![]() House Opposite 単語&idioms |
P80/P81/P82/P83/P84 | |
P80 | |
hermit(n) | A hermit is a person who live alone, away from people
and society. 宗教的隠遁(いんとん)者,隠修士 (一般に)隠者,世捨て人(recluse); 仙人 |
invariably(adv) | If something invariably happens or is invariably true,
it always happens or is always true. 変わることなく,一定不変に いつも,常に,決まって,判で押したように |
shudder(v) | If you shudder, you shake with fear, horror, or disgust,
or because you are cold. (恐怖・寒さなどで)身震いする,(嫌で)ぞっとする,身の毛がよだつ |
pyol | |
gutter(n) | The gutter is the edge of a road next to the pavement,
where rain water collects and flows away. (道路の排水用)溝,どぶ,排水溝,側溝 |
strive(v) | If you strive to do something or strive for something,
you make a great effort to do it or get it. 懸命に試みる[努める],奮起[奮闘]する,骨折る |
austerity(n) | Austerity is a situation in which people's living
standards are recorded because of economic difficulties. (態度・生活などの)厳しさ,厳格さ |
forswear(v) | If you forswear something, you promise that you will
stop doing it, having it, or using it, …を誓って退ける[やめる] …を誓って否認する,強く否定する |
swarm(v) | When people swarm somewhere, they move there quickly
in a large group. 〈人・車などが〉多数で[群れを成して]動く |
verse(n) | Verse is writing arranged in lines which have rhythm
and which often rhyme at the end. 詩節,連 (聖書の)節:各章 |
prostrate(v) | If you prostrate yourself, you lie down flat on the
ground, on your front, usually to show respect for God or a person in
authority. (謙遜(けんそん)・屈従・崇敬などを示して)ひれ伏す,平伏する |
unvarying(adj) | 変わらない,不変の,一定の(invariable). |
P81 | |
meditate(v) | If you meditate you remain in a silent and calm state
for a period of time, as part of a religious training or so that you are
more able to deal with, the problems and difficulties of every life. (特に宗教的な)瞑想(めいそう)[黙想]にふける;内省[内観]する |
charcoal(n) | Charcoal is a black substance obtained by burning
wood without much air, it can be burned as a fuel, and small sticks of
it are used for drawing with. (木)炭 |
chapattis(n) | インドのパンケーキみたいなもの http://penguin.uchc.edu/~king/Oct4a.jpg に写真あり |
baser | ? |
debauchery(n) | You use debauchery to refer to the drinking of alcohol
to sexual activity if you disapprove of it or regard it as excessive. 肉欲にふけること,放蕩(ほうとう), 道楽;不節制 |
rigorously(adv) | |
rigorous(adj) | A test, system, or procedure that is rigorous is very
thorough and strict. 〈人・規則・規律などが〉厳しい,厳重な,厳格な,過酷な |
crave(v) | If you crave something, you want to have it very much. 切望[渇望,熱望]する;〈…〉したがる |
craving(n) | (…への)(特に異常な)渇望,切望,熱望;あこがれ |
plate(n) | A plate of food is the amount of food on the plate. 皿に盛った料理;(料理の)一皿,一品;料理一皿分 |
antithesis(n) | The antithesis of something is its exact opposite. (…の)正反対?}of, to…}?;(…の)対立,対照 |
emaciation(n) | (栄養不足・病気による)ひどいやつれ,衰弱,羸痩(るいそう). |
sill(n) | A sill is a shelf along the bottom edge of a window,
either inside or outside a building. 敷居,下枠:窓,戸などの開口部の下方の横材 |
chisel(v) | If you chisel wood or stone, you cut and shape it
using a chisel. のみで彫る[削る,刻む];彫刻する |
fold(n) | The folds in a piece of cloth are the curved shapes
which are formed when it is not hanging or lying flat. 折ってある[折りたたんだ]部分;ひだ(pleat); 層 |
