第五回Net 勉強会
medication(n) medicine or drugs given to people who are ill
metaphor(n) 1, a way of discribing something by comparing it to something else that has similar qualities, without using the words 'like' or ' as'
【1】。修辞「隠喩(いんゆ), 暗喩:比喩の一種で,like, as(…のような)などを用いず,A is B のように直接 B の属性を A に移して叙述するもの;例 Life is a journey. 人生は旅だ【2】比喩,(…に対する)隠喩[比喩]的表現;(抽象的なものを表す)具体的なもの
aghast(adj) feeling or looking shocked by something you have seen or just found
solid(adj) 9.giving loyal supprt that you can depend on
reflection(n) 2.careful thought, or an idea or opinion based on this
fold(n) 2,b) an area of loose folded skin
circular folds (小腸の)輪状ひだ
nail [vocal] folds 爪(つめ)[声帯]褶襞(しゅうへき).
peasant(n) 2.(informal)someone who does not have good manners or much education
irrelevant(adj) 1.something that is irrelevant is not important because it is not connected with the situation or subject that you are dealing with, or it has no effect or influenece on a situation
evader(v) 1.to avoid talking about something, especially because you are trying to hide something
quibble(n) a small complaint or criticism about something very unimportant
e.g. an abbreviation for 'for example'
ラテン語exempli gratia 例えば(for example; for the sake of example; such as).
[i:dgi:]のほか for example と読む.
transit(n) 1.process of moveing goods or people from one place to another
gross(adj) 4.behaviour that is gross is extremely rude and completely unacceptable 5.extremely fat and unattractive
gross obesity でぶでぶの肥満
firm(adj) 1,not compeletly hard, but not soft and not easy to bend into a different shape
decorous(adj) having the correct apparence or behavior for a particular occasion
etch(v) 1,to cut lines on a metal plate, piece of glass, stone etc to form a picture 2.be etched on your memory/mind;literary if an experience, name etc is etched on your memory or mind, you cannot forget it and you think of it often
【4】…を(心・記憶に)焼きつける,刻み込む殃n, on・:
Our last conversation is etched in [or on] my memory. 最後に交わした言葉が私の心に刻み込まれている
drop(v) to end a relationship with someone, usually without thinking about how the other person will feel
mutilate(v) 1,to severely and violently damaged someon's body, especially by removing part of it
2, to damage or change something so much that it is completely spoiled or ruined
recede(v) 1, if something you can see or hear recedes, it gets further away until it disappears
2, if a memory, feeling, or possibilty receds ,it gradually goes away
3, if water receds, it moves back from an area that it was covering
4, if your hair receds, you gradually lose the hair at the front of your head
raw(adj) 3,a part of your body is raw is red and sore
5,not experienced or not yet fully trained
9,raw emotions or qualities are strong and natural, but not completely developed or controlled
interpose(v) 1,to put yourself or something else between two other things
2, to introduce something between the parts of a conversation or argument
molten(adj) molten metal or rock has been made into a liquid by being heated to a very high temperaure
dim(adj) 2,a dim shape is one which is not easy to see because it is too far away, or there is not enough light
4,a memory or understanding of something that is not clear in your mind; vague
pebble(n) 1, a small smoth stone found on the bench or on the botom of a river
grievous(adj) 1,very serious and likely to be very harmful
2, grievous wound or pain is severe and hurts a lot
resavation(n) 2, a feeling fo doubt because you do not agree completely with a plan, idea, or suggestion
【1】(ある目的・用途のために)取って[残して,出さずに]おくこと,差し控えておくこと;。法律「留保(の条項), 留保権;別にして[取りのけて]おくこと,除外;控えめにすること,遠慮,隠し立て;氓オばしば R-。キリスト教「(礼拝の対象,病人の聖体拝領用としての)聖体・聖餐(せいさん)の保存;(聖職叙任権・免責叙任権などの)権益の保留
【2】氓オばしば reservations例外とする[特別扱いする]こと,条件をつける[制限を設ける,限定する]こと
【3】(はっきりとした・暗黙の)例外(事項), 制限,条件
cosmic(adj) 1,connected with space or the universe2,extremley large
modification(n) 1,a small change made in something such as a desgin, plan, or system 2, the act of modfying something, or the process of being modified
accomdate(v) 3, to accept someone's opinion and try to do what they want, especially when their opinions or needs are different from yours4, to get used to a new situation or make yourself do this
rebuff(v) 阻止する,抑制する;はねつける;拒絶する;追い払う,撃退する
rebuff(n) an unkind or unfriendly answer to a friendly suggestion or offer of help
microcosm(v) a small group, society, or place that has the same qualities as a much larger one
【1】小世界,小宇宙 【2】(一般に)縮図;(世界・宇宙の)縮図としての人間[人間性,社会など]【3】。生態「ミクロコスム,微小生態系
hover(v) 1,if a bird, insect or helecopter hovers, it stays in one place in the air
2,to stay nervously in the same place especially because you are waiting for something or are uncertain what to do 3, to be in an uncertain state
【1】〈鳥・昆虫・ヘリコプターなどが〉(…の上を)舞う殪ver, above・;(…の辺りに)浮かぶabout・【2】(人・場所に)付きまとう,(…の)そばをうろつく,離れないaround, about・3】(…を)ためらう,(…の辺りで)迷う
guttural(adj) a guttural voice or sound is or seems to be produced deep in the throat
【1】のどの【2】のど声の,しわがれ声の,ざらざら声の(harsh, throaty)【3】。音声「喉(こう)音の:後舌面と軟口蓋(こうがい)で調音される
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDCD-ROM小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました
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