勉強会 2004,1![]() The Hit Man 単語&イディオム |
P79/P80/P81/P82 | |
P79 | |
dress down | If you dress someone down, you speak angrily to them because they havec
done something bad or foolish. ((話))〈人を〉(…のことで)しかりつける(for);…をむち打つ. |
brand(v) | When you brand an animal, you put a permanet mark on its skin in order
to show who it belongs to, usually by a mark onto its skin. If someone is branded as something bad, people think they are that thing. 〈罪人・家畜・物などに〉焼き印を押す;商標をつける〈人に〉(汚名を)着せる毆ith;…に(…の)烙印を押す…を(記憶に)焼きつける,(心に)刻みつける(in, on) |
bell pepper(n) | A bell pepper is a hollow green, red, or yellow vegetable with seeds. アマトウガラシ,ピーマン,シシトウガラシ |
wiry(adj) | Someone who is wiry is rather thin but is also strong. 〈人・体が〉やせ型で強靭(きょうじん)な |
pin down | If you try to pin something down, you try to discover exaxtly what, where,
or when it is. 〈人を〉(行動・約束などに)縛りつける,束縛する …を(ある場所に)釘づけにする,身動きできなくさせる |
waste(v) | 〈人・敵を〉殺す,殲滅(せんめつ)する; |
hearse(n) | A hearse is a large car that carries the coffin at a funeral. 霊柩(れいきゅう)車,葬儀用自動車[馬車]. |
abominate(v) | …を忌み嫌う,憎む,憎悪する |
mortician(n) | A mortician is a person whose job is to deal with the bodies of people
who have died and to arrange funerals. 葬儀屋 |
filial(adj) | You can use filial to describe the duties, feelings, or relationships which exist between a son or daughter and his or her parents. 子(として)の,子にふさわしい (親に対して)子の関係の |
deep-seated(adj) | A deep-seated problem, feeling, or belief is difficult to change because
its causes have been there for a long time. 根強い,根深い,抜きがたい,確固たる,強固な |
patricide(n) | 父親殺し(行為,犯人両方に用いる) |
sideburns(n) | If a man has sideburns, he has a strip of hair growing down the side of
each cheek. ((主に米))(短い)ほおひげ:もみあげからほおに広がって生やした毛 |
twenty(n) | 20ドル[ポンド]紙幣 |
P80 | |
financier(n) | A financier is a person, company, or government that provides money for projects or businesses. 財政家,理財家;財務官;金融業者,融資家,資本家 |
scar(v) | If a surface is scarred, it is damaged and there are ugly marks on it. 傷跡になる |
brief(v) | 〈人に〉(…の)大要を伝える,手短に指図する,要領を授ける |
planetary(adj) | Planetary means relating to or belonging to planets. 惑星の,遊星の;惑星[遊星]のような さまよう,流浪する(wandering), 浮動す |
disturbance(n) | A disturbance is an incident in which people behave violently in public. 不安,心配,(心の)動揺 |
P81 | |
luncheonette(n) | A luncheonette is a small restaurant that serves light meals. 軽食堂,簡易食堂 |
wino(n) | Some people refer to alcoholics, especially homeless ones, as winos (安ワインでいつも酔っている)飲んだくれ(の浮浪者); アル中患者 |
solicit(v) | If you solicit money, help, support, or an opinion from someone, you ask
them for it. 〈人に〉(…を)嘆願[請願]する,せがむ,泣きつく |
playpen(n) | A playpen is a small structure which is designed for a bay or young child
to play safely in. It has bars or a net round the sides and is open at
the top. ベビーサークル:幼児を安全に遊ばせるための,通例,折りたたみ式の囲い |
mold(v) | If you mold a soft substance such as plastic or clay, you make it into
a particular shape or into an object. 〈服などを〉〈体などに〉密着させる |
derringer(n) | デリンジャー(式ピストル):銃身が短く口径が大きい初期の懐中用ピストル |
blank(n) | Blanks are gun cartridges which contain explosive but do not contain a
bullet, so that they cause no harm when the gun is fired. 空包(blank cartridge |
rudiments(n) | When you learn the rudiments of something, you learn the simplest or most
essential things about it. 基本,基礎,初歩 |
Tae Kwon Do | テコンドー,膜(たいけん)道:朝鮮の古武道;もとは護身術だったが,スポーツとして発展;日本の空手に似ている |
rake(v) | If you rake leaves or ashes, you move them somewhere using a rake or similar
tool. 熊手で集める[寄せる] |
amass(v) | If you amass something such as money or information, you gradually get
a lot of it. 寄せ集める,積み上げる,収集する |
P82 | |
biceps(n) | 二頭筋 (腕の)筋力,力こぶ |
rage(v) | You say that something poweful or unpleasnat rages when it continues with
great force or violence. 猛威を振るう |
picket fence | A picket fence is a fence made of pointed wooden sticks fixed into the
ground, with pieces of wood nailed across them. 杭(くい)垣:垂直に打ち込んだ柱と柱の間に横木を渡し,それにとがった杭を垂直に打ちつけた垣;paling, paling fence ともいう |
slink(v) | If you slink somewhere, you move there quietly because you do not want
to be seen. こそこそ歩く,こっそり動く |
portly(adj) | A portly person, especially a man, is rather fat. 年配の人が〉太った,でっぷりした,肥満した |
gild(v) | If you gild a surface, you cover it in a thin layer of gold or gold paint. …に金[金箔(きんぱく)]を張る,金めっきする;…を金色に塗る |
scythe(n) | A scythe is a tool with a long curved blade at right angles to a long handle.
It is used to cut long grass or grain. (長柄の)草刈り鎌(がま), 大鎌 |
ripple(v) | When the surface of an area of wather ripples or when something ripples
it, a number of little waves appear on it. 〈水面が〉(風などで)小さな波紋が生じる,さざ波が立つ |
gentian(n) | A gentian is a small plant with a blue or purple flower shaped like a bell
which grows in moutain regions. リンドウ |
attire(n) | You attire is the clothes you are wearing. (特に豪華な)衣装 |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
/Summary/掲示板/勉強会HOME/おすすめ洋書/アメリカのベストセラー | |
Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/Harry Potter第四巻の勉強会 | |
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