第一回Net 勉強会 2002,3

doorway(n) [C]the space where the door opens into a room or building
meanness(n) 【1】(身分の)卑しい[低い]こと;(性格の)下劣さ,卑劣さ,けち,さもしさ,野卑;(質の)低劣,粗悪,貧弱さ,つまらなさ【2】卑劣な行為;(子供同士などの)意地悪
manifesto (n) [C] a written statement by sn organized group, especially a political party, saying what they belive in and what they intended to do
(主権者・政府・団体などが出す)宣言(書), 声明(書)
zinnias(n) a flower looks like a marigold
マリゴールドに似た花   写真
amazed (adj) be amazed extremely surprised
anatomy(n) 1[U] the scientific study of the structure of human or animal bodies
【1】(1)解剖学,解剖論 (2)(1)に関する書物・論文
pitch(v) 6 music [T always + adv/prep] if you pitch your voice or aonther sound at a particular level, the sound is produced at that level
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDCD-ROM小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました
Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/