勉強会 2003,2![]() The Moving 単語&イディオム |
P39/P40/P41/P42 | |
P39 | |
load(v) | If you load a vehicle or a conatiner, you put a large quantity of things into it |
loaded(adj) | 〈船・車などが〉荷を積んだ |
nail(v) | If you nail something somewhere, you fix
it there using one or more nails 〈物を〉(…に)釘で打ちつける[留める],釘付けにする |
restless(adj) | If you are restkess, you are bored, impatient,
or dissatisfied, and you want to do something
else 〈人が〉落ち着きのない;じっとしていられない,(退屈で)満足できない〈人・心・気持ちなどが〉不安な,落ち着かない,いらいらした |
harness(v) | If a horse or other animal is harnessed,
a harness is put on it, especially so that
it can pull a carriage, cart, or plough 〈馬・ロバ・犬などに〉引き具[馬具]をつける,(乗り物などに)引き具でつなぐ |
mare(n) | A mare is an adult female horse. 成熟したロバ・ラバなどの雌,(特に)雌馬,母馬 |
Hardstay | ハードステイ(地名 住みづらいってことのしゃれか?) |
mine(n) | A mine is a place where deep holes and tunnels
are dug under the ground in order to obtain
a mineral such as coal, diamonds, or gold. (鉱石・石炭などを掘り出す)採掘坑,鉱坑,採鉱所,鉱業場,鉱山 |
hang over | (…に)覆いかぶさる,のしかかる |
dogtick(n) | イヌダニ:アメリカイヌダニのような各種のダニの総称 |
stalk(n) | The stalk of a flower, leaf, or fruit is
the thin part that joins it to the plant
or tree. 〈植物の〉茎,主軸 |
leafhand(n) | ? |
fist(n) | Your hand is referred to as your fist when
you have bent your fingers in towards the
palm in order to hit someone, to make an
angry gesture, or to hold something 握りこぶし,げんこつ |
hunger(v) | If you say that someone hungers for something
or hungers after it, you are emphasizing
that they want it very mudh. (…を)切望[熱望,渇望]する(for, after) |
nod(n) | If you give someone the nod, you give them
permission to do something. (通例 a nod)(同意・あいさつ・命令などを表す)うなずき;うなずきで示す合図;会釈,黙礼;the nod(俗)承認(のしるし) |
witty(n) | |
witty(adj) | Someone or something that is witty is amusing
in a clever way. 〈人が〉機知[ウイット]のある,才気煥発(かんぱつ)の,しゃれのうまい |
value(v) | If you value something or someone, you think
that they are important and you appreciate
them. 〈人が〉〈物を〉(金銭的に)評価する,値踏みする;(…の値段であると)見積もる …を高く評価する,尊重する,重んじる;…を好む,よく思う;(…であると/…の点で/…より高く)評価する |
tag(n) | A tag is a small piece of card or cloth which
is attached to and object or person and has
information about that object or person on
it. 下げ札,付箋(ふせん), 付け札,番号札,荷札,正札,名札;価格,値段,勘定(書), 請求書;(場所などを示す)目印,標識 |
chap(n) | A Chap is a man or boy. (主に英)(親しみを込めて)男,やつ、裂け目,割れ目,亀裂;(特に皮膚の)ひび,あかぎれ,荒れ |
bug-eyed(adj) | 出目の,目玉の飛び出 |
pick at | (人・物の)あら捜しをする,(人に)(…の)小言を言う |
jerk(v) | If you jerk something or someone in a particular
direction, or they jerk in a particular direction,
they move short distance very suddnely and
quickly. …を急に引っぱる[ねじる,動かす,突く,投げる |
brogans(n) | (通例) brogansブロガン:重くて丈夫な靴,(特に)くるぶしまである作業靴 |
butterweed(n) | 鮮やかな黄色の花や葉をつける野生植物の総称,ヒメムカシヨモギ |
clockweight(n) | ? |
gourd(n) | A gourd is a large round fruit with a hard
skin. You can also use the word gourd to
refer to the plant on which this fruit grows. ウリ科植物の外皮の堅い果実の総称;(特に)ヒョウタンの実, |
martin(n) | A martin is a kind of small bird with a forked
tail. 数種のツバメの総称;イワツバメ(house martin), ショウドウツバメ(sand martin), ムラサキツバメ(purple martin)など;深く切れ込んだ尾と長いとがった翼を持つ |
frog(n) | (腕の)力こぶ |
tower(v) | Someone or something that towers over surrounding
people or things is a lot taller than they
are. (…の上に)高くそびえる |
plumb(n) | (垂直を確かめるための)錘重 (釣り糸の)おもり |
bighead(n) | ? |
rot(v) | When food, wood, or another substance rots,
or when something rots it, it becomes softer
and is gradually destroyed. 腐る,腐敗[腐朽]する |
chinebone(n) | ? |
roust(v) | If you roust someone, you disturb, upset,
or hit them, or make them move from their
place. 〈人を〉(特に寝床から)起こす,引っ張り出す,からかう,悩ます |
nigh(adv) | If an event is nigh, it will happen very
soon. ほとんど(…に)近く |
P40 | |
stir(v) | If you stir, you move slightly, for example
because you are uncomfortable or beginning
to wake up. もぞもぞ動く,もじもじする |
