勉強会 2002,9![]() Sunday in The Park 単語&イディオム |
P20/P21/P22/P23/イデイオム | |
P20 | |
muffle(v) | to make a sound less loud and clear 〈音・声を〉(被覆などによって)消す,殺す |
contentedly(adv) | |
contented(adj) | happy and satisfied because your life is
good (…に)満足した |
section(n) | a separate part of something that is written,
such as a book or newspaper (新聞などの)欄, |
squat(v) | to sit with your knees bent under your bottom
off the ground, and balancing your feet しゃがむ,うずくまる |
diligently(adv) | |
diligent(adj) | someone who is diligent works hard and is
careful and thorough 精を出して |
city-pale | 都会の人特有の青白さ |
coop(v) | coop sb/sth up; to restrict the freedom of
someone or something by keeping them in a
place that is too small (しばしば受身)〈人を〉(狭苦しい所に)閉じ込める,監禁する |
squeeze(v) | to press something firmly inward 〈手・腕などを〉(気持ちを込めて)きつく握るきつく抱く;抱き締める |
spadeful(n) | 鋤(すき)(スコップ)一杯(分の量) |
spade(n) | a tool for digging that has a lond handle and a broad metal blade you push into the ground |
impassive(adj) | not showing any emotion or feeling 〈人が〉無感動の,無感情の,冷淡な |
unblinking(adj) | (驚き・狼狽(ろうばい)・悔しさなどの)感情を表さない,平然とした,たじろがない;動揺しない |
expectancy(n) | the feeling that something pleasant or exciting
is going to happen (…の)見込み,心当て |
P21 | |
deftly(adv) | |
deft(adj) | a deft movement is skillful, and often quick 手際のよい,手早い,熟練した,巧みな |
tentative(adj) | done without confidence 自信のない;煮えきらないおずおずした,ためらいがちな |
instinct(n) | a natural tendency or ability to behave or
react in a particular way without having
to learn it or think about it 本能,生得的な行動傾向 直観 |
funnies(n) | a number of different cartoons in newspapers or magazines |
insolent(adj) | rude and not showing any respect 〈言葉・態度などが〉横柄な,傲慢(ごうまん)な,無礼な,尊大な |
edge(v) | to put something on the edge or border of
something 〈声などを〉荒だてる |
suffuse(v) | if warmth, colour, liquid etc sufuses something
or someon, it covers or spreads through them (受身で)(…で)覆われる |
impotent(adj) | unable to take effective action because you
do not have enough power, strength, or control 力[能力]を欠いた,無力な,無能な 自制に欠ける |
distaseful(adj) | very unpleasant or morally offensive (…にとって)嫌な,不快な(to);嫌悪の気持ちを起こさせる,嫌にさせる |
flex(v) | tighten your muscles or bend part of your
body 〈筋肉を〉収縮させる |
P22 | |
unevenly(adv) | |
uneven(adj) | not smooth, flat, or leve しどろもどろ |
nakedly(adv) | |
naked(adj) | (…に対して)無防備の;(…に)さらされた |
awkwardly(adv) | |
awkward(adj) | making you feel so embarrassed that you are
not sure what to do or say 〈人・動作などが〉ぎごちない,まごまごした,自信がない;洗練されていない,無骨な;〈姿・形などが〉ぶざまな |
stoop(v) | to bend your body forwards and down 身をかがめる |
rapt(adj) | very pleased and happy 大喜びの |
sprawl(v) | to lie or sit with your arms or legs streched
out in a lazy or careless way 手足を無造作に[無作法に]投げ出して座る |
perspire(v) | to become wet on pat of your body, especially
because you are hot or have been doing hard
work; sweat 汗をかく,発汗する |
dimly(adv) | |
dim(adj) | a memory or understanding of something is
not clear in your mind; vague ぼんやりした,あいまいな,不明瞭(めいりょう)な |
acutely(adv) | very strongly or painfully |
acute(adj) | very serious or severe 〈状況・事態・問題などが〉非常に厳しい,重大な,深刻な( |
P23 | |
despicable(adj) | extremely unpleasant 軽蔑(けいべつ)に値する,卑しむべき,見下げ果てた |
frail(adj) | someone who is frail is thin and weak, especially
because they are old 虚弱な,ひ弱な,きゃしゃな |
track(v) | to leave behind a track of something as mud
or dirt when you walk 〈泥を〉持ち込んでよごす |
contempt(n) | feeling that someone or something is not
important and deserves no respect 軽蔑(けいべつ), さげすみ,侮蔑 さげすまれること,不名誉,不面目,恥辱 |
イディオム | |
tuck away | if a place is tucked away it is in a quiet
area 〈建物などを〉人目につかない場所に建てる |
a sense of well-bing | a feeling of being satisfied with your life |
you and who else? | (脅しに対して)誰がお前の仲間についているんだ |
for Pete's sake | (話)後生だから,お願いだから |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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