勉強会 2004,8![]() Welcoming the Board of Direction 単語&イディオム |
P111/P112/P113/P114/P115/P116 | |
P111 | |
furnace(n) |
A furnace is a container or enclosed space in which a very hot fire
is made,k for melt metal, burn rubbish, or produce steam. |
auditorium(n) | An auditorium is the part of a theatre or concert
hall where the audience sits. (教会,劇場,学校,公会堂などの)会衆席,聴衆[観客]席 |
sled(v) | If you go sledding, you ride on a sled. そりで滑る[運ばれる],そりに乗って行く |
creak(v) | If something creaks, it makes a short, high-pitched
sound when it moves. キーキー[ギーギー,ギューギュー]鳴る,きしる,きしむ;キーキー声を出す |
P112 | |
net-balance(n) | 収支尻 |
unimpeachable(adj) | If you describe someone as unimpeachable, you mean
that they are completely honest and reliable. 〈人・性格が〉嫌疑[非難]の余地がない,罪科のない,申し分ない,非の打ち所がない |
howl(ed)(v) | If a person howls, they make a long, loud
cry expressing pain, anger, or unhappiness. 〈人が〉(苦痛・怒り・悲しみなどで)大きな声を出す,怒号する;(笑い声を)とどろかす |
rivet(v) | If you are riveted by something, it fascinates you
and holds your interest completely. (目・注意などを)(…に)集中する,くぎ付けにする |
P113 | |
imperative(adj) | If it is imperative that something is done, that thing
is extremely important and must be done. 避けられない,逃れられない;絶対必要な,重要な |
tavern(n) | A tavern is a bar or pub. 居酒屋 |
dividend(n) | A dividend is the part of a company's profits which
is paid to people who have shares in the company. 配当率,配当額 (株主への)配当(金) |
trudge(v) | If you trudge somewhere, you walk there slowly and
with heavy steps, especially because you are tired or unhappy. 歩く;(特に)重い足取りで[とぼとぼと]歩く |
dilapidated(adj) | A building that is dilapidated is old and in a generally
bad condition. (老朽化・手入れ不足などのために)〈建物・家具・衣服などが〉ぼろぼろになった,荒廃した,崩れかかった |
P114 | |
flake(n) | A flake is a small thin piece of something, especially
one that has broken off a larger piece. (特に大きな塊からはがれる)薄片,破片,断片 |
the heavens(n) | The heavens are the sky. 天,空,天空,地球を取り巻く空間 |
sped | Sped is the past tense and past participle of speed. |
speed(v) | If you speech somewhere, you move or travel there
quickly, usually ina vehicle. 〈車などを〉(びゅんびゅん)飛ばす |
P115 | |
farmstead(n) | (建物を含めた)農場,農園 |
the crook of | The crook of your arm or leg is the soft inside part
where you bend your elbow or knee. 肘や膝の内側 |
pail(n) | A pail is a bucket, usually made of metal or wood. バケツ,手桶 |
whitewash(n) | Whitewash is a mixture of lime or chalk and water
that is used for painting walls white. 水しっくい,のろ:石灰と水または白亜とサイズ(size)と水とを混ぜた溶液で,壁や建物の木造部などを白く塗るのに用いる. |
squat(v) | If you squat, you lower yourself towards the ground,
balancing on your feet with your legs bent. しゃがむ,うずくまる |
slurp(v) | If you slurp a liquid, you drink it noisily. 飲食物を〉ズルズル大きな音をたてて食べる[飲む] |
sway(v) | When people or things sway, they lean or swing slowly
from oneside to the other. 〈物・人が〉前後[左右]に動く,動揺する,揺らぐ,揺れる |
P116 | |
cave(v) | 〈帽子・壁などが〉へこむ,〈ほおが〉落ち込む,〈建物などが〉崩れ落ちる,〈地盤が〉陥没する |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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