第回28Net 勉強会 2004,6

Tent Worms

If someone grumbles, they complain about something in a bad-tempered way.

worm(n) A worm is a small animal with a long thin body, no bones and no legs.
(1)蠕虫(ぜんちゅう):(2){広義に}(にょろりとした)虫,うじ(虫), 芋虫,青虫
sag(v) When somthing, sags, ig hangs down loosely or sinks downwards in the middle.

A canopy is a decorated cover, often made of cloth, which is placed above something such as a bed or a seat.

cape(n) A cape is a large piece of land that sticks out into the sea from the coast.
preoccupation(n) If you have a preoccupation with something or someone, you keep thinking about them because they are important to you.
wander off (道・場所・仲間などから)それる,外れる,迷う,はぐれる((away, off));(話題などから)外れる,脱線する
orbit(n) An orbit is the curved path in space that is followed by an object going round and round a planet, moon, or star.
reflection(n) If you say that something is a reflection of a particular person's attitude or of a situation, you mean that it is caused by that attitude or situation and therefore reveals something about it.
crossly(adv) 不機嫌に,むっつりして;片意地に,ひねくれて;怒って,つむじを曲げて,腹いせに
maunder(v) だらだら話す[愚痴る],とりとめもなく[たわいなく]しゃべる.
starry-eyed(adj) If you say that someone is starry-eyed, you mean that they have such a positive or hopeful view of a situation that they do not see what it is really like.
tangible(adj) If something is tangible, it is clear enough or define enough to be easily seen, felt, or noticed.
webby(adj) クモの巣状の;クモの巣の張った
stunt(v) If something stunts the growth or develpment of a person of thing, it prevents it from growing or developing as much as it should.
devour(v) If a person or animal devours something, they eat it quickly and eagerly.
combat(v) If people in authority combat somethingt, they try to stop it happening.
single-handed(adv) If you do something single-handed, you do it on your own, without help from anyone else.
独力で,一人で(alone), 人手を借りずに;片手で:
derision(n) If you treat someone or something with derision, you express contempt for them.
あざけり,嘲笑(ちょうしょう), 愚弄
sanguine(adj) If you are sanguine about something, you are cheerful and confident that things will happen in the way you want them to.
purr(v) When the engine of a machine such as a car purrs, it is working and making a quiet, continuous, vibrateing sound.
dsiperse(v) When a group of people disperses or when someone disperses them, the goup splits up and the peoploe leave in different directions.
surmise(v) If you surmise that something is true, you guess it from the available evidence, although you do not know for certain.
vapor(n) Vapor consists of tiny drops of water or other liquids in the air, which appear as mist.
carbon monoxide(n) 一酸化炭素,酸化炭素 CO:無色,無臭の有毒ガス
protestaion(n) A protestation is a strong declaration that something is true or not true.
stagger(v) If you stagger, you walk very unsteadily, for example because you are ill or drunk.
prescription(n) A prescription is a proposal or a plan which gives ideas about how to solve a problem or improve a situation.
poulstice(n) A poultice is a piece of cloth with a soft, often hot, substance such as clay or a mixture of herbs on it. It is put over a painful or swollen part of someone's body in order to reduce the pain or swelling.

When water laps against something such as the shore or the side of a boat, it touches it gently and makes a soft sound.

blight(n) You can refer to something as a blight when it cause great difficulties, and damages or spoils other things.
haul(v) If you haul something which is heavy or difficult to move, you move it using a lot of effort.
scorch(v) To scorch something means to burn it slightly.

If someone keeps a vigil or keeps vigil somewhere, they remain there quietly for a period of time, especially at night, for example because they are praying or are making a political protest.

検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDCD-ROM小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました
Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/Harry Potter第四巻の勉強会