第二回 Net勉強会
There's a Man in the Habit of Hitting Me on the Head with an Umbrella Summary(締め切り2001年11月30日)
Written By Fernando Sorrentino(1942〜 アルゼンチンの児童文学者 短編はこれだけ)
There's a Man in the Habit of Hitting Me on the Head with an Umbrella  
I still don't know what is his exact intention.

It is 5 years since I met a very curious man.

He appeared in front of me all of a sudden and started hitting me on the head with 

his umbrella very softly but with a great determination.

At first I tried very hard to get out of him, but just in vain, which is just like

getting out of your own shadow. I've never seen him eating or sleeping so far.

All he does is hitting me on the head. Now his punctual hitting ( as if it is my 

heart beat) is a good bed time partner for me. 

I wonder what will happen to me if he goes away.

And then I may be able to find out what his exact intention is.....     
There is a man in the habit of hitting me on the head with an umbrella

I have been staying with a man who continues hitting me on the head with his 


 since I met him in the park five years ago. At first I could not stand it and 

I was very annoyed, so I tried to get rid of him. But now I  have grown 

accustomed to it. I could not live without it because I could not sleep without

those soft blows of his umbrella. I even have a fear that perhaps when I most 

need him, this man will go away. 

There's a man~  さなえ

A man encountered a strange middle aged man who has the odd habit -- hitting the man on the head with an umbrella --five years ago. At first, the man was very much upset with the umbrella man although the hitting was quite soft. The man first tried to ignore him then to get rid of him but nothing couldn't stop the umbrella man from hitting him. From that day on, the umbrella man has been staying with him and been kept hitting him with the umbrella all day long. Oddly, this hitting has become a very important ritual for the man and now he is anxious about what if he can live without those soft blows.

There is a man in the habit of hitting me on the head with an umbrella Rilla

The writer began to feel something like a pulse on his head one sultry morning five years ago, which was as if a man were hitting him on the head with an umbrella. And it has continued since then. At first he couldn't stand it and tried to get rid of it somehow or other, but in vain.  He gradually got used to it and rather feels it his good partner now.

先月は参加できなくてごめんなさい。 私にはちょっと難し過ぎて、どしようかしら???って思っているうちに時間が過ぎてし まったのです。 でも、みなさんの投稿を拝見してよく分かりました。 とても良い勉強になります。 今回は、頭にドクンドクンと動脈か何かの音を感じられる様になったのを比喩したのでは ?・・・と思ったのですけれど、どうかしら? 私のつたない英語力で、ちゃんと表現できたか心配です。
There is a man in the Habit.......
Anything can be accustomed. All of a sudden a stranger who looked like an ordinary man started to hitting him on the head with an umbrella. It was five years ago. No matter what he had tried to prevent from hitting and to force the man to get away, the umbrella man keep hitting him without rest. First he was annoyed with his hitting, but gradually he was getting used to be hit. Moreover he can't think his life without hitting on the head with an umbrella by the man.

カフカの「変身」を思い出しました。 男は実在しないもの、なんでしょうか。なんの象徴なんでしょうね。 rillaさん、書込みありがとうございます。 頭痛と思われたんですか? そうかもしれませんね。

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