勉強会 2002,12![]() Pygmalion 単語&イディオム |
P33/P34/P35 | |
P33 | |
Pygmalion(n) | (ギリシア神話)ピュグマリオン:彫刻が巧みな Cyprus の王;自作の象牙(ぞうげ)の乙女像に恋をしたが,彼の祈りにこたえて女神の Aphrodite がこれに生命を与えた |
mimicry(n) | まねること,物まね,人まね |
vivify(v) | …に生命[生気,活気]を与える,元気[活気]づける |
contortion(n) | the act of twisting something so that it
does not have its normal shape, and looks
strane or unattractive, or the fact being
twisted in this way 曲げる[ねじる,ゆがめる]ことねじ曲げられた状態;ねじれ,よじれ,捻転(ねんてん), ゆがみ,ひきつり;ゆがんだ[よじれた]姿勢 |
dazzling(adj) | if a light that is dazzling makes you unable
to see properly for short time 2 very impressive
and attractive 目もくらむ[まばゆい]ばかりの,眩惑(げんわく)的な,めくるめく |
reawy | really が訛っている |
conserwation | conservationが訛っている |
liveliness(n) | はつらつさ |
recapitulation(n) | (音楽)再現部 |
prompt(v) | to help a speaker who pauses, by sugesting
how to continue 〈人を〉(…に)刺激する,促す,駆り立てる〈言葉に詰まった人・学習者を〉(次の言葉を教えたりして)手助けする,暗示[ヒント]を与える |
stuffy(adj) | someone who is stuffy is too formal and has
old-fashioned ideas 氓ッなして〈人・言動などが〉堅苦しい,もったいぶった,尊大な,ひとりよがりの,独善的な古臭い,偏狭な;保守的な |
touching(adj) | making you feel pity, sympathy, sadness etc 〈事・物が〉人の心を動かす,感動的な,哀れな,いじらしい,ほろりとさせる |
impediment(n) | a physical or nervous problem that makes
it difficult for someone to speak or move
normally 2 a situation or event that makes
it difficult or impossible for someone or
something to suceed or make proress (…の)妨害,障害,支障,邪魔;妨害物,邪魔物 |
blurt(v) | to say somethin suddenly and without thinking,
usually because you are nervous or excited 出し抜けに言いだす;うっかりしゃべる,口を滑らせる(out) |
pompous(adj) | trying to make people think you are important,
especially by using very formal and important-sounding
words 〈人・態度が〉尊大な,もったいぶった,仰々しい |
nitwit(n) | a silly person (話)ばか者,あほう,うすのろ |
frostily(adj) | 暖かみのない,冷ややかな,不親切な |
snug(adj) | clothes that are snug fit closely 〈衣類が〉ぴったり合う,きちんと合う |
wriggle(v) | to twist from side to side with small quick
movements のたくる,うごめく;身もだえする,のたうつ;そわそわ[もじもじ]する |
defiantly(adv) | |
defiant(adj) | refusing clearly to do what someone tells
you to do 挑戦[反抗]的な,けんか腰の;不敵な,大胆な;ふてぶてしい,傲慢(ごうまん)な |
tax shelter(n) | a plan or method that allows you to legally
avoid paying tax タックスシェルター,税金回避手段,税金逃れの抜け道[隠れ蓑(みの)] |
P34 | |
scoff(v) | to laugh at a person or idea, and talk about
them in a way that shows you think they are
stupid (…を)あざ笑う,(…と言って)あざける,ひやかす |
feebly(adv) | |
feeble(adj) | extremely weak 力の弱い |
numb(v) | to make someone unable to feel pain or other
sensations (通例受身)…を(…で)感覚を失わせる,麻痺させる,しびれさせる |
frontaly(adv) | |
frontal(adj) | towards the front of something 正面の,前面の |
boom(v) | to make a loud deep sound ; to say something
in a loud deep voice 太い声で言う[声高に繰り返す] |
aside(n) | 1 word spoken by an actor to the people watching
a play, that the other characters in the
play do not hear 2 a remark made in a low
voice that you only intend certain people
