勉強会 2004,10 The Black Dog 単語&idioms |
P280/P281/P282/P283/P284 | |
P280 | |
shuffle(v) | If you shuffle somewhere, you walk there
without lifting your feet properly off the ground. 足を引きずる[引きずって歩く] |
stroll(n) | ぶらぶら歩き,そぞろ歩き,漫歩;散歩 |
sandy(adj) | A sandy area is covered with sand. 砂を含む;砂をまいた;砂で覆われた;砂で[砂のように]ざらざらする 砂質の;砂でできた |
ruggedly(adv) | |
rugged(adj) | A rugged area of land is uneven and covered with rocks,
with few trees or plants. 凸凹のある,ごつごつした;起伏の多い;ぎざぎざの;岩だらけの,険しい |
backdike(n) | |
dike(n) | A dike is a thick wall that is built to stop water
flooding onto very low-living land a river or from the sea. (海・河川の)堤,堤防 溝,堀;水路 |
P281 | |
stack(n) | A stack of things a pile of them. (アパートの地下などにある)全館暖房送風装置;(暖房装置の)立て管,(垂直の)送風管,通風管;(いくつかの階に通じる垂直の)排水管 |
stickleback(n) | A stickleback is a small fish which has sharp points
along its back. トゲウオ:トゲウオ科 Gasterosteidae の小さい魚の総称;背びれ,腹びれ,しりびれにとげがある;雄が巣をつくって守る;北方の淡水,海水に生息 |
pitch-black(n) | If a place or the night is pitch-black, it is completely
dark. (ピッチのように)真っ黒な,真っ暗な,漆黒の:(ピッチとはコールタールのこと) |
water beetle(n) | 水生甲虫:水に潜って捕食する甲虫の総称;ゲンゴロウなど |
chamois(n) | Chamois are small animals rather like goats that live
in the mountains of Europe and South West Asia. シャモア,スイス[アルプス]カモシカ |
hunched(adj) | If you are hunched, or hunched up, you are leaning forwards with your shoulders raised and your head down, often because you are cold, ill, or unhappy. |
hunch(v) | ぐいと前に出る[乗り出す,前進する] |
shrill(adj) | A shrill sound is high-pitched and unpleseant. 〈声・音が〉高くて鋭い,甲高い,金切り声の |
peewit(n) | タゲリ ユリカモメ |
pasture(n) | Pasture is land with grass growing on it for farm
animals to eat. 放牧に適した草地,牧草地(pastureland); 放牧場,牧場 |
dune(n) | A dune is a hill of sand near the sea or in a desert. 砂丘,デューン:砂が風に運ばれ海辺,湖のほとり,砂漠などにできた丘 |
lopsided(adj) | Something that is lopsided is uneven because one side
is lower or heavier than the other. 片方が重い[大きい,発達した],釣り合いのとれない,非対称な,いびつな;〈性格・考えなどが〉偏った |
leap(n) | 飛ぶこと,飛び跳ねること,跳躍;飛ぶような動き,躍進,飛躍 |
Bouvier de Flandres(n) | ブービエ・デ・フランドル(フランダースの犬のモデル)http://www.dog.gr.jp/01/index-bdf.htmに写真あり。体高:牡:65〜68牝:62〜65cm体重:牡:35〜40牝:27〜35kg |
raving(adj) | You use raving to describe someone who you think is
completely mad. わごと[訳の分からぬこと]を言う;狂乱の,精神錯乱の,気違いじみた;わめき狂う,怒号する |
keep sth. at bay |
If you keep something or someone at bay, or hold them at bay, you prevent
them from reaching, attacking, or affecting you. |
P282 | |
fleck(n) | Flecks are small marks on a surface, or objects that
looks like small marks. 細片,薄片,少量 |
rigid(adj) | If someone goes rigid, their body becomes very straihgt
and stiff, usually as a result of shock or fear. 固定した,動かない |
crate(n) | A crate is a large box used for transporting or storing
things. (荷造り用の)枠箱,すかし箱,木枠 |
slime(n) | Slime is a thick, wet substance which covers a surface
or comes from the bodies or animals such as snails. (薄い粘着性の)ねば土,軟泥,へどろ |
totter(v) | If someone totters somewhere, they walk there in an unsteady way, for example becasue they are ill or drunk, |
pelt(n) | The pelt of an animal is its skin, which can be used
to make clothing or rugs. (ヤギ・羊などの)なめす前の毛皮 |
snarl(v) | When an animal snarls, it makes a fierce, rough sound
in its throat while showing its teeth. 〈犬などが〉(…に)歯をむき出してうなる |
shred(v) | If you shred something such as food or paper, you cut it or tear it into very small, narrow pieces. |
shreded(adj) | ずたずたの |
hobble(v) | If you hobble, you walk in an awkward way with small
steps, for example because your foot is injured. びっこを引く[引いて歩く] |
lunge(v) | If you lunge in a particular direction, you move in
that direction suddenly and clumsily. 〈車などが〉(急に)飛び出すout, forward(…に)突進する |
joltingly(adv) | |
jolt(v) | 〈人・物・場所を〉(急激に)揺さぶる,〈乗り物が〉〈乗客などを〉ガタガタ揺さぶりながら行く |
sprung(v) | springの過去形 |
P283 | |
lamppost(n) |
A lamppost is a tall metal or concrete pole that is fixed beside a
road and has a light at th top. |
bay window(n) | A bay window is a window that sticks out from the
outside wall of a house. 張り出し窓,出窓 |
glide(v) | If you glide somewhere, you move silently and in a
smooth and effortless way. 滑らせる,滑らかに動かす;〈乗り物を〉滑るように走らせる,滑走[滑空]させる;〈音を〉グリッサンドで奏する;〈場所を〉(グライダーで)飛び越える |
wail(v) | If someone wails, they make long, loud, high-pitched
cries which express sorrow or pain. (悲しみ・苦痛などのため)(高いまたは響く声で)長く悲しげに叫ぶ,泣き叫ぶ |
plop(v) | If something plops somewhere, it drops there with
a soft, gentle sound. ドスン[ドテッ,ストン]と落ちる[倒れる] |
brusquely(adv) | |
brusque(adj) | If you describe a person or their behaviour as brusque,
you mean that they deal with things, or say things, quickly and shortly,
so that they seem to be rude. ぶっきらぼうな,無愛想な,そっけない |
lash(v) | If someone lashes another person, they hit that person
with a whip. (特に罰として)むち打つ;(むちのようなもので)打つ,打ちすえる |
blow(n) | If someone recieves a blow, they are hit with a fist
or weapon. (体の一部への)強打,殴打 |
P284 | |
sling(n) |
A sling is a piece of cloth which supports someone's broken or injured
arm and is tied round their neck. |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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