第七回 Gregory Summary 提出後のML討論 | |
Written By Panos Ioannides( Cyprus) | |
★テーマ★ Talk about "a friend". A friend whom you have met in your life and whom you will never be able to forget either in a good way or a bad way. (by ぽち) |
Hi, everyone. Did you like the story? I did. I don't want to talk about war or if he should or could have helped Gregory or not.It was a terrible thing for Gregory of course, but for him too. He will never forget Gregory, and his face and the details when he died. I would like you talk about "a friend". A friend whom you have met in your life and whom you will never be able to forget either in a good way or a bad way. A friend who is really special for you or very strange or strong or extremely mean ( you might not call this kind of person" a friend" though....). みなさん、こんにちは。今回のお話は内容がはっきりしていてわかりやすかったです ね。しかし、ヘビーな内容なのでディスカッションのテーマといってもなかなか難し いですよね。彼がしたことの是非や戦争の悲惨さについて語るのもいいかもしれませ んが・・・今回は忘れられない「友達」について語るっていうのはどうでしょうか。 いい意味でも悪い意味でも忘れられない「友達」。では、よろしくお願いします。私 も今から考えてみます〜。 |
She is my best friend and having such a good
friend is my immaterial property. is really
an innocent woman middle-angel |
Dear members. First of all I would like to show my appreciation to Pochi for discussion theme. Whenever I encounter the word "friendship," I always think of my best friend whom I have known since elementary school. It is hard to believe that we have been together for 44 years !! Here I wanna tell you the reason why I call her my "best friend". I realized it when I got married. It was 25 years ago. For various reasons most of people surrounding me were against my marriage. Especially my parents were so furious that my partner and I had to have our wedding ceremony all by ourselves. Many of my friends were surprised at my decision and were away from me for a while. However she was different !! She always tried to be on my side and actually I wore her wedding dress at my ceremony. I was very glad to know that I have at least one person who understood me deeply, specially in such situation. We don't see each other very often now but we still keep in touch. It doesn't matter how often we see each other but it matters how deep we think of each other. Our relationship have stepped up from individual basis to family basis since then owing to our respective husband. Now her daughter and mine are very good friend, too. I can proudly say she is my best friend and having such a good friend is my immaterial property. |
She was my best friend. ごえべえ |
たけぼー添削後の英文 Hi guys! How are you doing these days? I have been thinking about my best friend. Like middle-angel, I met my best friend at the age of 8. Since then she was my best friend. Why 'was'? She is a different person from who she was, or I mistook her for what/who she really was. She was the person who brought me to the library for the first time when we were children. We loved reading, and writing. We had been coresponding more than 25 years and wrote more than 300 letters. She was working for a famous trading company, and her salary was really high, however, she took a test to work for Air France.I admired her for her challenging spirit. The thing why I think she is not who she was is she rather buys clothing, jewerly, bags and so on than telephones friends when she feels stress. I don't want to call her names. However, I lost my friend.Was the person an illusion ? However, we are still e-mailing each other.Her e-mailsoften make me disappointed. I don't know what to do with her.Will she change if I wait and see? Sorry this is not a good story. |
A female was her lover! It took three months for me to accept my friend's homosexualtiy. ぽち |
Hi, how are you everyone? It is raining and I have a cold...but I'm fine. Goebe and middle-angel,thank you for your interesting stories about "Friend."Sorry for being late to .tell my story. I met Carol in Osaka. She is Irish. She was one of my English teachers .Carol and the other teachers told me that it would be a good idea to choose Ireland to stay and study English in because there are not so many Japanese students there. So I went to Ireland. When I was in Dublin Carol was in another city, Limerick in Ireland. She was the only person I knew in the country, since she lives in another city we didn't see often, but she sometimes gave me a call and asked me if I was OK. She was really nice and kind to me. One day I went to visit her in Limerick. I knew that she was staying with her female roommate. On that day the roommate was out of the town on a business trip. When I arrived in her house I noticed something was strange there. There were too bed rooms, but one of them was not used. She told me that I could use that room. She showed me her bed room. There was a nice room with one huge bed. I was wondering where the room for her roommate was. It didn't seem to be more rooms in the house unless they have a hidden room. In the evening Carol was talking to her roommate on the phone. The way she talked to her was very