勉強会 2002,6![]() The King Of Jazz 単語 |
slide(n) | a part of a machine or musical instrument,
such as the U-shaped tube of a trombone スライド:トロンボーンなどの U 字型の滑奏管 |
note(n) | a particular musical sound or pitch 連続した音 |
epiphanic(adj) | |
epiphany(n) | a moment of sudden very strong emotions (特に神格者の)出現,顕現,自己啓示 |
glow(n) | a soft steady light, especially from something
that is burning without flames (感情の)高まり,興奮,熱情;(酒・麻薬の)ほどよい酔い;心地よい満足,幸福感,喜び |
caliber(n) | the level of quality or ability that someone
or something has achieved 能力(の程度), 力量,才幹 |
gig(n) | a performance by a musician or a group of
musicians playing modern popular music or
jazz (1)(ジャズ・ロックミュージシャンの,特に1回だけの)雇用契約,一晩契約. (2)(1)の演奏場所 |
stem(v) | to stop something from spreading or developing …を止める,食い止める,抑える |
presumptuous(adj) | showing disrespect as a result of being too
confident 僭越(せんえつ)な,出すぎた,おこがましい,差し出がましい |
contemplate(v) | to accept the possibility that something
is true 予想する,(将来のこととして)考える,予期する;夢想する |
emeritus(adj) | an emeritus professor (=university teacher)
is no longer working but still has an official
title (辞任後も,在職中と同じ礼遇を受ける)名誉待遇の,前職礼遇の |
sotto voce(adv) | in a very quiet voice, so that other people
cannot easily hear (当事者以外には聞こえない)低い静かな声で,小声で,ひそかに |
musk ox(n) | ジャコウウシ Ovibos moschatus:羊と牛の中間種;北米の寒帯およびグリーンランド産 |
warlus(n) | セイウチ |
fumarole(n) | (火山の)噴気孔 |
marsh(n) | an area of low flat land that is always wet
and soft 低湿地,沼地 |
aspen(n) | a kind of tree of western North America with
leaves that shake in the wind アスペン,ポプラ,ハコヤナギ,ヤマナラシ |
mule deer(n) | ミュールジカ |
meander(n) | if a river or stream meanders, it turns a
lot as it flows 〈川などが〉曲がりくねって進む[流れる],うねる,蛇行する |
coatimundis(n) | ハナグマ:アライグマ科ハナグマ属 Nasua の肉食獣の総称;熱帯アメリカ産 |
fall back | to move backwards because you are very surprised, frightened etc |
steal away | こっそり移動させる[運ぶ] |
be (at) the cutting edge of sth | to be the most advanced form of an activity, in which the newest methods, systems, equipment etc are developed and used |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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