![]() The Last Day of a Famous Mime 単語&idioms |
P240/P241/P242/P243/P244 | |
P240 | |
forte(n) | You can say that a particular activity
is your forte if you are very good at it. 得意,強み,得手 |
P241 | |
invoking(adj) | |
invoke(v) | If something such as a piece of music invokes a feeling
or an image, it causes someone to have the feeling or to see the image.
Many people consider this use to be incorrect. …を生じさせる,引き起こす;引き出す,呼びさます |
P242 | |
slimy(adj) | If you describe someone as slimy, you deslike them
because they are friendly and plesant in an insincere way. 下卑た,下劣な;?}主に英?卑屈な,追従(ついしょう)的な |
lousy(adj) | If you describe something as lousy, you mean that
it is of very bad quality or that you do not like it. 悪い,ひどい,ろくでも形が損なわれていること;変形,奇形,醜状ない;情けない,惨めな;体調の悪い;下手くそな |
instructive(adj) | Something that is instructive gives usuful information. 教育的な,教育上ためになる,得るところが大きい,有益な |
devour(v) | If a person or animal devours something, they eat
it quickly and eagerly. むさぼるように読む[聞き入る,見詰める] |
capitalize(v) | If you capitalize on a situation, you use it to gain
some advatage for yourself. In business, if you capitalize something that belings to you, you sell it in order to make money. …に資本を供給する,出資する,投資する 利用する,つけ込む,乗じる |
neuroses(n) | neurosisの複数形 Neurosis is a mental condition which causes people to have unreasonable fears and worries over a long period of time. 神経症,精神神経症 |
neuro- | 神経(nerve), 神経性…(nerves), 神経系(nervous system): |
ses | sisの複数形 |
clubfoot(n) | If someone has a clubfoot, they are born with a badly
twisted foot. 湾足,尖足(せんそく), きびす足,外[内]反足など足の奇形の総称 |
deformity(n) | A deformity is a part of someone's body which is not
the normal shape because or injury or illness, or because they were born
this way. 形が損なわれていること;変形,奇形,醜状 身体障害者 |
passivity(n) | 受動[消極]性 無抵抗,服従 |
P243 | |
matron(n) | People sometimes refer to middle-aged women as matrons. 既婚婦人,夫人,主婦,(特に)威厳を備えた社会的地位のある婦人 |
rug(n) | A rug is a piece of thick material that you put on
a floor. It is like a carpet but covers a smaller area. (床の一部に敷く)じゅうたん,敷物 |
insistently(adv) | |
insistent(adj) | Someone who is insistent keeps insisting that a particular
thing should be done or is the case. (…に)固執する;しつこい,執拗(しつよう)な |
fastidiously(adv) | |
fastidious(adj) | If you say that someone is fastidious, you mean that
they pay great attention to detail because they like everything to be
very neat, accurate, and in good order. 細心の(注意を要する), 入念な,丹念な |
cistern(n) | A cistern is a container which stores the water supply
for a building, or that holds the water for flushing a toilet. タンク,水槽(tank); 貯水池(reservoir);(自然の)ため池 |
torrent(n) | A torrent is a lot of water falling or flowing rapidly
or violently. (水・溶岩などの)激しい流れ,急流,奔流;やむことのない流れ |
flotsam(n) | Flotsam is rubbish, for example bits of wood and plastic,
that is floating on the sea or has been left by the sea on the shore. (遭難船の)漂流物,浮き荷 (水上の)浮遊[廃棄]物 がらくた,くず |
P244 | |
sallow(adj) |
If a person has sallow skin, their skin, especially on their face,
is a pale yellowish colour and looks unhealthy. |
ledge(n) | A ledge is a narrow shelf along the bottom edge of
a window. (扉・窓の)戸当たり |
obscure(adj) | If something or someone is obscure, they are unknown,
or are known by only a few people. 〈人などが〉無名の,広く知られていない;身分の低い |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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