第15回Net 勉強会 2003,6

padded(adj) ex; padded jacket/back-rests with padded my bras.
pad(v) If you pad somehting, you put something soft in it or over it in order to make it less hard, to protect it, or to give it a different shape.
glider(n) A glider is an aircraft without an engine, which flies by floating on air currents.
floorboard(n) Floorboards are the long pieces of wood that a wooden floor is made up of.
durable(adj) Something that is durableis strong and lasts a long time without breaking or becoming weaker.
surreal(adj) If you describe something as surreal, you mean that the elements in it are combined in a strange way that you would not normally expect, like in a dream.
Hepplewhite desk (ここに写真あり。)
George, ヘップルホワイト(?-1786):英国の家具設計・製作者
cross-off If you cross off words on a list, you deciede that they no longer belong on the list, and often you draw a line through them to indicate this.
garish(adj) You describe something as garish when you dislike it because it is very bright in an unattractive, showy way.
packet(n) A packet is a small flaat parcel.
uncashable(adj) 現金に換えられない
gut(v) When someone guts a dead animal or fish, they prepare it for cooking by removing all the organs from inside it.
soggy(adj) Something that is soggy is unpleasantly wet.
internist(n) (特に成人を扱う)内科専門医,(外科医と区別して)一般医
jagged(adj) Something that is jagged has a rough, uneven shape or edge with lots of sharp points.
deft(adj) A deft action is skilful and often quick.
wedge(n) A wedge is a piece of metal with a ponted edge which is used for splitting a material such as stone or wood, by being hammered into a crack in the material.
楔形[V 字形](のもの)
ravine(n) A ravine is a very deep narrow valley with steep side.
like hell Some people say like hell to emphasize that they strongly disagree with you or are strongly opposed to what you say.
squishy(adj) Something that is squishy is soft and easy to squash.
reek(v) To reek of something, usually something, means to smell very strongly of it.
vigil(n) If someone keeps a vigil or keeps vigil somewhere, they remain there quietly for a period of time, especially at night, for example because they are praying or are making a political protest.
perspective(n) A particular perspective is a particular way of thinking about something, especially one that is influenced by your beliefs or experiences.
plague(v) If someone plauges you, they keep bothering you or asking you for something.
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDCD-ROM小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました
Sudden Fiction International 勉強会/Harry Potter第四巻の勉強会