第二回Net 勉強会 2002,4

rid(v) to free from
be rid of …を脱する,免れる(be freed from)
inquisitive(adj) 1 inclined to investigatie; eager for knowledge 2 unduly curious and inquiring
secret(adj) 1 kept hidden from knowledge or view; concealed
bunch(v) 1 to gather or form into a cluster 2 to gather together into a group 3 to gather into fold
mockery(n) 1 scornfully contemptuous ridicule; dersion 2 an act of ridicule or dersion 3 an object of scorn or reidicule 4 a false, derisive, or impudent imitation 5 something ludicrously futile or unsuitable
retrieve(v) 4 to rectify the unfavorable conssequences of; remedy
luggage rack(n) a shelf in a train, bus etc for putting luggage on
detachment(n) 3 indifference to or remoteness from the concerns of others, aloofness
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDCD-ROM小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました
Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/おすすめ洋書
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English /American Heritage College dictionary/Colins COBUILDCD-ROM/小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROM
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