to hear (周囲の特定の人に聞こえないように)小声で言った言葉,独り言;つぶやき (話の)脱線,余談,挿話 |
turn sb on | to make someone feel sexually excited (俗)(…に)夢中になる,引きつけられるt〈人に〉食ってかかる,襲いかかる to, onto・;(性的に)興奮する |
hearty(adj) | cheerfully friendly 心の温かい,愛情の深い 元気いっぱいの;遠慮のない |
glassy(adj) | smooth and shining, like glass (透明さや滑らかさなどが)ガラス[鏡]のような 〈目が〉生気のない,どんより[ぼんやり]した;〈表情が〉無表情な,さえない;冷淡な |
slack(adj) | not taking enough care or making enough effort
to do things right (…が)不注意な,いいかげんな,怠慢な,だらけた,(…するのが)のろい,遅い,のろのろした;ぐずぐずした,ものぐさの,無精な |
benignity(n) | 仁愛,温情,親切;(気候などの)温暖,温和 親切な行為,恩恵,恵み |
pettie(adj) | a woman who is petite is short and attractively
thin 小柄な,小さい |
rounded(adj) | having a round shape; curved 均斉のとれた,形のよい |
child-support(n) | money that someone pays regularly to their
former wife or husband to support their children 子の扶養(料) |
entranced(adj) | very interested in and pleased with something so that you pay a lot of attention to it |
entrance(v) | 〈人を〉(喜び・驚嘆などで)有頂天[夢中]にさせる,狂喜させる;(…に)うっとりさせる |
conceive(v) | 1 to think of a new idea, plan etc and develop
it in your mind 2to imagine a particular
situation 〈考え・意見・恨み・目的などを〉心に抱く;〈計画などを〉考え出す,思いつく |
womanliness(n) | |
womanly(adj) | behaving, dressing etc in a way that is thought
to be typical of or suitable for a woman 女のような,女性らしい,女性にふさわしい |
plastic(adj) | something that is plastic looks or tastes
artificial or unnatural 〈精神・性格などが〉柔軟な,順応性のある;感じやすい,感受性の強い 作りものの;見せかけの;にせの;非人間的な;〈人が〉うわべだけの,誠実さのない,浅薄な,血が通っていない |
alert(adj) | 1 always watching and ready to notice anything
strange or unusual 2 able to think quickly
and clearly (…に)油断なく気を配っている,用心深い殳o・;抜け目のない,鋭い 機敏な,(…が)敏捷(びんしょう)な |
sensitivity(n) | 敏感さ,感じやすさ;感受性,感性;神経過敏;思いやり |
susceptible(adj) | tending to experience strong feelings easily
and be easily influenced by other people;
impressionable (…を)受け入れることができる,(…の)余地がある,(…の)影響[気分,作用など]を受けやすい,(…に)動かされやすい,感染しやすい |
responsiveness(n) | 敏感さ,反応性 |
so-and-so(n) | an expression meaning a particular person
or thing, used when you do not give their
name (話)名前を忘れたり,明示できない人や物などを指して誰それ,なにがし,なになに |
we-hell | ?おそらく、we'llが訛ってるのだろうと思われます |
fluting(n) | フルートのような音 |
uncanny(adj) | very strange and difficult to explain 超人的な,超自然的な;異常な,尋常でない 不可解な,神秘的な,怪しげな,ぞっとさせる,気味の悪い |
horsiness(n) | |
horsy(adj) | a face etc that is like a horse's 馬の(ような)(見た目に)鈍重で不格好な,ばかでかい |
assumed(adj) | 当然と考えられる |
assum(v) | to think that something is true, although
you have no proof of it (証拠や客観性を考えず)当然のこと[真実]と決めてかかる;推定する,憶測する,憶断する;…と考える |
smart(v) | if a part of your body smarts, it hurts with
a stinging pain 〈体の部分が〉(…で)ずきずき[ひりひり]痛む,刺すように痛む |
P35 | |
pliable(adj) | easy to bend without breaking or cracking 曲げやすい,柔軟な,しなやかな |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/Harry Potter第四巻の勉強会 | |
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