勉強会 2004,2![]() A Questionnaire For Rudolph Gordon 単語&イディオム |
P83/P84/P85/P86/P87 | |
P83 | |
questionnaire(n) |
a written set of questions which you give to a large number of people
in order to collect information |
catch up with | to come from behind and reach someone in front of
you by going faster 〈人・物を〉(さっと)つかみ上げる,持ち[拾い]上げる |
resources(n) | all the money, property, skills etc that you have
available to use yoiu need them 資産,財産 |
P84 | |
haze(n) |
smoke, dust, or mist in the air which is difficult to see through |
P85 | |
drift(v) | to move slowly on water or in the air 〈人・いかだ・木の葉などが〉(…のまにまに)漂う,漂流する,運ばれる |
cloud over | If someone's face or eyes cloud over, they start to
look angry or sad 〈空・窓・目などが〉(…で)曇る |
run down | to drive into a person or animal and kill or injure them |
P86 | |
mutilate(v) | to severely and violently damage someone's body, especially
by cutting or removing part of it. 〈人・動物などの〉手足などを切断する |
nudge(v) | to move forward slowly by pushing gently …を少しずつ押す[動かす] |
breeak loose | to escape 〈人・動物が〉(…から)逃げる,脱走する;束縛を脱する |
spasm(n) | an occasion when your muscles suddenly become tight,
causing you pain 痙攣(けいれん), 痙縮,ひきつけ |
composition(n) | tthe way in which the different parts that make up
a photograph or picture are arranged 楽曲,作品;一編の作文[文章,詩];絵画,写真,彫刻 {美術}構図 |
authenticity(n) | the qualityb of being real or true 確実性,信憑(しんぴょう)性,信頼のおけること,典拠の正しいこと;真正であること |
P87 | |
somebody cant't abide somebody/something | used to say that someone dislikes something or someone
very much [ }否定文・疑問文で]…に耐える,我慢する,辛抱する |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/Harry Potter第四巻の勉強会 | |
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