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勉強会 2003,7 A Walled Garden 単語&イディオム |
P58/P59/P60/P61 | |
P58 | |
moss(n) | Moss is a very small soft green plant which
grows on damp soil, or on wood or stone. スギゴケ類,セン(蘚)類 コケ コケの茂み |
Natchez | ナチズ:米国 Mississippi 州南西部,Mississippi 川に臨む港市 |
foliage(n) | The leaves of a plant are referred to as its
foliage. (集合的)(1本の草木の)全部の葉 |
Rye | ライ:イングランド南東部,East Sussex 州の保養地;Cinque Ports の一つ |
Saratoga | サラトガ:米国 California 州西部の都市 |
cheerless(adj) | Cheerless places or weather are dull and
depressing. 喜び[楽しみ]のない,面白くない;陰気な,憂鬱(ゆううつ)な,重苦しい;わびしい,物悲しい |
Catawba | カトーバブドウ (1)(特に米)ブドウの赤い一品種 (2)(1)の木;米国東部産 |
khaki(n) | Something that is khaki is greenish brown in
colour. カーキ色,くすんだ黄褐色 |
native(adj) | Plants or animals that are native to a particular
region live or grow there naturally and were not brought
there. 〈動植物などが〉自生の;(…)(原)産のto |
verdure(n) | (詩語)緑,(特に草木の)新緑 |
take one's finger | (怠けるのをやめて)熱心に仕事を始める,本気で仕事に取りかかる 急ぐ,急いで行う 妨害するのをよす |
plot(n) | A plot of land is a small piece of land, especailly
one that has been measured or marked out for a special purpose, such as
building houses or growing vegetables. 小地面,小地所,小区画地;敷地,屋敷; |
hereabouts | この辺りに,この辺で,この近くで |
zinnia(n) | ヒャクニチソウ(百日草):キク科ヒャクニチソウ属 Zinnia の植物の総称;メキシコおよび米国原産 |
aster(n) | アスター (1)キク科アスター属 Aster の草の総称;黄色の花盤に白,ピンク,青の舌状花が咲く;シオン A.tataricus など(2)(1)と近縁属の植物;エゾギク(China aster)など |
league(n) | A league is a group of people, clubs, or
countries that have joined together
for a
particular purpose, or because they
a common interest. (共通の目的を持つ人々の)集まり,会,協会 (特定の分類・位置づけをされた)集団,部類,同類;(同じ種類・同一水準の)仲間 |
Chest Drive | 共同募金(Google 検索で調べました。赤十字の募金をさす場合もあるようです) |
flower-minded(adj) | 花に夢中な、花に興味が深い(Google 検索で調べた結果から推測した意味です) |
P59 | |
bandbox(n) | 普通より狭い場所[建物] |
scrubby(adj) | Scrubby land is rough and dry and covered
with scrub. 〈木などが〉低い,発育不良の |
hedge(n) | A hedge is a row of bushes or small trees,
usually along the edge of a garden,
or road. (低木や灌木(かんぼく)の)生け垣 (一般に)垣,垣根(泄トfence), 塀(へい)(wall),(物の列・人垣など)垣根の役をするもの |
unsightly(adj) | If you describe something as unsightly, you
mean that it is unattractive to look
at. みっともない,見苦しい,目障りな,醜い |
serpentine(adj) | Something that is serpentine is curving and
winding in shape, like a snake when
it moves. (道・河川・運河などが)曲がりくねった,蛇行している |
larkspur(n) | ヒエンソウ(飛燕草):キンポウゲ科のヒエンソウ属 Delphinium と Consolida の植物の総称 |
indulgent(adj) | If you are indulgent, you treat a person
with speciao kindenss, often in a way
is not good for them. 〈人が〉(…に)寛大な,大目に見る,甘やかす,優しい,甘い,おうような |
presently(adv) | You use presently to indicate that something
happened quite a short time after the
or event that you have just mentioned. (通例 will, shall と共に用いて)やがて,ほどなく,まもなく;すぐに |
painstaking(adj) | A painstaking search, examination, or investigation
is done extremely carefully and thoroughly. 〈人が〉骨を折る,労を惜しまない,勤勉な 〈仕事などが〉骨の折れる,苦心を要する |
