勉強会 2003,5![]() The Merry Chase 単語&イディオム |
P50/P51/P52/P53/P54 | |
P50 | |
hot(adj) | If you are hot, you feel as if your body
is at an unpleasantly high temperature. (1)〈気分・感情・言葉が〉高ぶった,激しい;〈人が〉興奮した;怒った |
jig(n) | A jig is a lively dance. ジグ:動きが速く活発で,不規則な,通例,3拍子のダンス;16世紀ごろ英国で流行 (米俗)ダンスパーティー |
cater(v) | to cater to a group of people or a person
means to provide all the things that
need or want. ,(…の)要求を満たす;(好ましくないことに)迎合する |
wait on sb hand and foot | 何から何まで〜の世話を焼く |
take a bite out of | If somnething takes a bite out of a sum of
money, part of the money is spent or
away in order to pay for it. 一口食べる |
make a monkey out of | …を笑いものにする,からかう |
whereof | (疑問副詞)何の,何について,誰の(of what or whom) |
sing a different tune | 見解[意見,態度]を変える |
in the interim | In the interim means until a particulr thing
happens or until a particular thing
happened. その間に,そのうちに |
unvarnished(adj) | 飾りのない,ありのままの;あいまいさ[ごまかし]のない;率直な;たくまざる;素朴な,純真な |
horse's mouth | If you hear somehting from the horses's mouth,
you hear it from someone who knows that it
is definitely true. (話)(また聞きでなく)直接に;信ずべき筋から |
P51 | |
talk one's arm off | (俗)おしゃべりしすぎてしまう;しゃべりすぎて人をうんざり[あきあき]させる;のべつ幕なしに話す |
candor(n) | Candor is the quality of speaking honesty
and openly about things. (言葉・表現の)率直,正直,誠実 |
gall(n) | If you say that someone has the gall to do
something, you are criticizing them
for behaving
in a rude or disrespectaful way. 厚かましさ,ずうずうしさ,鉄面皮 |
lord it all over all of us | 我々みんなに大きな顔をする |
unto(prep) | Unto was used to indicate that something
was done or given to someone. (古)=to |
long shot | If you describe something as a long shot, you mean that it is unlikely to suceed, but is worth trying. |
by a long shot | (否定文)決して,絶対に |
share and share alike | 山分け[均等負担,共有,共用](方式)で,等分に |
cross-eyed(adj) | Someone who is cross-eyed has eyes that seem
to look towards each other. 斜視の,寄り目の |
look at a person cross-eyed | 〈人に〉ちょっと変なまねをする;〈人の〉感情を少し害する |
don't hand me that crap | そんなくだらないことを言うな |
talk sense | You can use talk to say what you think of the ideas that someone is expressing. For example, if you say that someone is talking sense, you mean that you think the opinions they are expressing are sensible. |
take stock | If you take stock, you pause to think about
all the aspect of a situation or event
deciding what to so next. (比喩的)現況を点検する,実績を評価する |
P52 | |
stand on ceremony | 儀式張る,形式張る,四角張る,堅苦しくて打ち解けない,体面を重んじる |
birdie(n) | (話)小鳥 |
a little bird | (話)(うわさの出所について)誰かさん,ある筋 |
well off | (1)裕福な[で];恵まれて,運がよくて(2)(物・金などが)豊かで,不自由のない |
by the same token | You use by the same token to introduce a
statement that you think is true for
same reasons that were given for a
statement. (1)同様に;その上,さらに;それで思い出したが(2)(文語)その証拠には |
P53 | |
downplay(v) | If you downplay a fact or feature, you try
to make people think that it is less
or serious than it really is. 〈物事を〉軽視する,軽んじる |
handle....with kid gloves | …を慎重に[ていねいに]扱う |
revolve(v) | If you say that one thing revolve around
another thing, you mean that the second
is the main feature or focus of the
thing. (…の周りを)ぐるぐる回る |
at sb's beck and call | If one person is another's beck and call,
they have to be constantly available
ready to do whatever is asked, and
this often
seems unfair or undesirable. 〈人の〉指図のままに,言いなりに |
be going to the dogs | If you say that something is going to the
dogs, you mean that it is becoming
and worse in quality. (話)道徳的[身体的]に駄目になる,堕落する;破滅する,うらぶれる |
betwixt and between | (話)どっちつかずで,中途半端で;中間で;決心がつかないで,迷って |
be on to... | 〈物事の真相やたくらみなどに〉気づいている,…をよく知っている,〈人の気持ちなどを〉よく承知している: |
lead a person a merry chase | 〈人を〉てこずらせる;〈人を〉あちらこちら引き回す |
rise above | If you rise above a difficulty or problem, you manage not to let it affect you. |
without rhyme or reason | If something happens or is done without rhyme
or reason, there seems to be no logical
for it to happen or be done. 全く筋が通らない,訳の分からない |
blemish(n) | A blemish is a small mark on something that
spoils its appearance. (見た目に映った)欠点,きず(にきび,傷跡など); 汚損 |
doesn't bat an eyelid | When something surpriseing or shocking happens, if someone doesn't bat an eyelid they remain calm and do not show any reaction. |
never[ or not] bat an eyelid | (話)〈人が〉少しも動じない,平然としている,まゆ一つ動かさない |
not have a leg to stand on | If you say that someone does not have a leg
to stand on, or hasn't got a leg to
on, you mean that a statement or claim
have made cannot be justified or proved. (議論の)正当な根拠がない |
P54 | |
Pardon my French | Some people say things like 'Pardon my French'
just before or after saying something which
they think might offend people. (俗)失敬,失礼 |
put up or shut up | (話)そこまで言うなら賭(か)けてみろ(黙っていろ);(一般に)言葉より行動で示せ |
laugh in a person's face | (話)〈人を〉面と向かって嘲笑する,一笑に付す |
dickens(n) | ((驚き・婉曲的な悪口を表して))=devil, deuce |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/Harry Potter第四巻の勉強会 | |
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