勉強会 2004,4![]() Children Of Strikers 単語&イディオム |
P91/P92/P93 | |
P91 | |
bleache(v) |
If you bleach something, you use a chemical to make it white or pale in colour. |
bleached(adj) | 漂白した |
scuffle(v) | If people scuffle, they fight for a short time in
a dsiorganized way. 慌てふためいて行く,慌ただしく動 |
sawgrass(n) | 葉の緑に小さく鋭い鋸歯のあるカヤツリグサ科スゲ属 |
dun(adj) | Something that is dun is a dull grey-brown colour. 灰褐色の;〈馬が〉月毛の |
scrap(n) | A scrap of something is a very small piece or amount of it. (…の)かけら,小片,切れ端,断片 |
jetsam(n) | 投げ荷,捨て荷:緊急時に船を軽くしたりするために投げ捨てた船荷 |
fiberville | |
quadruple(adj) | You use quadruple to indicate that something has four parts or happens four times. 四重の;四部 4倍の |
dingy(adj) | A dingy building or place is rather dark and depressing, and perhaps dirty. 〈色・外観などが〉暗い,黒ずんだ;薄汚い;くすんだ 〈場所が〉みすぼらしい;陰気な |
harsh(adj) | Something that is harsh is so hard, bright, or rough that it seems unpleasant or harmful. 粗暴な,がさつな (性質・態度などが)厳しい,厳格な,とげとげしい,過酷な,無慈悲な |
pluck(v) | If you pluck a fruit, flower, or leaf, you take it between your fingers and pull it in order to remove it from its stalk where it is growing. 〈羽毛などを〉(…から)むしる(off, from);〈鳥などの〉羽毛を引き抜く;〈草花を〉摘む(up);〈果実などを〉摘む,もぐ つかむ;いきなり[ぐいと]引っ張る |
wale(n) | 。建築施工「腹起こし,胴貫(どうぬき):杭(くい), コンクリート板などの直立している構材や土止め板を補強する横木 |
sallow(adj) | If a person has sallow skin, their skin, especially on their face, is a pale yellowish colur and looks unhealthy 〈人・顔色などが〉青白い,青ざめた,黄ばんだ |
P92 | |
gauge(n) | If you gauge people's actions, feelings, or intentions in a particular situation, you carefully consider and judge them. 〈人・行動などを〉評価する,判断する,判定する |
sneaky(adj) | If you describe someone as sneaky, you disapprove of them because they do things secretly rather than openly. こそこそする,ひそかな;ずるい,卑劣な |
ringing(adj) | 〈言葉・表現などが〉断固たる,力強い,決然とした |
relent(v) | If you relent, you allow someone to do something that you had previously refused to allow them to do. 〈人が〉感情[気分,決意]を和らげる,優しくなる,寛大になる;心が解ける[和む];〈態度が〉軟化する,弱気になる |
gaw(n) | ((英方言))=God. |
kilt(v) | (おそらく)to killの方言 |
weary(adj) | If you are weary, you are very tired. 〈人が〉(…に)もどかしくなった,じれったがる,不満な,我慢できない,嫌になった,飽きた,はがゆくなる,いらいらする |
imperceptibly(adj) | Something that is imperceptible is so small or slight that it is not noticed or cannot be seen. 〈変化・差異などが〉わずかの,微小の,微細な |
P93 | |
smug(adj) | If you say that someone is smug, you are criticizing the fact they seem very pleased with how good, clever, or lucky they are. (自分の風采(ふうさい)・才能などに)うぬぼれている,きざな,気取った,乙に澄ました,取り澄ました;独善的な,独りよがりの;自己満足の |
soil(v) | If you soil something, you make it dirty. 〈物の〉(特に表面を)よごす,汚くする;汚損する,染みをつける |
bulbous(adj) | Something that is bulbous is round and fat in a rather ugly way. (しばしば軽蔑的)球根状の;膨らんだ |
tubular(adj) | Something that is tubular is long, round, and hollow in shape, like a tube. 管状の,筒形の |
stub(n) | The stub of a cigarette or a pencil is the last short piece of it which remains when the rest has been used. 短い突出部 |
hack(v) | If you hack something or hack at it, you cut it with strong, rough strokes using a sharp tool such as an axe or knife. (斧(おの)・鍬(くわ)・刀などで)たたき切る,めった切りにする;切り込みを入れる |
rag(v) | …をぼろぼろにする |
squat(adj) | If you describe someone or something as squat, you mean they are short and thick, usually in an unattractive way. しゃがむ,うずくまる |
wore | past tense of wear |
wear(v) | If you wear a particular expression, that expression is on your face and shows the emotions that you are feeling. 〈人などが〉〈表情・様子・態度などを〉示している,帯びている;〈…の様子[外観]を〉示している |
loom(v) | If something looms over you, it appears as a large or unclear shape, often in a frightening way. (霧・暗闇(くらやみ)などを通して)ぼんやり[おぼろげに]大きく見える;ぬっと大きな姿[影]を現す |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
/Summary/掲示板/勉強会HOME/おすすめ洋書/アメリカのベストセラー | |
Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/Harry Potter第四巻の勉強会 | |
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