第21回Net 勉強会 2003,11


elongate(v) If you elongate something or if it elongates, you stretch it so that it becomes longer.
elongated(adj) 長くなった,伸びた 細長い,長くて薄い
hobble(v)  If you hobble, you walk in an awkward way with small steps, for example because your foot is injured.
glide(v)  〈鳥・ボート・スケート選手などが〉滑るように動く[進む],滑る;〈船・列車などが〉滑るように進む,滑走する 
bob(v) If something bobs, it moves up and down, like somehting does when it is floating on water.
faulty(adj)  A faulty piece of equipment has something wrong it and is not working properly.
〈機械・装置・構造などが〉欠点[欠陥]のある,不完全な;ずさんな,ぞんざいな 〈人(の行為)・社会などが〉罪深い,誤りに満ちた;〈計画などが〉不適切な,目的に合わない,欠陥のある 不埒(ふらち)な,罰すべき;罪を犯した,誤った
chew(v) When you chew food, you use your teeth to break it up in your mouth so that it becomes easier to swallow.
prim(adj) If you describe someone as prim, you disapprove of them because they behave too correctly and are too easily shocked by anything rude.
〈人・行為などが〉形式張った,堅苦しい,しかつめらしい;〈特に女性が〉取り澄ました 〈身なり・庭などが〉きちんとした,整った
peek(v)   If you peek at something or someone, you have a quick look at them, often secretly.
(…を)ちらっと見る,盗み見する,かいま見る((at));(穴などから)そっとのぞく,のぞき見する((in, out/through))
View Master オペラグラスみたいな形のもので、そこにリールを入れて、景色の写真などを見るものだと思います。
詳しくは http://www.northcoast.com/~shojo/View/vm.htmlを見てください。
hemisphere(n) A hemisphere is one half of the brain,
半球体 脳半球
deference(n) Deference is a polite and respectful attitude towards someone, especially because they have an important position.
reverberation(n)  Reverations are serious effects that follow a sudden, dramatic event
反響,こだま,反射 反響,影響
shred(v) If you shred something such as food or paper, you cut it or tear it into very small, narrow pieces.
applique(v) …にアップリケを施す
knobby(adj) Something that is knobbly or knobby has lumps on it which stick out and make the surface uneven.
brittle(adj) An object or substance that is brittle is hard but easily broken.
willful(adj) If you describe actions or attitudes as willful, you are critical of them because they are done or expressed deliberately, especially with the intention of causing someone harm.
計画[意図]的な,故意の 強情な,意固地な,片意地な,わがままな
ruffle(v) If you ruffle someone's hair, you move your hand backwards and forwards through it as a way of showing your affection towards them,
navel(n) Your navel is the small hollow just below your waist at the front of your body.
coo(v) When a someone coos, they speak in a very soft, quiet voice which is intended to sound attractive.
crumb(n) Crumbs are tiny pieces that fall from bread, biscuits, or cake when you cut it or eat it.
smear(v) If you smear a surface with an oily or sticky substance or smear the subustance onto the surface, you spread a layer of the substance over the surface.
wad(v)  〈紙・毛などを〉丸める,塊[玉]にする
chink(n)  A chink in a surface is a very narrow crack or opening in it.
peer(v)  If you peer at something, you look at it very hard, usually because it is difficult to see clearly.
brocate(n) Brocade is a thick, expensive material, often made of silk, with a raised pattern on it.
ブロカテール,浮き織りのブロケード,浮き織りの錦(にしき), 浮き織り,紋繻子
trickle(v) When a liquid trickles, or when you trickle it, it flows slowly in very small amounts,
〈液体が〉ほんの少しずつ流れる;〈涙・汗・雨などが〉少しずつゆっくり落ちる  〈人が〉少しずつ[ぼつぼつ]来る[行く];〈物が〉少しずつ出てくる;((比喩的))〈情報・秘密などが〉少しずつ漏れる
harshly(adv) 荒々しく;厳しく;耳[目]障りになるほど;ぎらぎらして
harsh(adj)  Harsh climates or conditions are very difficult for people, animals, and plants to live in. 
Something that is harsh is so hard, bright, or rough that it seems unpleasant or harmful.
discreet(adj) If you are discreet, you are polite and careful in what you do or say, because you want to avoid embarrassing or offending someone.
dab(v)  If you dab something, you touch it several times using quick, light movements. If you dab a substance onto a surface, you put it there using quick light movement.
petty(adj) You can use petty to describe things such as problems, rules, or arguments which you think are unimportant or relate to unimportant things.
prick(n)  A prick is a small, sharp pain that you get when something pricks you.
(針・とげなどの)刺し傷[跡,穴];(野ウサギの)足跡;(馬のひずめの)傷 (突き)刺すこと,(針などの)一突き;刺された状態[痛み}
intervene(v) If you intervene, you interrupt a conversation in order to add something to it.
thimblesfull  ? thimbleful のことか?
thimbleful(n) 指ぬき一杯の量;(特にアルコール飲料の)少量
fluffy(adj) If you describe something such as a towel or a toy animal as fluffy, you mean that it is very soft.
綿毛の(ような), 綿毛状の;綿毛に覆われた 軽い,ふわふわした
insufficient(adj) Something that is insufficient is not large enough in amount or degree for a particular purpose.
confide(v) If you confide in someone, you tell them a secret.
momentum(n)  If a process or movement gains momentum, it keeps developing or happening more quickly and keeps becoming less likely to stop.
fowl(n) A fowl is a bird, especially one that can be eaten as food, such as a duck or a chicken.
(雄・雌共通に)ニワトリ;(食用にする老いた)雌鶏 (アヒル・七面鳥などの)家禽 (食用・市場用の)親鶏,成鶏
crate(n) A crate is a large box used for transportind or storing things.
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDCD-ROM小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました
Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/Harry Potter第四巻の勉強会