第九回Net 勉強会 2002,11

 Five Ives
snarl(v) to speak or say something in a nasty way
waddle(n) to walk with short steps, swinging from one side to another like a duck
honeysuckle(n) a climbing plant with pleasant-smelling yellow or pink flowers
スイカズラ:スイカズラ属 Lonicera の蔓(つる)性低木の総称;白,黄,赤などの花が美しい
middle(n) the middle,one's middle(人体の)胴中,(特に)腰
becoming(adj) 1clothes that are becoming make you look attractive 2 words or actions that are becoming are suitable for you or for the situation you are in
full(adj) a full face, figure, etc is rounded or large in an attractive way
ever(adv) a word meaning at any time; used mostly in questions, negatives, comparisons, or sentences with if: Nothing ever makes Ted angry.
Tulane Tulane University Tulane Stadium などがあるin New Orleans
dwarf(v) to be so big that other things are made to seem very small
drift(v) to move or go somewhere without any plan or purpose
chirp(v) 1 if a bird or insect chirps, it makes short high sound
sensible(adj) sensible clothes/shoes; clothes or shoes that are practical, comfortable, and strong rather than attractive or fashionable
way(adv) very far : way ahead/ behind/ back
ずっと,すごく,とても; a friend from way back ずっと昔からの友
quadrangle(n) a square open area with buildings all around it
bough(n) a main branch on a tree
(木の)枝,(特に)大枝(main branch)
boy(interjection) used when you are excited or pleased about something
make(v) make it with; to have sex with someone
drive(v) to hit something, such as a nail, into something else
〈釘(くぎ)・くいなどを〉(…に)打ち込む;〈教訓・知識などを〉(頭に)たたき込む(into);〈疑い・迷いなどを〉(頭・心から)追い払う(from, out of);〈考え・議論などを〉強く進める,主張する;…を(…に)ぶつける,〈銃などを〉(…をねらって)打つ(at)
sink(v) to move downwards to a lower level
〈人が〉(…に)(ぐったりと,深々と)座る,腰かける(sit); もたれる,寄りかかる;(…に)横たわる,身を投げかけるdown, back/in, into, on, onto, onto)
swamp(adj) 沼地の;沼地に生息[繁殖]する
croon(v) to sing or speak in a soft gentle voice, especially about love
stunk(v) a past tense and the past participle of stink
stink(v) to have a strong and very unpleasant smell
excuse(n) a reason that you give to explain careless or offensive behavior 2 a false reason that you give to explain why you are doing something or not doing something
putrefy(v) if a dead animal or plant putrefies, it decays and smells very bad
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDCD-ROM小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いましたた
Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/Harry Potter第四巻の勉強会