第32回Net 勉強会 2004,4

The Hatchet Man in The Lighthouse
hatchet man(n) (slang) 1.A man hired to commit murder. 2.One assighned to carry out a ruthless task or a vicious or unscrupulous order(http://www.thefreedictionary.com/hatchet%20manより引用しました)

Someone with a hatchet face has a long, narrow face with sharp features.

lighthouse(n) A lighthouse is a tower containing a powerful flashing lamp that is built on the coast or on a small island. Lighthouses are used to guide ships or to warn them of danger.
trunk(n) The trunk of a tree is the large main stem from which the branches grow.
palmetto(n) パルメット:扇形の葉を持つヤシの総称
strand(n) A strand of something such as hair, wire, or thread is a single thin piece of it.
smudge(n) A smudge is a dirty mark.
よごれ,染み,汚点 (遠くや水中の物体など)輪郭のはっきりしないもの,おぼろな塊,斑点(はんてん), かげ
tidewater(n) 低い沿岸地帯;海岸
form(v) (型に従って)…を作り出す,形作る,形成する
squint(v) If you squint at something, you look at it with your eyes partly closed.
in turn You use in turn to refer to actions or events that are in a sequence one after the other, for example because one cause the other.
patronizing(adj) If someone is patronizing, they speak or behave towards you in a way that seems friendly, but which shows that they think they are superior to you.
brook(v) If someone in a position of authority will brook no interference or opposition, they will not accept any interference or opposition from others.
scan(v) When you scan a place or group of people, you look at it carefully, usually because you are looking for something or someone.
gargantuan(n) If you say that something is gargantuan, you are emphasizing that it is very large.
emphatically(adv) If you say something emphatically, you say it in a forceful way which shows that you feel very strongly about what you are saying.
emphatic(adj) 〈言動・表現が〉強い調子の,断固とした
seahorse(n) A seahorse is a type of small fish which appears to swim in a vertical position and whose head looks a little like the head of a hores.
expanse(n) An expanse of something, usually sea, sky, or land, is a very large amount of it.
sin(n) ?
speck(n) A speck is a very small stain, mark, or shape.
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDCD-ROM小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました
Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/Harry Potter第四巻の勉強会