed(adj) | If you feel light-headed, you feel rather unsteady
and strange for example because you are ill or because you have drunk
too much alcohol. めまいがする,ふらふらする |
angular(adj) | Angular things have shapes that seem to contain a
lot of straight lines and sharp points. 角のある,とがった |
pelvis(n) | Your pelvis is the wide, curved group of bones at
the level of your hips. 骨盤 |
deadpan(adj) | Deadpan humour is when you appear to be serious and
are hiding the fact that you are joking or teasing someone. まじめくさった,もったいぶった;超然とした振りの,無関心[平静]を装った |
mumble(adj) | If you mumble, you speak very quietly and not at all
clearly with the result that hte words are difficul to understand. もぐもぐ[ぶつぶつ]言う,低く不明瞭(めいりょう)に言う,つぶやく |
havin | =having |
dyke(n) | A dyke is a lesbian. (男役の)レスビアン,「たち」 |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
/Summary/掲示板/勉強会HOME/おすすめ洋書/アメリカのベストセラー | |
Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/Harry Potter第四巻の勉強会 | |
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