第37回Net 勉強会 2004,10
The Black Dog
shuffle(v) If you shuffle somewhere, you walk there without lifting your feet properly off the ground.
stroll(n) ぶらぶら歩き,そぞろ歩き,漫歩;散歩
sandy(adj) A sandy area is covered with sand.
砂を含む;砂をまいた;砂で覆われた;砂で[砂のように]ざらざらする 砂質の;砂でできた
rugged(adj) A rugged area of land is uneven and covered with rocks, with few trees or plants.
dike(n) A dike is a thick wall that is built to stop water flooding onto very low-living land a river or from the sea.
(海・河川の)堤,堤防 溝,堀;水路
stack(n) A stack of things a pile of them.
stickleback(n) A stickleback is a small fish which has sharp points along its back.
トゲウオ:トゲウオ科 Gasterosteidae の小さい魚の総称;背びれ,腹びれ,しりびれにとげがある;雄が巣をつくって守る;北方の淡水,海水に生息
pitch-black(n) If a place or the night is pitch-black, it is completely dark.
water beetle(n) 水生甲虫:水に潜って捕食する甲虫の総称;ゲンゴロウなど
chamois(n) Chamois are small animals rather like goats that live in the mountains of Europe and South West Asia.
hunched(adj) If you are hunched, or hunched up, you are leaning forwards with your shoulders raised and your head down, often because you are cold, ill, or unhappy.
hunch(v) ぐいと前に出る[乗り出す,前進する]
shrill(adj) A shrill sound is high-pitched and unpleseant.
peewit(n) タゲリ ユリカモメ
pasture(n) Pasture is land with grass growing on it for farm animals to eat.
放牧に適した草地,牧草地(pastureland); 放牧場,牧場
dune(n) A dune is a hill of sand near the sea or in a desert.
lopsided(adj) Something that is lopsided is uneven because one side is lower or heavier than the other.
leap(n) 飛ぶこと,飛び跳ねること,跳躍;飛ぶような動き,躍進,飛躍
Bouvier de Flandres(n) ブービエ・デ・フランドル(フランダースの犬のモデル)http://www.dog.gr.jp/01/index-bdf.htmに写真あり。体高:牡:65〜68牝:62〜65cm体重:牡:35〜40牝:27〜35kg
raving(adj) You use raving to describe someone who you think is completely mad.
keep sth. at bay

If you keep something or someone at bay, or hold them at bay, you prevent them from reaching, attacking, or affecting you.

fleck(n) Flecks are small marks on a surface, or objects that looks like small marks.
rigid(adj) If someone goes rigid, their body becomes very straihgt and stiff, usually as a result of shock or fear.
crate(n) A crate is a large box used for transporting or storing things.
slime(n) Slime is a thick, wet substance which covers a surface or comes from the bodies or animals such as snails.
totter(v) If someone totters somewhere, they walk there in an unsteady way, for example becasue they are ill or drunk,
pelt(n) The pelt of an animal is its skin, which can be used to make clothing or rugs.
snarl(v) When an animal snarls, it makes a fierce, rough sound in its throat while showing its teeth.
shred(v) If you shred something such as food or paper, you cut it or tear it into very small, narrow pieces.
shreded(adj) ずたずたの
hobble(v) If you hobble, you walk in an awkward way with small steps, for example because your foot is injured.
lunge(v) If you lunge in a particular direction, you move in that direction suddenly and clumsily.
〈車などが〉(急に)飛び出すout, forward(…に)突進する
jolt(v) 〈人・物・場所を〉(急激に)揺さぶる,〈乗り物が〉〈乗客などを〉ガタガタ揺さぶりながら行く
sprung(v) springの過去形

A lamppost is a tall metal or concrete pole that is fixed beside a road and has a light at th top.

bay window(n) A bay window is a window that sticks out from the outside wall of a house.
glide(v) If you glide somewhere, you move silently and in a smooth and effortless way.
wail(v) If someone wails, they make long, loud, high-pitched cries which express sorrow or pain.
plop(v) If something plops somewhere, it drops there with a soft, gentle sound.
brusque(adj) If you describe a person or their behaviour as brusque, you mean that they deal with things, or say things, quickly and shortly, so that they seem to be rude.
lash(v) If someone lashes another person, they hit that person with a whip.
blow(n) If someone recieves a blow, they are hit with a fist or weapon.

A sling is a piece of cloth which supports someone's broken or injured arm and is tied round their neck.

検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDCD-ROM小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました