勉強会 2002,8![]() Twirler 単語&イディオム |
spangle(v) | to cover somethingwith shiny spots 【1】(主に受身)〈衣装などに〉(…の)スパンコールをつける(with)【2】(主に受身)〈物に〉(ぴかぴか光る物を)散りばめる[ちらす](with) |
twirler(n) | くるくる回る[回す]人[もの] |
baton twirler(n) | バトントゥワラー |
slap(v) | to put something down noisly on a surface,
especially when you are angry (話)〈ペンキ・バター・化粧などを〉ぺたりと塗る[つける](on),(…に)ぺたぺたと塗る(on, onto) |
daily double(n) | (競馬・ドッグレースで)重勝式の賭(か)け,二重勝:(通例,第1,第2の)2レースを一組にして,それぞれの一着馬を当てる方式 |
Statue of Liberty | 自由の女神像 |
twit(n) | A stupid or silly person ばか,まぬけ |
marshal(n) | an official in charge of an important public
event or ceremony 儀式[パレードなど]の準備[進行]係 |
half-time(adj) | ハーフタイムに行われる. |
headband(n) | a band that you wear around your head to
keep your hair off your face ヘッドバンド,鉢巻き(fillet) |
glide(v) | to move smoothly and quietly, as if no effort
was being made 滑るように動く[進む],滑る 滑走[滑空]させる |
etch(v) | to make lines or patterns or patterns appear
on something very clearly 食刻する,エッチングする |
Fargo | ファーゴ:米国 North Dakota 州南東部の都市;農畜産物の大集散地 |
fibbin' | fibbingの略; |
fib(v) | to tell a small unimportant lie ささいなうそをつく |
rhinestone(n) | ラインストーン:光度の高い鉛ガラス(paste)で造った模造宝石[ダイヤモンド] |
parallel(n) | something that is very similar to something
else 類似,(…との)相似;類似物[点],(…に)対応[匹敵]するもの |
revelation(n) | an event, experience etc that is considered
to be a message from God (1)啓示,天啓,黙示(2)啓示されたこと,お告げ |
crucify(v) crucified(pp) | to criticize someone severely and cruelly
for something they have done, especially
in public 〈人を〉虐待[迫害]する,責めさいなむ,苦しめる |
solstice(n) | the time of either the longest or the shortest
day of the year winter soltice;冬至 |
Green Bay | グリーン湾:米国 Wisconsin 州北東部,Michigan 湖の入り江【2】グリーンベイ:1の南端の港市;1634年建設の同州最古の町 |
acolyte(n) | someone who serves a leader or believes in
their idear2 someone who helps a priest at
a religious ceremony 【3】(一般に)侍者,従者,助手,随伴者,部下;新参者 |
file(v) | to walk in a line of people, one behind the
other 一列縦隊で行進[移動]させる(off, out) |
イディオム | |
saw sth off | to remove something by cutting it off with
a saw …をのこぎりでひく[切る] |
see through | to know what someone is really like, especially
what their bad qualities are …の本質を見抜く[見破る],を理解[把握]する |
room with sb | to share a room with someone at college 同居する;(…方に)下宿[止宿,寄寓(きぐう)]する |
a sheet of rain | a sheet of rain or fire is a very large moving
mass of it 一面の雨 |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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