勉強会 2003,12![]() Say Yes 単語&イディオム |
P74/P75/P76/P77/P78 | |
P74 | |
pitch in | If you pitch in, you join in and help with an activity. 〈金を〉出し合う,出して協力する |
considerate(adj) | Someone who is considerate pays attention to the needs, wishes, or feelings
of other people. 〈人が〉思いやりのある,優しい,親切な;理解のある,察しのよい |
get on | 〈次の話題・行動・仕事などに〉移る,進む,取りかかる,(話し)始める |
P75 | |
fleck(n) | Flecks are small marks on a surface, or objects that look like small marks. 細片,薄片,少量 |
tin(n) | Tin is a soft silvery-white metal. |
resort(v) | If you resort to a course of action that you do not really approve of,
you adopt it because you cannnot see any other way of achieving what you
want. (しばしば最後の選択・手段として)頼る,用いる,助けを求める,力を借りる,訴える |
crass(adj) | Crass behaviour is stupid and does not show consideration for other people. 洗練されていない,粗野な;鈍い,愚鈍な,鈍感な;甚だしい,ひどい |
plunge(v) | If you plunge an object into something, you push it quickly or violently
into it. 〈物を〉(…に)浸す,沈める;〈物を〉(…に)突っ込む,押し込む |
rummage(v) | If you rummage through something, you search for something you want by
moving things around in a careless or hurried way. 場所・入れ物などを〉(…を求めて)くまなく捜す,かき回して捜す |
dab(v) | If you dab something, you touch it several times using quick, light movements, If you dab a substance onto a surface, you put it there using quick, light movements. …を(柔らかい物・湿った物などで)軽くたたく毆ith;…を(…に)そっと押し当てる |
P76 | |
unattached(adj) | Someone who is unattached is not married or does not have a girlfriend or boyfriend. 誰とも付き合っていない;婚約していない;結婚していない |
corner(v) | If you corner someone, you force them to speak to you when they have been
trying to avoid you. 〈人・動物を〉窮地に追い込む,追い詰める,やり込める(会見を得るなどのために)〈人に〉詰め寄る,…をつかまえる |
P77 | |
thoroughly(adv) | |
thorough(adj) | A thorough action or activity is one that is done very carefully and in
a detailed way so that nothing is forgotten. 〈行為などが〉徹底的な,十分に遂行された,完璧(かんぺき)な細かい点まで行き届いた,きちょうめんな;綿密な,周到の |
scour(v) | If you scour something such as a sink, floor, or pan, you clean its surface
by rubbing it hard with something rough. 〈ほこり・油などを〉(…から)こすり取る,磨き取る,洗い落とす |
tingle(v) | When a part of your body tingles, you have a slight stinging feeling there. 〈人・体・傷などが〉(寒さ・強打などで)うずく,ひりひり[きりきり,ちくちく]する[痛む] |
mutt(n) | A mutt is the same as a mongrel. (軽蔑的)犬っころ,(特に)雑種犬 |
growl(v) | When a dog or other animal growls, it makes a low noise in its throat,
usually because it is angry. 〈動物が〉(怒り・敵意などで)(…に向かって)うなる |
mince(v) | If you say that someone, especially a homosexual man, minces somewhere,
you mean that they walk there with quick small steps. 気取って小またに歩く |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/Harry Potter第四巻の勉強会 | |
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