第六回Net 勉強会 The Grass-Eaters 単語 |
spherical(adj) | having the shape of a sphere 【1】球状[球形]の(globular); 球(体)の |
ovoid(adj) | shaped like an egg 1】卵形の(egg-shaped) |
cuboid(adj) | 1】立方形の,さいころの形をした.【2】。解剖「立方骨の.(また cuboidal) |
either(determinater) | 1 one or the other of two things or people 2 one and the other of two things or people, each 【2】(2つのうち)どちらの…も,両方の臚ach, both のほうが普通 |
footpath(n) | [C]especially BrE a narrow path for people
to walk along, especially in the countryside;
trail 【1】(歩行者用の)小道,歩道 |
local(n) | [C]1[often plural] someone who lives in the
place where you are or the place that you
are talking about 【3】(しばしば locals) (1)地方人,(その)土地の人,地元住民;地方開業医,地方弁護士,地方宣教師 |
fang(n) | [C]a long sharp tooth of an animal suchas
a snake or wild dog 【3】牙に似た歯 |
bar(v) | 1 to shut a door or window using a bar or
piece of wood so that people cannot get in
or out 3 to prevent people from going somewhere by placing something in their way 【2】〈人を〉(…に)閉じ込める殃n・;(…から)締め出す,除外する,排除する,含めない(from, out of)・ |
whirl(v) | 1 [I,T] to spin around very quickly, or to
make something do this[+about/around/toward
etc] 2 [I]if your head is whirling. Your mind is full of thoughts and idears, and you feel very confused or excited 【1】ぐるぐる回転[旋回]する,渦を巻く 【1】ぐるぐる回す,渦を巻かせる |
terminus(n) | [C] the station or stop at the end of a railway
line or bus service 2】(鉄道・バス路線などの)終点,終着駅,ターミナル都市 |
snivel(v) | BrE AmE [I] to behave or speak in a weak
complaining way, especially when you are
crying 【1】すすり泣く,泣きじゃくる2】(涙を流して)悲しそうにする,涙声を出す【3】鼻水を垂らす;(音をたてて)鼻汁をすする |
tremulous(adj) | literary shaking slightly, espcially because
you are nervous 【1】〈人・体・手足が〉(恐怖・神経過敏・臆病(おくびょう)・衰弱などで)震える,身震いする,〈人が〉おののく,わななく【2】〈人が〉びくびくする,臆病な,気の弱い |
fatigue(n) | 1 very great tiredness 【1】疲労,疲れ(weariness) |
trek(n) | [C]1 a long difficult journey, especially on
foot 【1】(特にのろのろとまたは難儀して)旅する,旅行する,前進する;集団移動[移住]する |
rite(n) | [C]1 ceremony that is always performed in
the same way, usually for religious purposes 【1】(ばしば rites)厳粛に行われる式,(特に宗教上の)儀式;(特定の)儀式形式,典礼 |
chide(v) | [I,T]litterary to speak agrily to someone because you do
not approve of something they have done;
rebukke 【1】〈人に〉小言を言う,たしなめる,注意する【1】文語しかる,非難する,とがめる,小言を言う |
roundly(adv) | roundly condemn/criticize etc(=criticize
someone strongly and severly) 【3】率直に,露骨に,厳しく,容赦なく,痛烈に |
amount(v) | 2 of an attitude, remark, situation etc amounts
to something, it has the same effect 【2】結局(…に)なる,等しい,相当する;(ある状態に)達する,なる |
eschew(v) | [T]formal to deliberately avoid doing or using something,
usually for moral, religious, or practical
reasons …を避ける,慎む,控える |
confinement(n) | 1 [U] the act of putting someone in a room,
prison etc, or the state of being there 2 [C,U] an act of giving birth to a child; lying-in 【3】a confinementお産の床に就くこと,産褥(さんじょく)にあること;出産,分娩(ぶんべん) |
overbridge(n) | (道路・鉄道などに架かった)陸橋,歩道橋,跨線(こせん)橋,高架交差路 |
municiapl(adj) | belonging to or concerned with the government
of a town or city 【1】市[町,自治都市]の;市政の,地方自治の;市営[市立]の |
kitten(v) | 〈猫が〉〈子を〉産む【1】〈猫が〉子を産む【2】おちゃめに振る舞う |
in tray(n) | [C] a container on your desk in whichyou
keep work and letters that need to be dealt
with 未決書類入れ(in-box) |
latrine(n) | [C] a toilet that is outdoors in a camp or
military area (兵舎,野営地などの)便所,便所用の囲い地(穴など) |
main | 1 [C] a lare pipe or wire carrying the public
supply of water, electricity or gas 【1】(水道・ガス・下水などの配管で)主管,本管;(通例 mains)(電気を引き込む)幹線;汢pコンセント(electrical outlet),(ガスの)元栓,(鉄道の)本線,幹線 |
