第回Net 勉強会 2003,5
Looking for a Rain God
plough(v) =plow
When someone ploughs an area of land, they turn over the soil using a plough
shady(adj) You can describe a placee as shady when you like the fact that it is sheltered from bright sunlight, for example by trees or buildings.
lush(adj)  Lush fields or gardens have a lot of very healthy grass or plants.
If you descrive a place or thing as lush, you mean that it is very luxurious.
fig(n)  A fig is a soft sweet fruit that grows in hot countries. It is full of tiny seeds and is often eaten dried.
drought(n)  A drought is a long period of time during which no rain falls.
(特に長期の,作物に害を及ぼす)日照り,干魃(かんばつ); 渇水 
dismal(adj)  Something that is dismal is bad in a sad or depressing way.
Something that is dismal is sad and depressing, especially in appearance.
thornbush(n)  とげ林(りん):とげのある低木またはその叢林 
wither(v) If a flower or plant withers, it dries up and dies.
anguish(n)  Anguish is great mental suffering or physical pain.
in the air If something is in the air it is felt to be present, but it is not talked about.
live off  …に寄食する,の厄介になる,すねをかじる;〈人・特定の食物に〉頼って生活する 
crop(n)  Crops are plants such as wheat and potatos that are grown in large quantities for food.
returned from a land with   土地から〜がもたらされた
utensil(n)  Utensils are tools or object that you use in order to help you to cook or to do other tasks in your home.
charlatan(n)  You describe someone as a charlatan when they pretend to have skills or knowledge that they do not really possess.
incant(v)  呪文(じゅもん)を唱える
talisman(n)  A talisman is an object which you believe has magic power to protect you or bring you luck.
promise(n)  (…の)気配,兆し,徴候 
scanty(adj)  You descibe something as scanty when there is less of it than you think there should be.
hedge(v)  If you hedge against something unpleasnt or unwanted that might affect you, especially losing money, you do something which will protect you from it.
【1】〈庭・土地などを〉(…の)生け垣で囲う[仕切る]in, off, about, round/with;…を生け垣で遮る[分ける] 
inspan(v)  (南アフリカ)〈牛・馬を〉車につける[つなぐ] 
oxen  the plural form of ox
rustle(v)  When something thin and dry rustles or when you rustle it, it makes soft sounds as it moves.
haze(n)  If there is a haze of something such as smoke or steam, you cannot see clearly through it.
maize(n)  トウモロコシ 
breaking-poit  限界点 
willing  will の現在分詞 
will(v)  If you will something to happen, you try to make it happen by using mental effort rather than physical effort.
break down  If someone breaks down, they lose control of themselves and start crying.
whip up  If someone whips up an emotion, especially a dangerous one sucha as hatred, or it they whip people up into an emotional state, they deliberately cause and encourage people to feel that emotion.
come alive  If people, places, or events come alive, they start to be lively again after a quiet period.
consult(v)  If a person or group of people consults with other people or consults them, they talk and exchange idears and opinions about what they might decide to do.
devour(v)  If a person or animal devours something, they eat it quickly and eagerly.
ashen(adj)  Someone who is ashen looks very pale, especially because they are ill, shocked, or frightened.
sorrow(n)  Sorrow is a feeling of deep sadness or regret.
assuage(v)  If you assuage an unpleasnat feeling that someone has, you make them feel it less strongly.
statute(n)  A statute is rule or law which has been made by a govenment or other organization and formally written down, 
statute book  (一国の)法令集 
stamp out  If you stamp something out, you put an end to it.
inadmissible(adj)  Inadmissible evidence cannot be used in a court of law.
hair's breadth  A hair's breadth is a very small degree or amount.
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDCD-ROM小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました