第二回 Net勉強会 
There's a Man in the Habbit of Hitting Me on the Head with an Umbrellal
back down If you back down, you admit that you were wrong or that you have been defeated.?
in sb's presence with someone or in the same place as them
let up 1.if something, such as bad weather or an unpleasant situation, let up, it stops or becomes less serious
2.not let up; if someone does something without letting up, they do it continuously, especially in an annoying way
at this juncture at this point in an activicty or period of time
get in 1.to succeed in entering a place
2.if a train, place etc gets in at a particular time, that is the time it arrives
3.to be elected to a position of political power
7.to send something to a particular place or give it to a particular person
it's all in a day's work used to say that you do not mind doing something even though it will give you more work
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDCD-ROM小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました
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