prompt(v) | 1[T] to make someone decide to do something,
especially something that they had been thinking
of doing 2 to make people say or do something as a
reaction 【1】〈人を〉(…に)刺激する,促す,駆り立てる【2】〈行動・考え・感情などを〉起こさせる,促す,誘発させる |
stack(v) | 1 [I,T] to form a neat pile or make things
into a neat pile 2 to put piles of things
on a place or in a place 【1】〈物を〉(きちんと)積み重ねる,山に積む【2】〈乗り物・場所などに〉(…を)積み上げる[重ねる] |
tarpaulin(n) | [C,U] a heavy cloth prepared so that will
not pass through it, used to keep rain off
things 【1】ターポーリン:タール,ペンキ,蝋(ろう)などを塗った防水帆布,防護カバー,防水シート;貨物,車両,運動場などにかける |
gabled(adj) | having one or more gable 切妻のある;切妻造りの |
corrugated(adj) | in the shape of waves or folds, or made like
this in order to give something strength |
corrugated iron(n) | 生子(なまこ)鉄板,波形鉄板 |
nibble(v) | 1[I,T] to eat small amounts of food by taking
very small bites 【1】(…を)少しずつかじる[かむ,食いちぎる,削り取る |
loin cloth(n) | [C] a piece of cloth that men in some hot
countries wear around their loins 下帯;(特に熱帯地方の人々が身に着ける)腰布,腰巻き |
threadbare(adj) | 1 clothes, carpets etc that are threadbare
are very thin and in bad condition because
they have been used a lot 1】〈織物・着物が〉糸が見えるくらいに擦り切れた |
meagerly(adv) | |
meager(adj) | AmE meagre BrE a meagre amount of food, money etc is too
small and is much less than you need 【1】(量・質が)欠けた;わずかな,乏しい;不十分な,不適格な【2】〈人・体が〉やせ細った,やせこけた |
clad(adj) | 1 literary wearing a particular kind of clothing 服を着た(dressed)覆われた(covered) |
contrive(v) | [T]1 to arrange an even or situation in a clever
way, especially secretly or by deceiving
people 2 formal to succeed in doing something in
spite of difficulties 3 to make invent something in a clever way,
especially because you need it suddenly 【1】考案する,工夫する,発明する【2】どうにかして…する,うまく[首尾よく]…する;反語的…するようなへまをしでかす |
sulk(n) | 【1】むっつりしていること,すねること |
adamant(adj) | formal determined not to change your opinion,
decision, etc 【1】〈態度・意見が〉不動の,断固たる,譲らない2】〈物が〉非常に堅い,堅牢(けんろう)無比の |
relent(v) | [I] to change your attitude and become less
severe or cruel towards someone 【1】〈感情・気分を〉和らげる,優しくさせる,なごやかにさせる,〈決意を〉鈍らせる |
communal(adj) | 1 shared by a group, especially a group of
people who live together 2 involving people
from many different races, religions, or
language groups 【1】共同で使用する[分け合う]【2】地域住民の[による],公共の |
mound(n) | 1 a pile of earth or stones that looks like
a small hill 2 a large pile of something
【3】高く盛り上げたもの |
ladle(n) | [C] a large deep spoon with a long handle,
used for lifting liquid out of a container 【1】ひしゃく,大さじ |
gruel(n) | [U]a thin liquid food made of crushed oats
that was eaten in the past by poor or sick
people 【1】薄がゆ,(特に)オートミール粥(がゆ) |
loot(v) | [I,T] to steal things, especially from shops
or homes that have been damaged in a war
or riot 【1】〈物品を〉戦利品[分捕り品]として持ち去る,分捕る,略奪する【2】(戦争などで)〈都市・家などから〉略奪する,分捕る,荒らす |
procession(n) | [C]1 a line of people or vehicles moving slowly
as part of ceremony 2 several people or things
of ths same kind, appearing or happening
one after the other 【1】(人・船舶などの整然とした)行進,進行,前進;行列(の隊形);(静止した物の規則的な)列 |
denounce(v) | [T] 1to express strong disapproval of someone
or something, especially in public 【1】〈人・行為を〉公然と非難する[責める],糾弾[排撃]する,論難する,弾劾する |
eventful(adj) | full of intersting or important events 【1】出来事の多い,多事な,波瀾(はらん)万丈の |
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検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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