勉強会 2004,6![]() Tent Worms 単語&イディオム |
P96/P97/P98/P99/P100 | |
P96 | |
grumble(v) |
If someone grumbles, they complain about something in a bad-tempered
way. |
worm(n) | A worm is a small animal with a long thin body, no
bones and no legs. (1)蠕虫(ぜんちゅう):(2){広義に}(にょろりとした)虫,うじ(虫), 芋虫,青虫 |
sag(v) | When somthing, sags, ig hangs down loosely or sinks
downwards in the middle. たわむ,たるむ,落ち込む;〈道路などが〉沈下する: |
canopy(n) |
A canopy is a decorated cover, often made of cloth, which is placed
above something such as a bed or a seat. |
cape(n) | A cape is a large piece of land that sticks out into
the sea from the coast. 岬 |
preoccupation(n) | If you have a preoccupation with something or someone,
you keep thinking about them because they are important to you. 忘我,夢中,放心,(…への)没頭((with…));夢中にさせるもの,心を奪うもの;第一にすべき仕事 |
wander off | (道・場所・仲間などから)それる,外れる,迷う,はぐれる((away, off));(話題などから)外れる,脱線する |
orbit(n) | An orbit is the curved path in space that is followed
by an object going round and round a planet, moon, or star. 人生行路,日常の流れ |
reflection(n) | If you say that something is a reflection of a particular
person's attitude or of a situation, you mean that it is caused by that
attitude or situation and therefore reveals something about it. (考慮・熟慮して得た)(…についての)(…という)考え,思案;感想,意見 |
crossly(adv) | 不機嫌に,むっつりして;片意地に,ひねくれて;怒って,つむじを曲げて,腹いせに |
maunder(v) | だらだら話す[愚痴る],とりとめもなく[たわいなく]しゃべる. |
starry-eyed(adj) | If you say that someone is starry-eyed, you mean that
they have such a positive or hopeful view of a situation that they do
not see what it is really like. 夢想[空想]的な目つきをした;あまりにも空想[理想]的な,非現実的な |
tangible(adj) | If something is tangible, it is clear enough or define
enough to be easily seen, felt, or noticed. 〈事実・根拠などが〉明確な,明白な;具体的な,まぎれもない |
P97 | |
webby(adj) | クモの巣状の;クモの巣の張った |
stunt(v) | If something stunts the growth or develpment of a
person of thing, it prevents it from growing or developing as much as
it should. 〈人・動物・植物の〉発育[成長]を止める[妨げる,遅らせる],小さいままにしておく |
devour(v) | If a person or animal devours something, they eat
it quickly and eagerly. 〈人・動物が〉…をむさぼり食う;食い尽くす. |
combat(v) | If people in authority combat somethingt, they try
to stop it happening. 〈敵と〉戦う;〈悪・病気などと〉闘う: |
single-handed(adv) | If you do something single-handed, you do it on your
own, without help from anyone else. 独力で,一人で(alone), 人手を借りずに;片手で: |
derision(n) | If you treat someone or something with derision, you
express contempt for them. あざけり,嘲笑(ちょうしょう), 愚弄 |
Foxworth | |
sanguine(adj) | If you are sanguine about something, you are cheerful
and confident that things will happen in the way you want them to. 快活な,希望に満ちた,自信たっぷりの,楽観的な,楽天的な |
P98 | |
purr(v) | When the engine of a machine such as a car purrs,
it is working and making a quiet, continuous, vibrateing sound. 〈機械などが〉ブーンという快音をたてる |
dsiperse(v) | When a group of people disperses or when someone disperses
them, the goup splits up and the peoploe leave in different directions. 〈群衆などを〉(四方に)追い散らす,分散させる,ちりぢりにする |
surmise(v) | If you surmise that something is true, you guess it
from the available evidence, although you do not know for certain. 推量[推測,憶測]する;〈…であると〉思う |
vapor(n) | Vapor consists of tiny drops of water or other liquids
in the air, which appear as mist. 蒸気(霧,かすみ,湯気,煙霧,有毒ガスなど) |
carbon monoxide(n) | 一酸化炭素,酸化炭素 CO:無色,無臭の有毒ガス |
protestaion(n) | A protestation is a strong declaration that something
is true or not true. 抗議 |
P99 | |
stagger(v) | If you stagger, you walk very unsteadily, for example
because you are ill or drunk. 〈人・動物が〉不安定に[千鳥足で]歩く[動く,立つ];(殴られたり,疲労・飲みすぎのために)ふらつく,よろめく,ひょろつく,まっすぐに立っていられない |
prescription(n) | A prescription is a proposal or a plan which gives
ideas about how to solve a problem or improve a situation. 命令[指示,規定]すること |
poulstice(n) | A poultice is a piece of cloth with a soft, often
hot, substance such as clay or a mixture of herbs on it. It is put over
a painful or swollen part of someone's body in order to reduce the pain
or swelling. パップ剤,湿布剤 |
lap(v) |
When water laps against something such as the shore or the side of a boat, it touches it gently and makes a soft sound. |
blight(n) | You can refer to something as a blight when it cause
great difficulties, and damages or spoils other things. ((比喩的))損傷[破壊,破滅,挫折(ざせつ)]の原因,(希望などを)くじくもの |
P100 | |
haul(v) | If you haul something which is heavy or difficult
to move, you move it using a lot of effort. …を(力を入れて)引っ張る,引きずる |
scorch(v) | To scorch something means to burn it slightly. …の表面を焼く;…を焦がす,あぶる |
vigil(n) |
If someone keeps a vigil or keeps vigil somewhere, they remain there
quietly for a period of time, especially at night, for example because
they are praying or are making a political protest. |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/Harry Potter第四巻の勉強会 | |
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