第二回 Net勉強会 There's a Man in the Habbit of Hitting Me on the Head with an Umbrellal 単語 |
nondescript | Lacking distinctive qualities; having no individual character or form: “This expression gave temporary meaning to a set of features otherwise nondescript” (Katherine Anne Porter). |
sultry | Inflected forms: sul?tri?er, sul?tri?est 1a. Very humid and hot: sultry July weather. b. Extremely hot; torrid: the sultry sands of the desert. 2. Expressing or arousing desire: a sultry look; a sultry dance. |
impassive | 1. Devoid of or not subject to emotion. 2. Revealing no emotion; expressionless. 3. Archaic Incapable of physical sensation. 4. Motionless; still. |
blow | a hard hit with a hand or a weapon |
indignation | Anger aroused by something unjust, mean, or unworthy. |
right | exactly or directly |
unruffled | 1. Not agitated; calm. See synonyms at cool. 2. Regular and smooth, as the surface of water. |
lunatic | 1.someone who behaves in a crazy or very
stupid way. 2.someone who is mentally ill 3.the lunatic fringe; the people in a political group or organization who have the most extreme opinions or ideas |
whack | 1.the act of hitting someone hard or the noise this makes |
tormentor | noun |
torment | to make someone suffer a lot, especially so that they feel guilty or very unhappy. |
implacable | very determined ti continue opposing someone or something |
convulsion | 1.an act of shaking violently and uncontrollably
because you are ill 2.be in convulsion; to be laughing a lot |
persecutor | noun |
persecute | 1.to treat someone cruelly over a period
of time, especially because of their religious
or political beliefs 2.to deliberately cause trouble for someone by continually annoying them |
meekly | adverb |
meek | very quiet and gentle and unwilling to argue or express an opinion |
premonition | a strange and unexplainable feeling that
something unpleasant, is going to happen have a premonition; When Anne didn't arrive, Paul had a premonition that she was in danger. |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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