第一回 Net勉強会 Terminal イディオム
idioms meaning
go as far as to do sth to behave in a way that seems surprising or extreme
fairy story (disapproving) If you describe something that someone has said as a fairy story or a fairy tale, you think that it is false and is intended to deceive people.?
fairy story A fairy story/fairy tale is a traditional story written for children which usually involves imaginary creatures and magic.?
blood -brother(- hood) A blood brother is a man who has promised to treat another man as his brother in a ceremony in which they cut themselves and mix their blood together.?
on a par with on a par (with) equal to or similar to?
rhetorical question A rhetorical question is a question that is asked in order to make a statement and which does not expect an answer.
knock back to drink (esp. an alcoholic drink) quickly
Terminalの単語イデオム/ML登録/Amazon/ Skysoft/掲示板/おすすめ洋書
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English /American Heritage College dictionary/Colins COBUILDCD-ROM/小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROM
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