勉強会 2003,4![]() No One's A Mystery 単語&イディオム |
P47/P48/P49 | |
P47 | |
mystery(n) | If you talk about the mystery of someone
or something, you are talking about how difficult they are to understand
or know about, especially when they gives them a rather strange or magical
quality. 神秘に包まれた人[もの,こと];好奇心をかき立てる人[もの,こと] |
latch(n) | A latch is a fastening on a door or gate.
It consists of a metal bar which you
in order to open the door. (戸や門などにつける)掛け金,かんぬき;(ばね式の)錠(前), ラッチ |
dime(n) | A dime is an American coin worth te cents. (米・カナダ話)ダイム:米国・カナダの10セント白銅貨 |
inhale(v) | When you inhale, you breathe in. When you
inhle something such as smoke, you
take it
into your lungs when you breathe in. 〈空気・香り・ガスなどを〉吸い込む,吸入する |
musk(n) | Musk is a substance with a strong smell which
is used in making perfume. 麝香の(ような)香り |
crotch(n) | Your crotch is the part of your body between
the tops of your legs. (人体の)股(また);(指の)股 |
linen-white | |
linen(n) | Linen is a kind of cloth that is made from
a plant called flax. It is used for
clothes and things such as tablecloths
sheet. リンネル,リネン,亜麻布 |
seam(n) | A seam is a line of stiches which joins two
pieces of cloth together. (布・革などの)縫い目,とじ目,(ストッキングの)シーム |
glint(v) | If something glints, it produces or reflects
a quick flash of light. ちらちら光る,きらりと光る |
steady(v) | If you steady something or if it steadies,
it stops shaking or moving about. 固定[安定]させる |
elk(n) | An elk is a type of large deer. Elks have
big, flat horns called antlers and
are found
in Northern Europe, Asia, and North
Some British speakers use elk to refer
the European and Asian varieties of
the annimal,
and moose to refer to the North American
araety. ヘラジカ |
fray(v) | If something such as cloth or rope frays,
or if something frays it, its threads
fibres start to come apart from each
and spoil its appearance. 〈衣類や縄などを〉擦り切らす,ほぐす |
scuff(v) | If you scuff something or if it scuffs, you
mark the surface by scraping it against
things or by scrapng other things against
it. 〈靴・床などが〉すり減る,すり切れる |
wedge(n) | A wedge is and object with one pointed edge
and one thick edge, which you put under
door to keep it firmly in position. ウェッジヒール |
manure(n) | Manure is animal faeces, sometimes mixed
with chemicals, that is spread on the ground
in order to make plants grow healthy and
strong. 有機質肥料:堆肥(たいひ), 積肥(つみごえ), 厩肥(きゅうひ), 鶏糞など |
P48 | |
into(prep) | If you are very intersted in something and
like it very much, you can say that
you are
inot it. (とても)熱中[没頭]して,夢中になって |
pop(n) | You can refer to fizzy drinks such as lemonade as pop. |
pop top | リング引き上げ式の缶,(特に缶から取り外された)リングのつまみ |
crane(v) | If you crane your neck or head, you stretch
your neck in a particular direction
in order
to see or hear something better. 〈首を〉(物をよく見ようと)ツルのように伸ばす |
print(v) | 〈物に〉(印・模様などを)つける |
dazzle(v) | If a bright light dazzles you, it makes you
unable to see properly for short time. ぴかぴかと輝く,照り映える |
wheat(n) | Wheat is a cereal crop grown for food, Wheat
is also used to refer to the grain
of this
crop, which is usually ground into
and used to make bread. コムギ(小麦) |
fawn(adj) | Fawn is a pale yellowish-brown colour. 淡黄褐色 |
Cheyenne | シャイアン:米国 Wyoming 州南東部の都市で州都 |
filthy(adj) | If you describe something as filthy, you
mean that you think it is morally very
and disgusting, sometimes in a sexual
way. 不潔な |
P49 | |
trout(n) | A trout is a fairly large fish that lives
in rivers and streams. マス:サケ科ニジマス属 Salmo の淡水産の食用魚数種の総称 |
Navarra | スペインの土地の名前 |
trout a la Navarra | マスを赤ワイン、オリーブオイル、たまねぎ、ミント、ローズマリーなどにつけてオーブンで焼いた料理 |
kaka(n) | =caca (幼児語)うんち |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/Harry Potter第四巻の勉強会 | |
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