different from the way she talked to me or other friends. She was saying I miss you, I love you....I am thinking about you....or something like that. And after that she told me that she had to go out for a meeting that night. She said that she had to go to a meeting for lesbians. So she was a lesbian and her roommate was her girl friend (or her lover...). It was 11 years ago and I was young. I had never met a homosexual person in real life. That kind of thing was something only in movies for me. I was so shocked that I didn't know what to say. I thought that maybe I shouldn't overreact and should pretend it was nothing and I could accept it. She started to talk about when she realized she was a lesbian or how hard to be a lesbian in Ireland since it is a Catholic country and her parents are very religious Catholic. I pretended that I could accept and understand her, but actually I didn't. I wished I could, but I couldn't. I didn't have enough capacity for accepting the fact that my friend was a lesbian. I stayed there one night and I went back to Dublin.I think she noticed that I could not accept it and I didn't want to see her again even though I didn't say anything and pretended it was nothing. Since then she didn't call me and I didn't call her either except for one call that I said thank you for letting me stay. I talked to my roommates about Carol and told them that I know she is a good person and being a lesbian doesn't affect her personality, but I still had a disgusting feeling about it. It took me three months to accept it. Three months later I called her and told that I would like to see her and her girlfriend. When they came to Dublin we went to the pub together. They were really a nice couple and I liked them. They were good friends of mine. I don't know exactly where they are now. They like moving and staying in different countries. I think I should find Carol and her girlfriend, Moira and see them again sometime. こんなに長くするつもりはなかったんですが、うまくまとめられなかったので長くなってしまいました。すいません。今なら友達が同性愛でも驚いたり動揺したりしないと思うんですが、当時はそういうものにすごく嫌悪感を持っていて、友達に「私 レズビアンなの。」と告白されたときすご〜く驚きました。その後、ダブリンで同性愛の男の子にあったり、いろいろな人と会ってそういうことに嫌悪感がなくなって、そういうものも全部ひっくるめて友達でいればいいだと思うようになりました。だからキャロルは私にとってある意味で忘れられない友達です。長いこと会ってないけど、元気にしているかな〜。 |
It is difficult to accept other people's
taste. ごえべえ |
ぽちさん 興味深い話、ありがとうございました。 気持ち、わかります。 頭では理解していて、受け入れているつもりでも、いざ、目の前でそれをつきつけられると、心からは受け入れられないときって、ありますよね。 けど、しばらくして、また友情が復活して、よかったですね。現在の消息はわからないとしても、ぽちさんが思い出されるように、きっとCarolもぽちさんのことを思い出されているんだろうと思います。 私の友だちと考えがすれ違ってしまって、一番辛いのは、彼女の考えから推測すると、私はとっても価値のない人間のように思えてしまうということです。 もっと、何もかもをひっくるめて、彼女のことを愛せればいいのにと、ぽちさんのメールを読んで思いました。私って、包容力が乏しいのかもしれませんね。 ありがとうございました。 日本語で書いちゃいました。('-'*)フフ |
My Most Unforgettable Friend Rilla |
One chilly afternoon just after Hanshin-Awaji great earthquake occurred, one lady visited my house with large luggage. At that time, I lived in the middle of the stricken area, and most of the houses around mine were destroyed though our house had a little damage from it. We had gone through inconvenient life without gas and water service, and markets to buy daily food. I met her during the PTA activities 15 or 16 years ago. We were the same age and seemed to have the same taste. I felt comfortable when talking with her. I liked her very much, but we had never met in private. Why ? I don't know. Maybe both of us were not so active. Two years later, she moved to Tokyo and then Nara. So, I had not seen her ever since. We had only exchanged New Year's cards. I am ashamed to say that at that time I had been thinking to stop sending her New Year's card because we seemed to have no chance to see one another any more. She brought me a lot of useful things---precooked food, fresh fruit and vegetables, and a portable gas heater with gas cylinders for it. It started snowing when she left my house. She came to my house all the way from Nara on such a cold day ! What a kind person ! I went to see her off to the nearest station and thanked her again and again. I have not seen her ever since but I shall never forget her. -------- 遅くなってごめんなさい。 あの大震災では、大変でしたけれど貴重な経験をいっぱいしました。 お陰で、ここには書きませんが、他にも「素晴らしい友人をいっぱい持っていて、なんて幸せ」 ということの再確認ができました。 今、これを書いていたら、ぽちさんのメールが飛び込んできました。 頼りにしていたお友達がレスビアンと知って大凄いショック! 10年以上も前ならなおさらのこと・・・ でも、何もかも受け入れての友人関係って、素晴らしいと思います。 私も是非そうありたいと思っています。 |
たけぼーの添削後(一部、全く違うところもあります) One chilly afternoon just after Hanshin-Awaji
great earthquake, one
lady visited my house with large luggage.
At that time, I lived in the
middle of the stricken area, where most of the houses around ours were
destroyed though ours was less damaged than others. We had gone
through inconvenient life without gas and
water service, and any shops to
get daily food from.
I met her 15 or 16 years ago during our PTA
activities. We were the
same age and her taste seemed to be similar
to mine. I felt comfortable
talking with her. I liked her a lot, but we never met in private. Why? I
don't know. Maybe neither of us were so outgoing.
Two years later,
she moved to Tokyo and then, Nara.