shastra(n) | (ヒンドゥー教の)聖典,経書 |
stout(adj) | A stout person is rather fat. 肉づきのよい |
stalk(n) | The stalk of a flower, leaf, or fruit is the thin
part that joins it to the plant or tree. 〈植物の〉茎,主軸 |
loll(v) | If you loll somewhere, you sit or lie in a very relaxed
position. だらりと寄りかかる,くつろいでもたれる;のらくらする,だらける |
persionification(n) | If you say that someone is the personification of
a particualr thing or quality, you mean that they are a perfect example
of that thing or that they have a lot of that quality. 擬人[人格]化 |
tapas(n) | In Spain, tapas are small plates of food that are
served with drinks or before a main meal. ?ヨーガ?苦行:肉体を最も創造力を発揮しやすい状態にするために,食事,睡眠,休養,鍛練,瞑想(めいそう)などの仕方を質量ともに調整する行 |
laboriously(adv) | |
laborious(adj) | If you describe a task or job as laborious, you mean
that it takes a lot of time and effort. 〈事業・仕事・動作などが〉労力[手間,忍耐]を要する,骨の折れる,困難な |
sieve(n) | A sieve is a tool used for separating solids from
liquids or larger pieces of something from smaller pieces. It consists
of a metal or ploastic ring with a wire or plastic net underneath, which
the liquid or smaller piece pass through. (目の細かい)篩(ふるい), ざる |
P82 | |
compliance(n) | Compliance with something, for example a law, treaty,
or agreement means doing what you are required or expected to do. 命令・申し出・要求などに)従うこと,追従,応諾;服従,遵奉,遵守 |
bolt(v) | When you bolt a door or window, you slide the bolt
across to fasten it. ボルトで締める;〈戸・門・窓に〉差し錠をさして締める(}back, down, on, up);(かんぬきを掛けて)〈人を〉閉じ込める |
Om | (おん), オーム:ヒンドゥー教の神聖な呪語(じゅご);「かくあれかし」という含意を持つ |
Rama | ラーマ:Ramayana の主人公でコーサラ国の王子;ビシュヌ神(Vishnu)の第七化身 Ramachandra
として神格化される. |
Jayarama | ? |
repute(v) | 考える,思う,みなす,評する |
mantra(n) | A mantra is a word or phrase repeated by Buddhists
and Hindus when they meditate, or to help them feel calm. マントラ,呪(じゅ), 真言(しんごん):誦唱(しょうしょう)される語または句で特に Veda から引いたもの. |
efficacy(n) |
If you talk about the efficacy of something, you are talking about
its effectiveness and its ability to do what it is supposed to. |
Sri(n) | スリー:ヒンドゥーの神・聖者などに対する敬称 |
dilute(adj) | A dilute liquid is very thin and weak, usually because
it has had water added to it. 〈薬品が〉(混ぜ物によって)効力が弱められた;〈溶液が〉希釈された,薄い;〈物質が〉溶液状になった;〈飲み物などが〉水っぽい |
fervor(n) | Fervor for something is a very strong feeling for
or belief in it. (感情の)熱烈さ,真剣さ,熱情 |
cluster(v) | If people cluster togher, they gather together in
a small group. 集めて一団[塊]にする,鈴なりにする |
hobnob(v) | If you disapprove of the way in which someone is spending
a lot of time with a group of people, especially rich and powerful people,
you can say that he or she is hobnobbing with them, (…と)親しく付き合う,打ち解ける,打ち解けて話す((with)) |
presently(adv) | If you say that something is presently happening,
you mean that it is happening now. すぐに,直ちに,即刻. その結果,必然的に,当然の帰結として |
futile(adj) | If you say that something is futile, you mean there
is no point doing it, usually because it has no chance of succeeding. 〈行為などが〉成果をもたらさない,無駄な,むなしい,効果のない |
annihilate(v) | To annihilate something means to destroy it completely. 〈町などを〉全滅[絶滅]させる,破壊し尽くす |
