勉強会 2002,11![]() Five Ives 単語&イディオム |
P29/P30/P31 | |
P29 | |
snarl(v) | to speak or say something in a nasty way 〈人が〉(…に)がみがみ言う,怒鳴る |
waddle(n) | to walk with short steps, swinging from one
side to another like a duck 〈アヒル・太った人などが〉よたよた[よちよち]歩く |
honeysuckle(n) | a climbing plant with pleasant-smelling yellow
or pink flowers スイカズラ:スイカズラ属 Lonicera の蔓(つる)性低木の総称;白,黄,赤などの花が美しい |
middle(n) | the middle,one's middle(人体の)胴中,(特に)腰 |
becoming(adj) | 1clothes that are becoming make you look
attractive 2 words or actions that are becoming
are suitable for you or for the situation
you are in 〈服装・髪形などが〉(…に)似合う,魅力的な |
full(adj) | a full face, figure, etc is rounded or large
in an attractive way 〈形などが〉豊満な,盛り上がった,丸々とした,ふっくらと肉付きのよい |
ever(adv) | a word meaning at any time; used mostly in
questions, negatives, comparisons, or sentences
with if: Nothing ever makes Ted angry. (強意)いったい;そもそも,ともかく;およそ,全く[決して](…ない) |
Tulane | Tulane University Tulane Stadium などがあるin New Orleans |
dwarf(v) | to be so big that other things are made to
seem very small (対照的に)小さく見せる,卑小に見せる |
drift(v) | to move or go somewhere without any plan
or purpose 知らぬ間に移る |
P30 | |
chirp(v) | 1 if a bird or insect chirps, it makes short
high sound 〈鳥・虫が〉チュンチュンと鳴く,チーチー[チュッチュッ]とさえずる |
sensible(adj) | sensible clothes/shoes; clothes or shoes that are practical, comfortable, and strong rather than attractive or fashionable |
way(adv) | very far : way ahead/ behind/ back ずっと,すごく,とても; a friend from way back ずっと昔からの友 |
quadrangle(n) | a square open area with buildings all around
it 方庭,中庭:大学などの,四方を建物に囲まれた方形の内庭 |
bough(n) | a main branch on a tree (木の)枝,(特に)大枝(main branch) |
P31 | |
boy(interjection) | used when you are excited or pleased about
something うわー,わー,いいぞ,しめしめ,おっ,おや,ありゃ,あれ,まあ,ほんとうに,ちぇっ,なあんだ,やれやれ,あーあ |
make(v) | make it with; to have sex with someone …とセックスする,やる; |
drive(v) | to hit something, such as a nail, into something
else 〈釘(くぎ)・くいなどを〉(…に)打ち込む;〈教訓・知識などを〉(頭に)たたき込む(into);〈疑い・迷いなどを〉(頭・心から)追い払う(from, out of);〈考え・議論などを〉強く進める,主張する;…を(…に)ぶつける,〈銃などを〉(…をねらって)打つ(at) |
sink(v) | to move downwards to a lower level 〈人が〉(…に)(ぐったりと,深々と)座る,腰かける(sit); もたれる,寄りかかる;(…に)横たわる,身を投げかけるdown, back/in, into, on, onto, onto) |
swamp(adj) | 沼地の;沼地に生息[繁殖]する |
croon(v) | to sing or speak in a soft gentle voice,
especially about love 〈人が〉優しくなだめるように歌う;そっと口ずさむ |
stunk(v) | a past tense and the past participle of stink |
stink(v) | to have a strong and very unpleasant smell 悪臭を放つ,(…の)においがする(of) |
excuse(n) | a reason that you give to explain careless
or offensive behavior 2 a false reason that
you give to explain why you are doing something
or not doing something (不都合な行為などに対する)弁解,言い訳,釈明 |
putrefy(v) | if a dead animal or plant putrefies, it decays
and smells very bad 腐敗する;化膿する |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いましたた | |
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