![]() Facing the Light 単語&idioms |
P166/P167/P168/P169/P170/P171 | |
P166 | |
solidarity(n) | If a group of people show solidarity, they show support for each other or for another group, especially in political or international affairs. (集団・階級・国民などの間の)団結,結束,仲間意識,連帯感 (利害・感情・目的などの)一致,連帯;連帯責任,共同利益 |
prick(v) | If you prick something or prick holes in it, you make small holes in it with a sharp object such as a pin. 〈人・体などを〉(ちくりと)刺す,突く,刺してけがをさせる;沚ト帰的(針・とげなどに)刺さる;〈穴などを〉(…に)(とがった物で)あける |
thread(v) | If you thread a long thin object through something, you pass it through one or more holes or narrow spaces. 〈ミシン・織機などに〉糸をかける,〈糸を〉(ミシンなどに)かける;〈フィルム[テープなど]を〉(カメラ・レコーダーなどに)セットする |
snatch(v) | If you snatch something or snatch at something, you take it or pull it away quickly. 〈物などを〉素早く[急に]つかむ,ひっつかむ,(さっと)つかみ取る |
dart(v) | If a person or animal darts somewhere, they move there suddenly and quickly. 〈槍・視線・光などを〉(…に)素早く[さっと]投げる,射る,放つ,動かす |
sari(n) | A sari is a piece of clothing worn especially by Indian women. It consists of a long piece of thin material that is wrapped around the body. サリー:インドなどで主にヒンドゥー教徒の婦人が身につける外衣 |
smuggler(n) | Smugglers are people who take goods into or out of a country illegally. 密輸業者 |
georgette(n) | ジョーゼット:薄地の目の粗い絹またはレーヨンのクレープ |
billow(v) | When something made of cloth billows, it swells out and moves slowly in the wind. 〈帆などが〉(風などで)膨れる,うねる |
brocade(n) | Brocade is a thick, expensive material, often made of silk, with a raised pattern on it. ブロケード,錦(にしき), 紋織り,金襴 |
P167 | |
frothy(adj) | A frothy liquid has lots of bubbles on its surface. 〈服などが〉軽くて薄い素材の |
liven(v) | 生気を与える;陽気にする,元気[活気]づける |
sequin(n) | Sequins are small, shiny dscs that are sewn on clothes to decorate them. シークイン:婦人用衣服などの装飾に用いる小さいきらきらするスパングル |
spangle(v) | 〈衣装などに〉(…の)スパンコールをつける 〈物に〉(ぴかぴか光る物を)散りばめる[ちらす] |
preposterous(adj) | If you describe something as preposterous, you mean that it is extremely unreasonable nd foolish. 不自然な,不合理な,非常識な,無分別な,本末転倒の,荒唐無稽(むけい)な |
tarnish(v) | If a metal tarnishes it, it becomes stained and loses its brightness. 〈金属面を〉(特に酸化によって)曇らせる,変色させる,あせさせる |
airtight(adj) | If a container is airtight, its lid fits so tightly that no air can get in or out. 空気[気体]を通さない,空気の漏れない,気密の(airproof) |
snuff out | If you snuff out a small flame, you stop it burning, usually by using your fingers or by using your fingers or by covering it with something for a few seconds. 〈ろうそく・明かりなどを〉消す |
rap(v) | If you rap on something or rap it, you hit it with a series of quick blows. 〈物を〉(軽く,素早く)打つ,たたく |
slither(v) | If you slither somewhere, you slide along in an uneven way. (あまり滑らかでない面をぎくしゃくと,また音をたてて)滑る,ずずずずっと滑る |
P168 | |
jam(v) | If you jam something somewhere, you push or put it there roughly. 〈場所を〉ふさぐ |
evict(v) | If someone is evicted from the place where they are living, they are forced to leave it, usually becuase they have broken a law or contract. 〈借地人を〉(法律の手続きによって)(…から)立ち退かせる;(一般に)追い払う,駆逐する |
usurp(v) | If you say that someone usurps a job, role, title, or position, they take it from someone when they have no right to do this. 〈地位・役職・権力などを〉暴力で[法的権利なしに]手に入れる,強奪[横領]する |
outdo(v) | If you outdo someone, you are a lot more successful than they are at a particular activity. …より勝る,に打ち勝つ,しのぐ |
stiff(adj) | Something that is stiff is firm or does not bend easily. 曲がらない,堅い |
henna(n) | Henna is a reddish-brown dye that is made from the leaves of a shrub. It is used especially for colouring hair or skin. ヘンナ染料[顔料]:赤みがかったオレンジ色の染料 |
coax(v) | If you coax someone into doing something, you gently try to persuadethem to do it. 〈人を〉(…するよう)説きつける,なだめすかす,おだてて(…)させる |
P169 | |
fairness(n) | Fairness is the quality of being reasonable, right, and just. 〈人・態度などが〉公正な,フェアな,公平な;(…に対して)公正な |
loom(v) | If something looms over you, it appears as a large or unclear shape, often in a frightening way. 〈巨大なものが〉そびえる,のしかかる((over)) |
thump(v) | If you thump something, you hit it hard, usually with your fist. 〈物を〉強くたたく,ゴツン[ドシン,ドン,バタッ]とたたく;〈物を〉たたきつける |
reverberate(v) | When a loud sound reverberates through a place, it echoes throught it. 〈音が〉反響する,鳴り響く |
generous(adj) | A generous person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected. 物惜しみしない,太っ腹の;金離れのよい;利己的でない 心の広い,(…に)寛大な |
pebble(n) | A pebble is a small, smooth, round stone which is found on beaches and at the bottom of rivers. (特に水の作用で滑らかになった)丸い小石,玉石;小石大の塊 |
flung | Flung is the past tense and past participle of fling. |
fling(v) | If you fling something somewhere, you throw it there using a lot of force. …を(…に)(荒々しく)投げる,ほうる,ほうり出す |
P170 | |
thimble(n) | A thimble is a small metal or plastic object which you use to protect your finger when you are sewing. (裁縫用)指ぬき,シンブル |
salvage(v) | If something is salvaged, someone manages to save it, for example from a ship that has sunk, or from a building that has been damaged. ((比喩的))救う,守る |
luster(n) | Luster is gentle shining light that is reflected from a surface, for example from polished metal. (表面の)光沢,つや,きらめき,輝き |
dull(v) | If something dulls or if it is dulled, it becomes less intense, bright, or lively. 〈光・色などを〉曇らせる |
bangle(n) | A bangle is a decorated metal or wooden ring that you can wear round your wrist or ankle. (通例,留め金のない)腕輪,飾り輪 |
shroud(v) | If something has been shrouded in mystery or secrecy, very little information about it has been made available. 〈物を〉覆う,包む,(…で)覆い隠す |
P171 | |
heap(n) | A heap of things is a pile of them, especially a pile arranged in a rather unidy way. (積み重ねた)山(状のもの), 堆積(たいせき)(物), 塊 |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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