第十三回Net 勉強会 2003,3 The Cliff 単語&イディオム |
P43/P44/P45/P46 | |
P43 | |
rutted(adj) | わだちのついた |
dip(v) | If something dips, it makes a downward movement,
usually quite quickly. 土地・道路などが〉(…に向かって)傾く,下り坂になる |
Duchess(n) | A duchess is a woman who has the same rank
as a duke, or who is a duke's wife
or widow 公爵(duke)夫人,恰幅(かっぷく)のいい女[母,妻];呼び売り商人のおかみさん |
Jell-O(n) | 《商標》ジェロー:米国 General Food 社のフルーツゼリーの素;粉末 |
brittle(adj) | An object or subsutance that is brittle is
hard but easily broken. もろい,壊れ[砕け]やすい,冷たい,冷淡な,情味のない |
sway(v) | When people or things sway, they lean or
swing slowly from one side to the other. 〈物・人が〉前後[左右]に動く,動揺する,揺らぐ,揺れる |
P44 | |
visor(n) | 1A visor is a movable part of a helmet which
can be pulled down to protect a person's
eyes or face,2 A visor is a piece of plastic or other material
fixed above the windscreen inside a
which can be turned down to protect
the driver's
eyes from bright sunshine. (帽子の)まびさし,(自動車の)サンバイザ, |
squint(v) | If you squint at something, you look at it
with your eyes partly closed. (…を)目を細めて見る,細目で見る |
recite(v) | If you recie something such as a list, you
say it aloud. 列挙する |
righteousness(n) | 廉直,高潔 |
at times | You use at times to say that something happens
or is true on some occasions or at
some moments. ときどき,折々 |
swig(n) | (特に酒の)一飲み |
something for my nerve | おれの神経にはいいんだ(だと思うんですが、違うかも?わかった方ご連絡ください) |
P45 | |
hold out | 広げる,差し出す |
swoop(v) | When a bird or aeroplane swoops, it suddenly
moves downwards through the air in
a smooth
curving movement. 一気に[さっと]降りる,急降下する |
veer(v) | If something veers in a certain direction,
it suddenly moves in that direction. 方向[向き,進路]を変える |
dive(v) {過去形dove} | |
dazzle(v) | If someoen or something dazzles you, you
are extremely impressed by their skill,
or beauty. 〈強烈な光が〉…の目をくらませる |
P46 | |
stagnat(adj) | Stagnant water is not flowing, and therefore
often smells unpleasant and is dirty. 水・空気などが〉流れない,よどんだ |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/Harry Potter第四巻の勉強会 | |
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