I had not seen
her since then. We had only exchanged
New Year's cards. I am ashamed to
say that at that time I had been thinking of stopping sending her New Year's cards because we seemed to have no chance to see
each other any
She brought me a
lot of useful things such as precooked food,
fruit and vegetables, and a portable gas
heater with gas cylinders for it.
It started snowing
when she left my house. She came to
my house for
me all the way from Nara on such a cold day!
What a kind person! I went
to see her off to the nearest station and
thanked her over and over again.
Since then, I have had no chance to see her again, but I will never forget her. |
My Best Firend さなえ |
Hi members! Pochi, middle-angel, Goebe, Rilla thank you for sharing your stories about friend. I have a friend we have known each other since we were junior high school. In the second year of the school we were in the same class and she became my best friend since then. She was full of energy and knew lots of things that I didn't know and we shared many things in common. She was good at everything. I can say that she was my mentor for life at that time. We went to same high school. When I came to Tokyo after graduated from high school we happen to live same area ( different ward but used same station) for one year. After that she got a boyfriend and I moved to west side of Tokyo so we couldn't meet so often as used to be. But we made sure to keep in touch all the time. When I was in S.F. she visited me and stayed at my aunt's house for couple of days. It was fun ! I arranged hotel room for her in downtown S.F. and we enjoyed sightseeing. She was the one who first said congratulation on my son's birth and only friend visited me when I was in the hospital. Now that we have family, our relationship turned into family base form individual one like middle-angel's. She is my best friend and will be for good. |
My Best Friend Kelly |
Hello. Sorry that I couldn't submit summaries for a couple of month. Stories you sent aroused my interest in talking about friend. I have a friend I can talk to about anything for 16 years. My best friend and I have known each other since we were in the seventh grade. Though we were in the same club for three years, never been in the same class or in the same high school after graduate. We learned design very hard at junior high school but I'd never defeated her works of design. Her works were really great. We shared a hard design works for three years. After graduate from high school, she specialized in design at a college and I specialized in English. Even if we didn't spend the same time each other but our friendship didn't break off. Since we got boyfriends, we couldn't see each other as we used to. One day we traveled with friends, she told me about her boyfriend. It was shocking to me and I got angry to her.....because her boyfriend was a married person and had a little boy. I couldn't believe the truth. It reminded what my daddy did to my mom. You know, that meant she stole a father from the little boy. I told her that she had to carry out her love over my dead body. Perhaps, my words did break off our friendship though I wanted to be her best friends for good. I couldn't see her since then. Two years ago, she invited me to her wedding. I was introduced to everyone as her best friend. After speech I made, addressed kindly, I was moved to tears. But still confused because her husband was that boyfriend... I don't know they are really happy and have no problem but I celebrate her from the bottom of my heart. Two years past from her wedding, I'm not sure that we are still best friends. I hope I am her best friends forever. No one knows how deep our friendship is. Maybe it will take a long time that I can accept their love. In my heart, she's still my best friend. I hope someday we can talk to anything each other will come again... ごえちゃーん、みんなー、サマリー提出できんくてごめんねー。 私ライティングスキルをもっと磨かないと駄目ねー。っていつも思うのよ(T∇T) さなえちゃんも、みんなも忙しいのにサマリーちゃんと提出していてすごいね。 尊敬しちゃいます(TT TT) 私はこれからレッスンしてきまーす。久しぶりのビジネス英語。緊張しちゃいます。 じゃ! |
Thanks for precious stories ごえべえ |
Hi, everyone! How are you doing? I am sleepy today, because I got up in the morning. Thank you for all stories about your friends, middle-angel, Pochi, Rilla, Sanae and Kelly! Rilla, I was touched! What your friend did to you were really something special and I think she is brave and kind! Sanae, I envy you! The friendship between you and your best friend was like the one between my friend and me, but your friendship is better than mine. Kelly, I understand what you felt toward your friend's affair and wedding. My dad also had a lot of affair but fortunately he still lives with my mother. If he chose another woman for his wife, I couldn't have had a good relationship with the friend like Kelly's. 今月はSummary 提出は少なかったのに、ML討論が活発でほんと、よかったです! ぽちさんが、あの、重い課題の「Gregory」からこんなにいいテーマを選んでくだ さったお陰です。 ありがとうございました! |
Gregoryの単語・イディオム/Summary/ | |
10月課題へ/11月の課題へ/12月の課題へ/1月の課題へ/3月の課題へ/4月の課題へ/ | |
掲示板/ML登録/HOME//おすすめ洋書 | |
お勧め辞書 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English /American Heritage College dictionary/Colins COBUILDのCD-ROM/小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROM お勧め辞書サイト Bartleby com/インフォシーク英和辞典/RNN時事英語辞典/Dictionary com/LYCOS:ディクショナリィPowered By バビロン |
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