![]() By The Creek 単語&idioms |
P161/P162 | |
P161 | |
chamber(v) | 押し込める |
pout(v) | If someone pouts, they stick out their lips, usually
in order to show that they are annoyed or to make themselves sexually
attractive. 唇を突き出す,(特に不機嫌に)唇をとがらせる |
remonstration(n) | |
remonstrate(v) | If you remonstrate with someone, you protest to them
about something you do not approve of or agree with, and you try to get
it changed or stopped. 抗議する,異議を申し立てる,いさめる |
stammer(v) | If you stammer, you speak with difficulty, hesitating
and repeating words or sounds. どもる,口ごもる |
repulse(v) | If you are replulsed by something, you think that
it is horrible and dis gusting and you wantt to avoid it. 撃退する,追い払う,駆逐する 〈人に〉嫌悪感を与える,不快にさせる |
grimace(v) | If you grimace, you twist your face in an ugly way
because you are annoyed, disgusted, or in pain. 〈人が〉(…に)しかめつらをする,顔をゆがめる |
nonplussed(adj) | If you are nonplussed, you feel confused and unsure how to react. |
nonplus(v) | 〈人を〉全く困惑させる,どぎまぎさせる,途方に暮れさせる |
shrink away from | If you shrink away from someone or something, you
move away from them because you are frightened, shocked, or disgusted
by them. (人を)避ける |
plod(v) | If someoen plods, they walk slowly and heavily. 重い足取りで[骨折って,とぼとぼ]歩く;大儀そうに動く |
pose(n) | A pose is a particular way that you stand, sit, or
lie, for example when you are being photographed or pained. 姿勢,容態 |
P162 | |
stealthlily(adv) | |
stealthy(adj) | Stealthy actions or movements are performed quietly
and carefully, so that no one will notice what you are doing. こっそりする,内密の;人目を忍んだ,人目をはばかる |
frentically(adv) | |
frentic(adj) | If you descirbe an activity as frentic, you mean that it is fast and energetic, but rather uncontrolled. |
break into | If someone breaks into something they suddenly start
doing it. For example if someone breaks into a run they suddenly start
running, and if they break into song they suddenly start singing. 急に…し始める |
brood(v) | If someone broods over something, they think about
it a lot, seriously and often unhappily. …をじっと考える,熟考する |
bumble bee(n) | マルハナバチ:ミツバチ科 Apidae の大きな毛深いハチの総称;社会生活を営む |
drone(v) | If something drones, if makes a low, continuous, dull
noise. 鈍い[低い]単調な音を出し続ける,〈ハチ・飛行機などが〉ブンブンいう |
inquiringly(adv) | |
inquiring(adj) | If you have an inquiring mind, you have a great interest
in learning new things. 吟味[詮索]するような,不審そうな,けげんそうな,問いかけるような |
pebble(n) | A pebble is a small, smoth, round stone which is found
on beaches and at the bottom of rivers. (特に水の作用で滑らかになった)丸い小石,玉石;小石大の塊 |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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