evildoer(n) | If you describe someone as an evildoer, you mean that
they are wicked, and that they deliberately cause harm or suffering to
others. 悪事を働く人,悪人 |
Ravana(n) | ラーバナ:Rama 王の妻 Sita を略奪したセイロンの魔王;後に Rama に滅ぼされた |
forbearance(n) | If you say that someone has shown forbearance, you
admire them for behaving in a calm and sensible way about something that
they have a right to be very upset or angry about. 辛抱,忍耐,自制;容赦,寛容 |
stern(adj) | Stern words or actions are very severe. 〈人・規律などが〉厳格な,厳しい;〈決意などが〉断固とした |
slyly(adv) | ずるく;陰険に;いたずらそうに |
P83 | |
tiery??? | |
Namasivaya(n) | ヒンズー教の神様http://davidgodman.org/asaints/gurunam1.shtmlに写真解説あり |
rambling(adj) | If you describe a speech or piece of writing as rambling,
you are criticizing it for being too long and very confused. 〈話などが〉まとまりのない,取り留めのない;〈心・思想などが〉定まらない,ふらついている |
vigor(n) | Vigor is physical or mental energy and enthusiasm. 活動力,活力 |
austere(adj) | If you describe something as austere, you approve
of its plain and simple appearance. 〈態度・顔つきなどが〉厳しい,厳粛な;妥協しない;険しい;重苦しい |
serpent(n) | A serpent is a snake. ヘビ |
magistrate(n) | A magistrate is an official who acts as a judge in
law courts which deal with minor crime or disputes. 執政官,行政官:法の執行を職務とする文官 |
eliminate(v) | To eliminate something, especially something you do
not want or need, means to remove it completely. …を(望ましくないとして)(…から)除く,排除する,除去する |
filth(n) | Filth is a disgusting amount of dirt. 汚物,ごみ,くず |
sewer(n) | A sewer is a large undrground channel that carries
waste matter and rain water away, usually to a place where it is treated
and made harmless. 下水管[道],下水渠 |
repent(v) | If you repent, you show or say that you are sorry
for something wrong you have done. (…を)悔やむ,悔いる,後悔する,気がとがめる |
loin(n) | Someone's loins are the front part of their body between
their waist and legs, especially their sexual parts. (人間・動物の)腰,腰部 |
sarayu | ? |
mantap(n) | マンタパ:ヒンドゥー寺院の玄関;chaori ともいう. |
banyan(n) | バンヤンノキ,ベンガルボダイジュ(banyan tree) Ficus benghalensis:東インド産のクワ科イチジク属の木;枝から多数の気根が出る |
harlot(n) | If someone describes a woman as a harlot, they disapprove
of her because she is a prostitute, or because she looks or behaves like
a prostitute. 売春婦 ふしだらな女 |
P84 | |
wicker(adj) |
小枝で作った,枝編み細工の: |
sparse(adj) | Something that is sparse is small in number or amount
and spread out over an area. 〈物などが〉乏しい,少ない,希薄な;やせた,貧弱な |
laborer(n) | A labourer is a person who does a job which involves
a lot of hard physical work. (肉体)労働者,人夫,労務者;熟練職人の助手: |
crowbar(n) | A crowbar is a heavy iron bar which is use as a lever. クローバー,金てこ:通例,平らで一端または両端がわずかに曲がっている鋼鉄製のてこ.(また crow) |
heap(v) | If you heap things in a pile, you arrange them in
a large pile. …を積み上げる[重ねる]?}up, on, together?;…を積み上げて(…を)作る |
reverential(adj) | Something that is reverential has the qualities of
respect and admiration. 畏敬(いけい)の念に満ちた,崇敬の念から出た,恭しい,敬虔(けいけん)な |
flabby(adj) | Flabby peolple are rather fat, with loose flesh over
their bodies. 〈人の筋肉などが〉たるんだ,締まりのない;締まりのない筋肉をした,たるんだ肉付きの |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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