a-taking | ? |
rooftree(n) | 屋根,住居,家;家庭 |
roost(v) | When birds or bats roost somwhere, they rest
or sleep there. 〈人が〉宿る,泊まる,(特に)一夜を過ごす |
grunt(v) | If you grunt, you make a low sound, especially
because you are annoyed or not interested
in something. (不平・不満で)ぶうぶう[ぶつぶつ]言う |
doddering(adj) | If you refer to someone as a doddering old man or woman, you are saying in a disrespectful way that they are old and not strong. |
dodder(v) | 揺れる,ぐらぐらする |
sidle(v) | If you sidle somewhere, you walk there in
a quiet or cautious way, as if you do not
want anyone to notice you. (…の方へ)(横歩き・斜め歩きで)にじり進む |
finger(v) | If you finger something, you touch or feel
it with your finger. …を指で触れる,もてあそぶ,いじる,ひねくり回す |
hound(n) | (馬車などの)水平な支え棒 |
swingletree(n) | 遊動棒:馬具の引き綱(trace)を結びつける横木 |
rusty(n) | さび |
hull(n) | The hull of a boat or tank is the main body
of it. 船殻(せんかく), 船体 |
commissary(n) | A commissary is a shop that provides food
and equipement in a place such as a military
camp or a prison. 特に軍隊の駐屯地・鉱山などで食料や必需品を扱う)売店,販売部,軍糧食部 |
oblige(v) | If you tell someone that you would be obliged or should be obliged if they would do something, you are telling them in a polite but firm way that you want them to do it |
lumber(v) | If someone or something lumbers from one
place to another, they move there very slowly
and clumsily. 〈太った人・戦車・荷車などが〉重々しく[騒々しく]走る[動き回る] |
shirttail(n) | Shirt-tails are the long parts of a shirt
below the waist (ワイ)シャツのすそ |
shag(v) | ぎざぎざにする |
fotch(v) | おそらく fetch が訛っている |
a-wanting(n) | 〜してほしがっている人 |
tuck(v) | If you tuck somethi ng somewhere, you put
it there so that it is safe, comfortable,
or neat. …を(狭い所・安全な所などに)しまい込む[ねじ込む] |
Scripture(n) | Scripture or the scriptures refers to writings
that are regarded as holy in a particular
religion, for example the Bible in Christianity. (the Scripture)(しばしば Scriptures)聖書(旧約聖書か新約聖書またはその両者) |
feller(n) | You can refer to a man as a feller. (軽蔑的・おどけて)=fellow |
haul(v) | If you haul something which is heavy or difficult
to move, you move it using a lot of effort. (話)〈人を〉逮捕する;(法廷・警察などに)連れてくる,召喚する(in, up, off/before, in, into, to) |
gravely(adv) | |
grave(adj) | A grave person is quiet and serious in their
appearance or behavior. 〈人・性格・顔つき・声などが〉厳粛な,荘重な,重々しい;まじめな,深刻な;落ち着いた: |
joist(n) | Joists are long thick pieces of metal, wood,
or concrete that from part of structure of
a building, usually to support a floor or
ceiling. (床・天井などを支える)小梁(こばり), 根太(ねだ), ジョイスト |
testily(adv) | |
testy(adj) | If you describe someone as testy, you mean
that they easily become impatient or angry. 〈言動などが〉憤慨した,つっけんどんな |
statute(n) | A statute is a rule or law which has been
made by a government or other organization
and formally written down. (1)制定法,法律,法令: 立法府[議会]が制定した成文化された法 |
salt(v) | When you salt food, you add salt to it. 塩味をつける,塩をふりかける汨ュ(実際よりよく見せるために)〈鉱山・油井に〉良質鉱石[良質油]を入れておく,鉱山化粧する;。商業「…を(ごまかして)実際以上に見せる,本物らしく見せかける |
steer(n) | A steer is a bull that has been castrated. (米話)(行動方針についての)助言,忠告 |
ruther | おそらく rather が訛っている |
beanpole(n) | If you call someone a beanpole, you are criticizing
them because you think that they are extremely
tall and thin. (話)ひょろっとした人,のっぽ |
git(n) | If you refer to another person as a git, you mean you dislike them and find them annoying |
git(v) | getの方言 |
gulp(v) | If you gulp, you swallow air, often makin
a noise in your throat as you do so, because
you are nervous or excited. 急いで[ごくりと]飲み込む,ゴクゴク飲む,がつがつ食べる |
wheeze(v) | If someone wheezes, they breathe with difficult
and make a whistling sound. 〈物が〉あえぐような音を出す,ぜいぜい[ひいひい]という音をたてる |
whirl(v) | f someone or something whirls around or if
you whirl them around, they move around or
turn around very quickly. 急に向きを変える[わきへそれる,振り返る],ぐるりと回る |
