第四回Net 勉強会
The Elephant
upstart(n) someone who is new in their job and behaves as if they are more important than they are
establishment(n) 1 an institution,especially a business, shop etc
badger(n) an animal which has black and white fur, live in the ground, and is active at night(アナグマ:写真と説明
burrow(n) a passage in the ground made by a rabitt or fox as a place to live
whistler(n) 1. One that whistles
notify(v) to formally or officially tell someone about something; inform
allocate(v) to decide officially that a particular amount of money, time etc or something such as a house or job etc should be used for a particular purpose
rejoice(v) to feel or show tha you are very happy
renounce(v) 1 to publicly say that you will no longer keep something, or stay in an important position, because you no loger have the right to
foundry(n) a place where metals are melted and poured into moulds(=hollow shapes) to make parts of machines, tools etc
procure(v) 1 to obtain something, especially something that is difficult to get
2 to provide a prostitute for someone
inspection(v) 1 an official visit to a buillding or organization to check that everything is satisfactory and that rules are being obeyed
2 a careful examination of something to find out more about it
sluggish(adj) moving or reacting more slowly than normal
communication(n) 1 the process by which people exchange information or express their thought and feeling
directive(n) an official order or instruction
carcass(n) 1the body of a dead animal, especially one that is ready to be cut up as meat
3 the decaying outer structure of building, vehicle, or other object
shed(n) 1 a small building, often made of wood, used especially for storing things
2 a large industrial building where work is done, large vehicles are kept or machinery is stored etc
bulge(n) 1 a curved mass on the surface of something, usually caused by something under or inside it
2 a sudden temporary increase in the amount or level of something
trunk(n) 3 the main part of your body, not including your head , arms, or legs
run(n) 16 an enclosed area where animals as chickens or rabbits are kept
proclaim(v) 1 to say publicly that something important is true or exist
2 to show something clearly or be a sign of something
object-lesson(n) 1. A concrete illustration of a moral or principle. 2. A lesson taught by using a material object
herbivorous(adj) Feeding on plants; plant-eating
enrapture(v) To fill with rapture or delight
conscientious(adj) 1. Guided by or in accordance with the dictates of conscience; principled
2. Thorough and assiduous: a conscientious worker
reign(v) 1. To exercise sovereign power.
2. To hold the title of monarch, but with limited authority.
3. To be predominant or prevalent
supreme(n) 1. Greatest in power, authority, or rank; paramount or dominant.
2. Greatest in importance, degree, significance, character, or achievement.
3. Ultimate; final
shudder(v) 1. To shiver convulsively, as from fear or revulsion. See synonyms at shake. 2. To vibrate; quiver: The airplane shuddered in the turbulence
sway(v) 1. To swing back and forth or to and fro. See synonyms at swing.
2. To incline or bend to one side; veer.
3a. To incline toward change, as in opinion or feeling. b. To fluctuate, as in outlook
bulge(v) 1. To curve outward.
2. To swell up.
3. To stick out; protrude.
4. To be filled or overfilled
propel(v) To cause to move forward or onward
puncture(v) 1. To pierce with a pointed object.
2. To make (a hole) by piercing.
3. To cause to collapse by piercing.
4. To depreciate or deflate
hooligan(n) A tough and aggressive or violent youth
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