第回31Net 勉強会 2004,4
Facing the Light
solidarity(n)  If a group of people show solidarity, they show support for each other or for another group, especially in political or international affairs.
(集団・階級・国民などの間の)団結,結束,仲間意識,連帯感 (利害・感情・目的などの)一致,連帯;連帯責任,共同利益 
prick(v)  If you prick something or prick holes in it, you make small holes in it with a sharp object such as a pin.
thread(v)  If you thread a long thin object through something, you pass it through one or more holes or narrow spaces.
snatch(v)  If you snatch something or snatch at something, you take it or pull it away quickly.
dart(v)  If a person or animal darts somewhere, they move there suddenly and quickly.
sari(n)  A sari is a piece of clothing worn especially by Indian women. It consists of a long piece of thin material that is wrapped around the body.
smuggler(n)  Smugglers are people who take goods into or out of a country illegally.
georgette(n)  ジョーゼット:薄地の目の粗い絹またはレーヨンのクレープ 
billow(v)  When something made of cloth billows, it swells out and moves slowly in the wind.
brocade(n)  Brocade is a thick, expensive material, often made of silk, with a raised pattern on it.
ブロケード,錦(にしき), 紋織り,金襴 
frothy(adj)  A frothy liquid has lots of bubbles on its surface.
liven(v)  生気を与える;陽気にする,元気[活気]づける 
sequin(n)  Sequins are small, shiny dscs that are sewn on clothes to decorate them.
spangle(v)  〈衣装などに〉(…の)スパンコールをつける 〈物に〉(ぴかぴか光る物を)散りばめる[ちらす] 
preposterous(adj)  If you describe something as preposterous, you mean that it is extremely unreasonable nd foolish.
tarnish(v)  If a metal tarnishes it, it becomes stained and loses its brightness.
airtight(adj)  If a container is airtight, its lid fits so tightly that no air can get in or out.
snuff out  If you snuff out a small flame, you stop it burning, usually by using your fingers or by using your fingers or by covering it with something for a few seconds.
rap(v)  If you rap on something or rap it, you hit it with a series of quick blows.
slither(v)  If you slither somewhere, you slide along in an uneven way.
jam(v)  If you jam something somewhere, you push or put it there roughly.
evict(v)  If someone is evicted from the place where they are living, they are forced to leave it, usually becuase they have broken a law or contract.
usurp(v)  If you say that someone usurps a job, role, title, or position, they take it from someone when they have no right to do this.
outdo(v)  If you outdo someone, you are a lot more successful than they are at a particular activity.
stiff(adj)  Something that is stiff is firm or does not bend easily.
henna(n)  Henna is a reddish-brown dye that is made from the leaves of a shrub. It is used especially for colouring hair or skin.
coax(v)  If you coax someone into doing something, you gently try to persuadethem to do it.
fairness(n)  Fairness is the quality of being reasonable, right, and just.
loom(v)  If something looms over you, it appears as a large or unclear shape, often in a frightening way.
thump(v)  If you thump something, you hit it hard, usually with your fist.
reverberate(v)  When a loud sound reverberates through a place, it echoes throught it.
generous(adj)  A generous person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected.
物惜しみしない,太っ腹の;金離れのよい;利己的でない 心の広い,(…に)寛大な 
pebble(n)  A pebble is a small, smooth, round stone which is found on beaches and at the bottom of rivers.
flung  Flung is the past tense and past participle of fling. 
fling(v)  If you fling something somewhere, you throw it there using a lot of force.
thimble(n)  A thimble is a small metal or plastic object which you use to protect your finger when you are sewing.
salvage(v)  If something is salvaged, someone manages to save it, for example from a ship that has sunk, or from a building that has been damaged.
luster(n)  Luster is gentle shining light that is reflected from a surface, for example from polished metal.
dull(v)  If something dulls or if it is dulled, it becomes less intense, bright, or lively.
bangle(n)  A bangle is a decorated metal or wooden ring that you can wear round your wrist or ankle.
shroud(v) If something has been shrouded in mystery or secrecy, very little information about it has been made available.
heap(n)  A heap of things is a pile of them, especially a pile arranged in a rather unidy way.
(積み重ねた)山(状のもの), 堆積(たいせき)(物), 塊 
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDCD-ROM小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました