第四回 The Elephant Summary 提出後のML討論 |
Written By Slawomir Mrozek |
★テーマ★ What do you think is the characteristic background of the zoo director who did such a ridiculous deception ?(by middle-angel) |
1月の課題だったThe Elephant はなかなかおもしろかったですね。 今回からSummary締め切り後に、その課題について少し英語でディスカッションしようということですが、「最初の質問を」とごえべえさんからご依頼がありましたので、とりあえずこんなふうなテーマを 考えました。 What do you think is the characteristic background of the zoo director who did such a ridiculous deception ? 動物園の園長でありながら、こういうばかげた行為を考える人ってどういう人なのでしょうか。みなさんでいろいろと想像しながらプロファイリングしてみるのもおもしろいかなあ・・・って思っています。 middle-angel |
Here is my story of the "Zoo director". さなえ |
Here is my story of the "Zoo director". He's from a mediocre family and they were not so nice to other people. He was the smartist boy in the family and his parents were very proud of him. Althogh he was the smartist boy in the neighbourhood he was not that smart, as you know. As he grown up, he realized that he was not smart enough to beat the other. But he was burning with ambition to have a good career and willing to do anything to get it. A good career is everything to him. っと、こんなところでいかがでしょう? 簡単な文章でお恥ずかしい^^; 他の方はどんなバックグランドを考えたのかな。 さなえ |
I agree with what Sanae wrote. ごえべえ |
He has never been interested in any people
except himself. ぽち |
The director of the zoo has been different
from other people since he was a little child.
He was a smart and well-mannered kid, but
he has never cared about anybody around him.His
parents have been proud of him being smart
and competent, but they have never really
tried to understand him deeply. He |
The rubber elphant represents communist doctrine? ごえべえ |
昨日、Sudden Fiction InternationalのAfternoteを読んだら、 |
Thanks for your response. middle-angel |
Thanks for your response. Hi, fellows. It was really interesting to know how you guys analyzed the director. I think I can agree with most of your depictions. Promotion has priority over everything for him. As all of you know, he is such a typical beauraucrat. I'm afraid it was a big mistake of the authorities to appoint him (such a materialistic person) as a zoo director. They should have considered "the right man in the right place." This can be said in our country, too. It is pity though..... While reading your descriptions, I thought of several controversial issues in these days, such as Snow Brand scandal and the replacement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. "Afternotes" about Stalin which Goebei-san mentined was a good metaphor, I guess. I never read "Afternotes" before. I should have done that !! (>_<) ぽちさんのメールを読んで気がつきました。「そういえば一度も感謝の気持ちを伝えてないなあ・・・」って。ごえべえさん、本当にいつも単語やイディオムを調べてくださってありがとうございます。 あっ、それから They found the elphant in the neighborings botanical gardens.のTheyって、誰を指しているんでしょうかねえ。その場にいた全員のような気もするし、動物園の人たちとも考えられるし・・・。他の方はどう思われて いるのでしょうか? ぽちさん、ひどい風邪を引いていらしたようですが、回復の兆しが見えてきたとのこと、よかったですね。私も先月風邪の高熱が少し続き、とんだ目に遭いました。早く春が来るといいですね。 ぽちさんが書かれている↓の意見に賛成です。 >ところで他のメンバーの方はどうなさっているのでしょうか?お仕事が >お忙しいのか体調を崩されているのか。サマリーが無理なら近況だけ >でも掲示板の方に書いていただけるといいのではないかと思います。 middle-angel |
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