第22回Net 勉強会 2003,12

Say Yes
pitch in If you pitch in, you join in and help with an activity.
considerate(adj)  Someone who is considerate pays attention to the needs, wishes, or feelings of other people.
get on  〈次の話題・行動・仕事などに〉移る,進む,取りかかる,(話し)始める
fleck(n) Flecks are small marks on a surface, or objects that look like small marks.
tin(n)  Tin is a soft silvery-white metal.
resort(v)  If you resort to a course of action that you do not really approve of, you adopt it because you cannnot see any other way of achieving what you want.
crass(adj)  Crass behaviour is stupid and does not show consideration for other people.
plunge(v)  If you plunge an object into something, you push it quickly or violently into it.
rummage(v)  If you rummage through something, you search for something you want by moving things around in a careless or hurried way.
dab(v)  If you dab something, you touch it several times using quick, light movements, If you dab a substance onto a surface, you put it there using quick, light movements.
unattached(adj)  Someone who is unattached is not married or does not have a girlfriend or boyfriend.
corner(v)  If you corner someone, you force them to speak to you when they have been trying to avoid you.
thorough(adj) A thorough action or activity is one that is done very carefully and in a detailed way so that nothing is forgotten.
scour(v)  If you scour something such as a sink, floor, or pan, you clean its surface by rubbing it hard with something rough.
tingle(v)  When a part of your body tingles, you have a slight stinging feeling there.
mutt(n)  A mutt is the same as a mongrel.
growl(v) When a dog or other animal growls, it makes a low noise in its throat, usually because it is angry.
mince(v)  If you say that someone, especially a homosexual man, minces somewhere, you mean that they walk there with quick small steps.
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDCD-ROM小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました
Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/Harry Potter第四巻の勉強会