P41 | |
grudge(v) | 〈人に〉…を与えたがらない,出し惜しむ,…するのを惜しむ[嫌がる] |
bound(adj) | If a vehicle or person is bound for a particular
place, they are travelling towards it. きっと(…する)はずである;(…する)運命にある(叙情的)(…へ)行こうとしている,行くつもりの;(…の)途上にある;〈列車・船・飛行機などが〉(…)行きの(for, to) |
break in | (会話などに)突然口を差し挟む |
air(n) | ? |
manna(n) | If you say that something unexpected is manna
from heaven or manna, you mean that it is
good and happened just at the time that it
was needed. マンナ,マナ:昔イスラエル人が Moses に率いられ,エジプトを脱出して荒野を通るとき,神から授けられた食物 |
gum(n) | Gum is a substance, usually tasting of mint,
which you chew for a long time but do not
swallow. (1)ゴム,ゴム質,粘性ゴム;諸種の植物から滲出(しんしゅつ)する粘り気のある樹液 |
dew(n) | Dew is small drops of water that form on
the ground and other surfaces outdoors during
the night. 露 |
kin(n) | Your kin are your relatives. (集合的)親族,親類 |
heathen(n) | Heathen means having no religion, or belonging
to a religion that is not Christianity, Judaism,
or Islam. People sometimes refer to other people who have no religion as heathens, especially if they do not likethe way they behave as a result of this. 聖書・聖典の神を認めない未改宗者;(キリスト教徒・ユダヤ教徒・イスラム教徒のそれぞれから見て)異教徒(pagan);。聖書「異邦人【2】無宗教の人,不信心者;野蛮人,未開人;沽b教養の低い人,無作法な人 |
bob(n) | 房,束 |
bosom(n) | A woman's breasts are sometimes refered to
as her bosom or her bosoms. (通例) the bosom, one's bosom(人間の)胸:腕と腕で囲まれた部分 |
pin-pretty(n) | ? |
covetously(adv) | |
covetous(adj) | A covetous person has a strong desire to
possess something especially something that
belongs to another person. ひどく欲しがる,切望する,熱望する;欲張りの,貪欲(どんよく)[強欲]な |
mocking(adj) | A mocking expression or mocking behaviour indicates that you think someone or something stupid or inferior. |
allus | (方言)=always |
span(v) | If something spans a range of things, all
those things are included in it. 〈距離などを〉親指と小指とを張って測る,指寸法[指尺]で測る;(一般に)測る |
gethering | おそらく gathering が訛っている |
yonder(adj) | (文語)方言あそこの,向こうの |
pie(n) | 例:a sweetie pie (話)愛する人,恋人 |
blurt(v) | If someone blurts something, they say it
suddenly, after trying had to keep or to
keep it secret. 出し抜けに言いだす;うっかりしゃべる,口を滑らせる |
sinew(n) | A sinew is a cord in your body that connects
a muscle to bone. 腱(けん)(sinews)(文語)筋肉 |
retreat(v) | If you retreat, you move away from something
or someone. 引き下がる,退去する |
keepsake(n) | A keepsake is a small present that someone
gives you so that you will not forget them. 記念品,形見 |
hindgate(n) | ? |
gob(n) | A gob of a thick, unpleasant liquid is a
small amount of it. A gob of something is a lump of it. 粘着性物質の塊 (採掘跡に残された)残炭,残鉱 |
heap(n) | A heap of things is a pile of them, especially
a pile arranged in a rather untidy way. (積み重ねた)山(状のもの), 堆積(たいせき)(物), 塊 |
cluck(v) | When a hen cluck, it makes short, low noises. (不満・驚き・興味・関心などを表して)(チッと)舌打ちする |
shaft(n) | A shaft is a long vertical passage, for example
for a lift. (車の)轅(ながえ):前に平行に突き出した2本の棒;その間に牛・馬をつなぐ |
squall(n) | If a person or animal squalls, they make
a loud unpleasant noise like the noise made
by a crying baby. 金切り声(でわめくこと), 悲鳴,わめき声 |
P42 | |
spool(v) | 巻く,巻かれる |
groove(n) | A groove is a deep line cut into a surface. (木材・石材・金属などの表面に刻んだ)溝,溝筋;(レコード盤面の)溝;(刀剣の)樋(ひ);(銃砲の内腔(ないこう)のらせん状に刻まれた)溝 すき道(furrow), 轍(わだち), 水路 |
rut(n) | A rut is a deep, narrow mark made in the
ground by the wheel of a vehicle. わだち,車の跡. |
sway(v) | When people or things sway, they lean or
swing slowly from one side to the other. 〈物・人が〉前後[左右]に動く,動揺する,揺らぐ,揺れる,〈人が〉ふらつく |
breech(n) | The breech of a gun is the part of the barrel
at the back into which you load the bullets. 尻(しり), 臀部(でんぶ)(buttocks); 太もも (大砲の)砲尾,(銃の)尾筒 |
galluses(n) | (古風)主に方言ズボンつり |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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