第十ニ回Net 勉強会 Lost Keys 単語&idioms |
P172/P173/P174/P175 | |
P172 | |
dziadz | 原型 dziadポーランド語 [ヂャト] 4 複 -owie; (複 -y) (けいべつ的に) じじい, 乞食 |
suspend(v) | to hang something from something else (通例受身)宙に浮かせておく,落ちない[沈まない]ようにする,浮遊[浮動]させる |
crystal(n) | rock that is transparent like ic, or a poece
of this 【1】水晶;(氷のように)澄んだ透明な鉱石【2】。化学「。鉱物「結晶,結晶体;一個[一塊]の結晶体 |
tip(n) | the end of something, especially something
pointed 釣りざお[玉突きのキューなど]の先端部 |
trout(n) | a common river fish, often used for food,
or the flesh of this fish マス |
keep company | to spend time with somebody 付き合う |
crawler(n) | one that crawls, especially an early form
of certain insect larvae 這う動物[虫],爬行(はこう)動物;(米 話)ミミズ |
P173 | |
instantaneously(adv) | 即座に |
instantaneous(adj) | happning immediately |
stag(n) | a fully grown male deer 成熟した雄ジカ |
(poking) poke(v) |
to move or push something through a space
or opening 〈頭・指・棒などを〉(…から)ぐっと突き出す |
take you by surprise | to happen unexpectedly to suddenly attack a place or an opponent when you are not ready 〈人の〉不意を襲う〈人を〉驚かす,びっくりさせる |
retirement(n) | the act of retiring from your job, or the
time when you do this 引退,退職 |
wheel hub(n) | ホイルキャップ |
mat(v) | もつれる |
foggy(adj) | very misty because of fog (霧のかかったように)曇った |
trace(v) | to find someone or something that has disappeared
by searching for them carefully 足跡をたどる,追跡する(out);…を(調査して)確かめる,見つけ出す,突き突める |
lately(adv) | recently このごろ,近ごろ,最近 |
P174 | |
brush(n) | small bushes and trees covering an open area
of land 低木の茂み,やぶ,雑木林,叢林 |
bum(m) | someone, especially a man, who has no home
or job, and who asks people for money ただ、こじき |
bum rides | ただ乗り(ヒッチハイクして車に乗せてもらう) |
strap(n) | a narrow band of strong material that is
used to fasen, hang, or hold onto something (柔軟な材質の)ひも |
rub(v) | to move around while pressing against another
surface, often causing pain, damage etc 〈物が〉(…に)擦れる,こすれる |
unaccountably(adv) | |
unaccountable(adj) | not having to explain your actions or decisions
to anyone else 説明できない(inexplicable), 訳の分からない;不可解な,不思議な,奇妙な |
indentation(n) | a cut into the surface or edge of something へこみ,くぼみ |
P175 | |
the first | someone or something that is before other people or things |
to be the first to do | (1)初め(だれよりも先)に〜をする(2)真っ先に[ためらわずに]…する |
take sth apart | to separate something into pieces;dismantle 〈機械・器具などを〉分解する |
pole(n) | a long stick or post usually made of wood
or metal, often set upright in the ground
to support something さお |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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