第八回Net 勉強会 The Grasshopper And The Bell Crkcet 単語&idioms |
aside(adv) | 1 To or toward the side わきへ[に],傍らへ,片側に,少し離れて[離れた所へ];(本題などから)離れて,それて |
upper(adj) | 1 Higher in place, position, or rank |
turn aside | わきへそれる |
upper school(n) | (特に私立中等学校の)上級学年 |
clump(n) | 2 A thick grouping, as of trees or bushes
【1】小木立,植え込み,草むら,やぶ,茂み |
embankment(n) | 2 A mound of earth or stone built to hold
back water or support a roadway 【1】堤,堤防,土手;(谷間を走る鉄道・道路の)土堤,盛り土 |
variclored(adj) | Having a variety of colors, variegated 【1】さまざまな色の,雑色の,まだらの |
bob(v) | 2 To cause to move up and down 【2】小刻みに上下に動く |
carton(n) | 1 Any of various containers made from cardboard
or coated paper 1】カートン,紙箱:特に保管・船積み用の厚紙製・プラスチック製の箱 |
lozenge(n) | 1 A small medicated candy intended to be dissolve
slowly in the mouth to lubricate and soothe
irritated tissues of the throat 2 a A four-sided
planar figure with a diamondlike shape; a
rhombus that is not a square b, Something
having this shape, especially a heraldic
device ひし形【3】。紋章【4】ロージンジ:宝石のひし形面;ダイヤモンドのブリリアント形小面 |
loiter(v) | 1 To stand idly about; linger aimlessly 2 To proceed slowly or with many stops 3 To
delay or dawdle 【1】(当てもなく)ぶらつく,うろつく |
syllabary(adj) | 1a, Of or consisting of a syllable or syllables
b, Pronounced with every syllable distinct
2 Designating a sound that is or can be the
most sonorant segment of syllable, as a vowel
or resonant, In the word riddle the two syllabic
sounds are the (I) and the (I) 3 Of or being a form of verse based on the
number of syllables in a line rather than
the arrangement of accents or quantities 【1】音節[字音]表2】音節文字表 |
emanate(v) | To come or send forth, as from a source 〈考え・うわさなどが〉(…から)起こる,生ずる;〈香り・熱・光・音などが〉(…から)発する,発散す |
sheepish(adj) | 1 Embarrassed, as by consciousness of a fault
2 Meek or stupid 【1】(失敗やばかげたことをして)恥ずかしがる,まごついた【2】(羊のように)柔和な,従順な,御しやすい;おどおどした,小心の |
discernible(adj) | percetible, as by vision or the intellect 認められる,認識[理解]できる;識別[区別]できる,見分けがつく |
inscribe(v) | 1 To write , print, carve, or engrave( words
or letters) on or in a surface 1】(特に献辞・名前などを手書きして)〈書物・写真などを〉(人に)贈る,贈呈[献呈]する |
aperture(n) | 1 An opening, such as a hole, gap, or slit
2 A usu. Adjustable opening in an optical
instrument, such as a camera, that limits
the anmount of light that can enter 【1】開き口,穴(hole), すき間,割れ目,切れ目 |
interplay(n) | Reciprocal action and reaction; interaction 相互作用,相互影響,相互関係,交錯 |
chagrin(n) | A keen feeling of mental unease caused by
failure, disappointment, or a disconcerting
event 【1】無念,残念,悔しさ |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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