勉強会 2004,3![]() I See You Never 単語&イディオム |
P88/P89/P90 | |
P88 | |
tenant(n) |
someone who live in a house, room etc and pays rent to the person who
owns it |
wall(v) | to surround an open area with walls 〈入り口・開口部を〉壁でふさぐ |
glossy(adj) | shiny and smooth 光沢のある,光っている,つやつやした;〈紙が〉表面につやのある |
unreprimanded(adj) | |
reprimand(v) | to tell someon officailly that something they have
doen is very wrong. 叱責する,非難する,(特に公式に)譴責[懲戒,戒告]する. |
complexion(n) | the natural colour or appearace of the skin on your
face 肌の色[きめ],(特に)顔の色つや,顔色 |
cube(v) | to cut food into cubes さいの目に切る |
P89 | |
plump(adj) | slightly fat in a fairly pleasant way - used especially
about women or children, often to avoid saying the word fat 〈人・体の部分が〉ふっくらした,丸々とした;肉づきのよい |
rumble(v) | to make a series of long low sounds, especially a
long distance away from you (雷・地震・車などのように)低く重々しい連続音を出す |
cutlery(n) | knives, forks, and spoons that you use for eating
and serving food (ナイフ・フォーク・スプーンなど)食事用器具類,食卓用刃物 |
P90 | |
brittle(adj) | hard but easily broken 虚弱な,ひ弱な,きゃしゃな |
canal(n) | a long passage dug into the ground and filled with
water, either for boats to travel along, or to take water to a place 運河,掘り割り,用水路 |
scorche(v) | if strong heat or wind scorches plants, it dries and
damages them 〈太陽・夏などが〉〈植物などを〉枯らす,しなびさせる,無力にする |
fervently(adv) | |
fervent(adj) | believing or feeling something very strongly and sincerely 熱心な,熱意のある,熱烈な( |
wring somebody's hand | to shake hands very firmly with someone |
wring(v) | (絞るように)堅く握る,握り締める;〈顔などを〉ゆがめる |
tip your hat/cap (to somebody) | a)to touch or raise your hat as a greeting to someone |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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