第九回 Lover's Ear Summary (締め切り 6月30日) |
Written By Yuan Ch'iung-ch'iung(Taiwan)P158 提出順、敬称略 |
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Lover's Ear Middle-angle |
He abruptly asked her to clean his ears with her earpick. He knew that she always kept it in her purse. She however was surprised at his odd proposal as they were sitting at a table in public. It was her idea to meet each other in an open space this time instead of either's place. The reason was obvious. Their relationship was so close then that whenever they were alone by themselves, what came to their mind was just making love. It is very common. But she wanted to avoid the situation that day. She had a thought that cleaning someone else's ears was a kind of representation of highest intimacy and their relationship had been exactly the right one by then. So she asked. "Now (here) ?" His answer made her blushed. "Yes, now." His voice tone reminded her of his special desire. While cleaning his ears, she noticed that it was the first time to stare such parts of his body. His ears were fleshy. Although she hurt his left ear by mistake, he seemed very satisfied because it was just like making love with her for him. They broke up a little after the incident. It took such a long time for her to get out of the bitter memory of their last period. Therefore she felt nothing when she heard that he had got married. When she had an image of someone else cleaning his ears however, all of sudden she became very, very, very sad.
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Lover's Ear さなえ |
Two lovers were very much in love with each other. Whenever they got together, they had made love so they had no time to do anything else. One day she insisted on meeting him at a public place where there were lots of people. He noticed that she carried an earpick in her purse so he asked her if she would mind cleaning his ears for him. For her, cleaning someone else's ears was the highest intimacy. She was blushing at first but started cleaning his ear. Neither of them spoke while she was cleaning his ear. She remarked he has fleshy ears and a wide opening to his ear canal. She had a funny feeling toward this discovery. She thought she knew every part of his body but realized that she had never noticed his ears. When she was cleaning the left ear, she slipped her hand and hurt his ear. He didn't complain of her mistake. On the contrary, he seemed contented with it saying that was like sort of making love. They broke up before long and it took her some time to get over with this relationship. When she heard that he had gotten married, the news was indifference to her. But the thought of his wife cleaning his ears suddenly made her VERY,very sad. これから出かけないといけないのでとりあえずアップしました。。^^;ちょっと慌ててかいたので怪しい文になっちゃってごめんなさい〜〜 |
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Lover's Ear ぽち |
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Cleaning Lover's Ears ごえべえ |
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今回はRillaさんが娘さんの出産のお世話で、お留守。たった四人のSummaryとなりました。とっても簡単で短い作品でしたが、男女の仲の妙を感じました。とっても嫌な思いをして別れた彼。中々憎しみも自己憐憫も乗越えられなかった彼女。乗越えられた後、知った彼の結婚。無関心だったけど、彼の耳を奥さんが掃除するのかと思うと、すごく、すごく悲しくなってしまう・・・ 耳掃除って、特殊な深い関係の現れなんでしょうね。 |
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