第四回Net 勉強会 2002,6

 The King Of Jazz
slide(n) a part of a machine or musical instrument, such as the U-shaped tube of a trombone
スライド:トロンボーンなどの U 字型の滑奏管
note(n) a particular musical sound or pitch
epiphany(n) a moment of sudden very strong emotions
glow(n) a soft steady light, especially from something that is burning without flames
caliber(n) the level of quality or ability that someone or something has achieved
能力(の程度), 力量,才幹
gig(n) a performance by a musician or a group of musicians playing modern popular music or jazz
stem(v) to stop something from spreading or developing
presumptuous(adj) showing disrespect as a result of being too confident
contemplate(v) to accept the possibility that something is true
emeritus(adj) an emeritus professor (=university teacher) is no longer working but still has an official title
sotto voce(adv) in a very quiet voice, so that other people cannot easily hear
musk ox(n) ジャコウウシ Ovibos moschatus:羊と牛の中間種;北米の寒帯およびグリーンランド産
warlus(n) セイウチ
fumarole(n) (火山の)噴気孔
marsh(n) an area of low flat land that is always wet and soft
aspen(n) a kind of tree of western North America with leaves that shake in the wind
mule deer(n) ミュールジカ
meander(n) if a river or stream meanders, it turns a lot as it flows
coatimundis(n) ハナグマ:アライグマ科ハナグマ属 Nasua の肉食獣の総称;熱帯アメリカ産
fall back to move backwards because you are very surprised, frightened etc
steal away こっそり移動させる[運ぶ]
be (at) the cutting edge of sth to be the most advanced form of an activity, in which the newest methods, systems, equipment etc are developed and used
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDCD-ROM小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました
Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/