第三回 Death of the Right Fielder Summary (締め切り 1月3日) |
Written By Stuart Dybek |
提出順、敬称略 |
Death of the Right Fielder ごえべえ |
The right fielder was dead when they went
to the right field. None knew when he died
nor how long he had been lying there. |
Death of the Right Fielder middle-angel |
We found one of our teammates, the right
fielder dead after chasing those missing
balls. What the cause of his sudden
? After roaming various reasons, we
to conclusion that he chased a ball,
a big dive and broke his neck. He was
an ordinary man without sense of humor,
a typical outfielder whether or not
he wanted
so. We decided to bury him there to
a further tragedy. On the other hand
it is
also true that we didn’t want to forget
him. Whenever we do the talk we look
being over the hill as well as those
league players, especially Mays who
us the late teammate. |
思い出しながら・・・・(最初の書き込みが消えちゃったので) さなえ |
The right fielder died without our noticing
it. We talked about what really killed him
but no one knows the truth. |
Death of the Right Fielder ぽち |
When we went to outfield to check., we found
him, the right fielder dead. Nobody knew
how long he had been lying there or why he
died. He was a typical outfielder. He wasn’t
particularly funny or anything. We talked
about the cause of the death and the most
popular theory was that he had been shot.
We liked that theory better than the one
that he might have had heart attack or he
might have got leukemia because he never
seemed the type of having those. We also
liked the theory that he broke his neck while
he was chasing a boll and diving to catch
it. After we stood there silently for a while
we buried him so that the next right fielder
would not trip. Even though we buried him
we could see its outline. Perhaps we wanted
the new right fielder to think about who
played there before him. Past thirty-five
we talk about graying baseball players. It
is sad to admit that they are getting too
old for it, but they are the lucky ones.
Most boys end it by seventeen. 何回読んでもよくわからない文章でした。結局何が言いたいんだろうか。わかるようなわからないような。Summary今回はパスしようかと思っていたのですが、一応書いてみました・・・。 |
今回は、とにかく、難解でした。結局、何が言いたかったのか? 人にはoutfielderとinflederがいて、スター選手になれる人以外は、全て、outfielderということなのでしょうか? それも35歳を過ぎてしまえば、野球人生も終わり。とてもはかないものっていうことでしょうか。 誰か、スパっとこの短編を解説してくれないかな・・・ 次回は「The Elephant」舞台はポーランドです。一読しましたが、とってもわかりやすい内容でした。Summaryたくさん提出されるのを待ってます! |
Death of the Right Fielderの単語・イディオム |
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