第六回 Grass-Eaters Summary 提出後のML討論 |
Written By Slawomir Mrozek |
★テーマ★ 1.What do you think Ajit's wife Swapna is like ? 2.Please tell us the bright side of the things you feel unhappy or unlucky with . (by Rilla) |
は〜い、みなさん♪ 今月は、参加者が少なくてちょっと淋しかったですね。 あ、人のことは言えないけど・・・(^^ゞ 今回の課題についての話し合いのテーマを決める順番が私に回ってきたみたいです。 ふたつ用意してみました。どちらかひとつ、もしよければ両方のご意見をお願いします。 1.What do you think Ajit's wife Swapna is like ? 2.Please tell us the bright side of the things you feel unhappy or unlucky with . 上の英文に自信がないので、日本語でも書いておきます。 1.Ajit の奥さんの Swapna って、どういう人だと思いますか。 2.みなさんが、ちょっと嫌だなって思ったことが起こったお蔭で、手に入れたいい ことを教えて下さい。 |
Swapna is really an inocent woman ごえべえ |
I think Swapna is really an inocent woman. She always believes in her husband, Ajit and shrares the better life with him. If I were her, I couldn't bear such a miserable and unsteadily life. And I wouldn't have wanted to be pregnant! However, I want to be like Swapna. More difficult their lives go, more cheerful they seem to be. Rill , Pollyanna is my favorite book! "Just beeing glad game" Pollyanna was always playing. And I'm always trying to play it. The site below offers freee download of "Pollyanna". http://www.bibliomania.com/0/0/39/77/frameset.html です! とにかく、夫婦二人、たくましい! |
Being involved in the hard situation
gave me various positive aspects.. middle-angel |
The unfriendly host family made me to move
out and I found good friends inDublin. ぽち |
Hi, everyone! Rilla-san, thank you for the discussion topics. I would like to talk about No.2. > 2.Please tell us the bright side of the things you feel unhappy or unlucky with . > 2.みなさんが、ちょっと嫌だなって思ったことが起こったお蔭で、手に入れたい い > ことを教えて下さい。 When I arrived in Dublin (Ireland) 10 years ago, I stayed with a host family. That family was not good. They took students only for money, so they didn't have dinner with me and they didn't talk to me at all. I was very disappinted, sad and lonely since I knew nobody in Dublin and I was having difficulty in making friends at school (English Language School). Disperated I moved out. Three French girls in my school was looking for one more roommate. I didn't know them at all because they were in the advanced class and I was in the bieginner class. I had no idea if I could get along well with them, but anyway I moved in the house they were sharing. It turned out that staying in that house with my roommate was one of the most valuable and enjoyable experinces in my life. I couldn't speak English well at that time, but the threeFrench girls liked me a lot and we talked and talked about everything everyday. I lerned English from them much more than I lerned at school. They were the best English teachers I have ever met in a way. After they left Dublin I found new roommates, a German girl, an Irish girl and a Canadian girl. I got along with them and had a lot of fun too. These girls are still my best friends. We keep in touch. If my host family had been very kind and nice, I wouldn't have moved out and I would have stayed only with that family for a year and I might not have met my roommates. But having a bad host family made me move even though I was scared and I was not confident in my English. middle-angelさんのお話、すごくよくわかります。大変なことに巻き込まれてしまっ たけれど、そこで素敵な出会いがあったんですね。素晴らしいお話ですね〜。 私は10年前、誰も知っている人がいないアイルランドのダブリンへ英語がほとんどしゃべれない状態(英検2級に落ちたレベル)で行きました。普通の語学留学なので語学学校の紹介してくれたホストファミリーにスティすることになったのですが、想像していたアットホームなファミリーとは全然違いました。高いお金を払っているのに・・・なファミリーでがっかりでしたが、おかげでいろんな国のルームメートたちと毎日楽しく過ごすことができました。私が英語が話せるようになったのはルームメートたちのおかげです。 |
Why I started studying English again. ごえべえ |
Hi, Everyone! What Middle-angel and Pochi wrote touched my heart. Bad things often turns into something wonderful. I want to write something after I read their e-mails. Now I can read, listen to, talk English. Of course not so well, bad I can think things in english. It was because my mother in law told me that I couldn't do anything. Whe I was told so, I got angry at her. However, it was true!So I started to study English. Then now, You, All , I have got a lot of friends who are studying English! If my mother in law didn't say that, did I seriously study something? I'm not sure. This is a small thing not like the stories of middle-angel or Pochi. But I just wanted to say somthing. 失礼しました。 |
Living in Awaji Island Rilla |
Thank Goebe-san, Middle-angel-san, Pochi-san for writing your opinions on the subject I suggested this time. All of them are very interesting to me. :) I'm sorry to be late for talking over the subject. That's because I had been so busy last week. I went to Osaka twice, and then had guests at my house. First, I would talk over No.2. Thank you, again, Goebe-san, for letting me know the web-site of Pollyanna. Of course, I love her "Glad game", too. My husband and I moved here, to Awaji Island, and began to live with my parents about three years and a half ago. Compared with Hansin-area, Awaji isn't so convenient though we don't have to take ships to go to Honshu any more. So, I have less chance to meet my friends, or to go to museums or somewhere else in Honshu. On top of that, I have to prepare meals for my family three times every day, and to often take my parents to hospital by car, which makes me a little busy. So, I'll try to find the bright side of my background. 1. My parents seem very happy to live with us. 2. My husband is enjoying himself raising vegetables in our kitchen garden, walking and playing tennis with his friends, and so on. 3. Thanks to him, we can eat fresh vegetables. 4. As we live near the sea, we can eat fresh fish, too. 5. We have enough garden to enjoy gardening. It's in season now. I would like to show you my garden with full of flowers. 6. I can often see friends of my childhood. And it's lovely ! 7. Last but not least, I have more time to spend with the computer, because the TV programs my parents like are not interesting to me at all. So, I don't watch TV so much. And it has enabled me to join Goebe-san's meeting. 1番目のSwapnaについては、日本語で書かせていただきます。 私は、彼女は夫のAjitを心から愛していて、頼りにしているんだと思います。 それに、幾つになっても恥じらいの残っている人なんですね。 4人目の子供の妊娠を夫に告げる時のはにかみ方は、私にはちょっと新鮮でした。 昼間、裸に近いようないでたちでいる時もそうですね。 夜盲症なので、夕方暗くなって見えなくなるまでは、恥ずかしがって夫の方をよく見よ うとしないなんて・・・ 夜盲症は、きっと草ばかり食べているのでビタミンAが足りなくて、そうなったのでしょ うけれど、そのせいで夜は妻が優しくなるから嬉しいと感じるAjitは考えるんですね。 Ajitも、Swapnaがいるから、どんな辛い事でもいい面を見つける事が出来るのかもしれない。 そう言う意味で、彼女も彼の支えになっているんだと思います。 ↑この議題、日本語でも難しいですね。(汗) ごめんなさい。 「Sudden Fiction」 は、どれもみんな、それぞれに心を打つ物語ですね。 今月の課題も、哀しいけれど心に響きます。 ごえべえさん、素晴らしい本を選んでくださって、どうもありがとう! |
Grass-Eatersの単語・イディオム/Summary/ |
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