第十ニ回 Lost Keys Summary (締め切り 9月30日) |
Written By Paul Milensky(P172) 提出順、敬称略 |
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Lost Keys Megumi |
The old dziadz, and I used to go fishing.
The old dziadz would put distance between
us while fishing. He drove, left the keys
to us after parking near the stream, and
was gone. |
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Lost Keys Middle-angle |
Age will tell. The older one gets, the weaker
he becomes. Aging seems to accelerate after
retirement and it is very pity that we have
to face the fact sooner or later. No exception
!! |
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Lost Confidence ごえべえ |
Although I don't know whether the old dziadz
was sociable, he liked fishing. He used to
keep the keys of his car and put some distance
from me while fishing. After his retirement
he became a little weaker. Once he fell on
a slippery rock, broke glass. Another time,
he was caught in the middle of the stream
in a swirling current. Then he began keeping
the keys. The last time we fished together, he lost the keys. He was too disappointed to take any means to make things better. He lost not only keys but also his confidence to do anything. He wouldn't hear what I said, and he moved back down to the stream. I found the keys which were lying where he had been sating. I told him that he hadn't actually lost the keys, which he had given them to me. However, he just dropped his his head and stood in the rain for a long time. Ronっていうのが、the old dziadzの名前ですよね? 最初のページは何度も読んじゃいました。簡単なようでちと、難しかったです。 |
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Lost Keys ぱんぷきん |
The old dziadz used to like fishing alone.
He put some distance between the companies
and fished very quickly like the flow of
water. When we go fishing, he is the first
out of the car, passes me the key, he is
gone. After one or two hours later, he turned
up quietly, which made me surprise. |
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Lost Keys Rilla |
I would often go fishing with the old dziadz.
He was nimble and always wanted to be the
first there, that is, he made everything
ready for fishing before parking the car
near the stream, got out of the car first
after parking the car, tossed me the keys,
headed downstream and began fishing. He liked
to fish putting some distance between us
not to scare fish on a stream. |
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Lost Keys ぽち |
The old dziadz used to toss me the keys after
he parked the car near the near the stream.
And he was gone for an hour or two, then
appeared instantaneously and took me by surprise.
He liked to keep distance between him and
me when we were fishing. He had a curtain
way of his own about fishing and he persisted
with it. He had changed after retirement. It happened that He started to fail to do things. He broke his glasses, got caught in the middle of the stream, and he hurt his ankle when he dropped himself from a high bank to the stream bed. It was obvious that he was getting older and he could not do things in the same way as he used to. He began to keep the keys. The last time was the worst. We went fishing in rain. We didn't meet on the stream When I returned to the car, he was sitting on the ground, soaked and desperate. He lost the keys. He told me he looked everywhere and no places left to look for them. He seemed that he lost confidence and said he was losing everything lately. He did not let me look for the keys, but when he walked to stream, I found them where he had sat. I lied to him and said I had the keys and had forgotten. The lie did not work. He was standing there in rain for a long time, looking sad and pathetic. 提出が遅くなって申し訳ありません。9月30日にうっかり寝てしまい、昨日は幼稚園が昼までだた のでできず、今日になりました。 Ronは私もお兄さんだと思います。それから、歳をとってきたから鍵を人に 預けないで自分で持っているようにするというのはなぜなんでしょう。分かるような 分からないような・・・。忘れそうで怖いなら最初から人に預けておいた方がいいような。だからこそ自分で持つんですかね。 |
Lost Keys さなえ |
Old dziadz and I were good friends. We used
to go fishing together. Old dziadz loved
fishing and knew everything about it. Since
fish are precautious creature, Old dziadz
didn't like to keep company. Whenever we
went fishing he parked his car near the stream then
tossed you the keys and ... he was gone.
A couple of hours later he would appear out
of nowhere then say "How you doing?" That was him before his retirement. Things changed slightly after that. He was aging a bit. He didn't have strength as him used to be. He began to keep the keys with him so he won't have to worry about them. Our last fishing was a rainy day. When I got back to the car, he was already there soaking wet and sitting. He told that he lost the keys in a weak voice. He took it seriously. He tried to find them badly. I said it just mere car keys it happens all the time. But Old dziadz was kept saying that he was losing everything lately. I found the keys where he had sat on them. I recalled that he gave the keys to me when he came back. I called to him and told that he didn't loose them but I did. But it was no use to him. He stood still in the rain looking at the ground for a long time with perfect dismay. 最後に、Iが言ったのはやっぱり心遣いだったのかな。他の方の意見を聞いてそう思えてきました。(...this did not work)だからやっぱりそうなのかな。ただ、もしかすると自分がIにかぎを渡したことすら忘れていた自分に愕然としたのかなとも思いました。 物忘れですか?私なんてほんと、すごいですよ。時々、本当に異常じゃないかと思うほどひどい時もあります。先が思いやられる… |
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dziadzはマス釣りが好きなんですものね。 お騒がせしました。 Summaryを提出する前に、も少しじっくり読むべきでした。 老い、怖いけど、物忘れなんかしだしたら、「老人力」がついてきた! と喜んでいた赤瀬川原平さんの本、(老人力 筑摩文庫)大好きです。できれば、「老い」をマイナス思考でとらえずにプラス思考で面白がりたいです。 さて勉強会も始めてから一年が経ちました。今回、締切り後、駆け込み書き込みの方もいらっしゃり、七人のSummaryが集まりました。第一回は四人(私、middle-angelさん、ぽちさん、さなえさん)でした。そのオリジナルメンバーが今もSummary提出をしてくださっているのにも感謝しています。短編集、全部読み終わるにはあと4年かかります。全部できるかな・・・・ |
Lost Keysの単語/Summary 提出後のMLでの討論/ |
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