fad(n) | You use fad to refer to an activity or topic
of interest that is very popular for
a short
time, but which people become bored
very quickly. (特にあるグループの人たちが熱心に追う)一時的流行[熱中];流行のもの |
perennial(n) | 多年生植物,多年草 |
annual(n) | (植物)一年生の,一季生の |
strongheadedness(adj) | 頑固な,強情な,片意地な |
testiness(adj) | 〈人が〉怒りっぽい,短気な |
tot(n) | A tot is a very young child(INFORMAL). 小児,幼児 |
somersault(v) | If someone or somehting somersaults, they
perform one or more somersaults. とんぼ返り[宙返り]をする,もんどり打つ |
middy blouse | ミディブラウス:船員,婦人,子供などが着る,ウエストラインより下までの丈のセーラーカラーのゆったりしたブラウス |
P60 | |
grit(v) | If you grit your teeth, you press your upper
and lower teeth tightly togther, usually
because you are angry about something. ギシギシいわせる,きしらせる;歯ぎしりしてしゃべる |
whoop(n) | (興奮・喜びなどの)ワーという叫び声,喚声,歓声殪f;鬨(とき)の声 |
scraggly(adj) | Scraggly hair or plants are thin and untidy. 毛むくじゃらの,毛深い;くしゃくしゃの,ぼろぼろの;もじゃもじゃの 不規則な;不ぞろいな,凸凹の;ぎざぎざの まばらな,ばらばらの |
privet(n) | Privet is a type of bush with small leaves
that stay green all year round. It
is often
grown in gardens to form hedges. ヨウシュ(洋種)イボタノキ:モクセイ科イボタノキ属の常緑低木;小さい白い花をつけ,垣根に使われる;ヨーロッパ原産 |
filthiest(adj) | filthy の最上級 |
filthy(adj) | Something that is filthy is very dirty indeed. 汚物でよごれた,ひどく汚い,不潔な |
shrub(n) | Shrubs are plants that have several woody
stems. 低木,灌木 |
stir(v) | If something stirs you, it makes you react
with a strong emotion. 〈人を〉扇動する,そそのかす,駆り立てる,促す |
rufled(adj) | 〈衣装が〉襞(ひだ)べりのついた,襞飾りのある |
latticework(n) | Latticework is nay structure that is made
in th form of a lattice, 格子造り,格子細工 |
mumble(v) | If you mumble, you speak very quietly and
not at all clearly with the result
that the
words are difficult to understand. もぐもぐ[ぶつぶつ]言う,低く不明瞭(めいりょう)に言う,つぶやく |
deceive(v) | If you deceive someone, you make them believe
somthing that is not true, usually
in order
to get some advantage for yourself. (偽りの外見・言葉で)〈人を〉誤らせる,惑わす,欺く,ぺてんにかける;〈人を〉だまして(…)させる |
swelter(v) | If ou swelter, you are very uncomfortable
because the weather is extremely hot. 蒸し暑さで苦しむ[参る],暑気当たりする;暑さで汗だくになる |
scowl(v) | When someone scowls, an angry or hostile
expression appears on their face. (まゆを寄せて)顔をしかめる;(…を)にらむ |
hedgerow(n) | A hedgerow is a row of bushes, trees, and
plants, usually growing along a bank
a country lane or between fields. (生け垣を成している)低木の列;生け垣 |
harshly(adv) | 荒々しく;厳しく;耳[目]障りになるほど;ぎらぎらして |
P61 | |
gully(n) | A gully is a long narrow valley with steep
sides. (1)(水の浸食によってできた,ふだんは涸れている)溝,雨裂,ガリー |
canniness(n) | 用心深さ |
celerity(n) | (文語)(行動・動きの)敏速さ,機敏,素早さ |
ringlet(n) | Ringlets are long curls of hair that hang
down. 巻き毛 |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました。 おすすめ電子辞書 | |
/Summary/掲示板/勉強会HOME/おすすめ洋書/アメリカのベストセラー | |
Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/Harry Potter第四巻の勉強会 | |
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