![]() Looking for a Rain God 単語&idioms |
P255/P256/P257/P258/P259 | |
P255 | |
plough(v) | =plow When someone ploughs an area of land, they turn over the soil using a plough 〈土地を〉鋤で耕す,鋤く;〈根などを〉鋤で掘り起こす |
shady(adj) | You can describe a placee as shady when you
like the fact that it is sheltered
from bright
sunlight, for example by trees or buildings. 陰の多い;陰になった |
lush(adj) | Lush fields or gardens have a lot of very
healthy grass or plants. If you descrive a place or thing as lush, you mean that it is very luxurious. 〈樹木・草などが〉生い茂った,繁茂した,青々と茂った;(柔らかで)みずみずしい,水気の多い |
fig(n) | A fig is a soft sweet fruit that grows in
hot countries. It is full of tiny seeds
is often eaten dried. イチジク |
drought(n) | A drought is a long period of time during
which no rain falls. (特に長期の,作物に害を及ぼす)日照り,干魃(かんばつ); 渇水 |
dismal(adj) | Something that is dismal is bad in a sad
or depressing way. Something that is dismal is sad and depressing, especially in appearance. 陰鬱(いんうつ)な;荒涼とした,わびしい,物寂しい;憂鬱な |
thornbush(n) | とげ林(りん):とげのある低木またはその叢林 |
wither(v) | If a flower or plant withers, it dries up
and dies. 植物が〉しなびる,しおれる,なえる;縮む,しわが寄る |
P256 | |
anguish(n) | Anguish is great mental suffering or physical
pain. (心身の)激しい苦痛,苦悩,苦悶 |
in the air | If something is in the air it is felt to
be present, but it is not talked about. 〈ニュース・うわさなどが〉広まって,取りざたされて;〈気配が〉漂って |
live off | …に寄食する,の厄介になる,すねをかじる;〈人・特定の食物に〉頼って生活する |
crop(n) | Crops are plants such as wheat and potatos
that are grown in large quantities for food. (田畑・果樹園・菜園などからの)農産物,作物,(特に)穀物 |
returned from a land with | 土地から〜がもたらされた |
utensil(n) | Utensils are tools or object that you use
in order to help you to cook or to do other
tasks in your home. (家庭,特に台所で用いる)用具,器具,家庭用品 |
charlatan(n) | You describe someone as a charlatan when
they pretend to have skills or knowledge
that they do not really possess. はったり屋,大ぼら吹き;いかさま師,ぺてん師 |
incanter(n) | |
incant(v) | 呪文(じゅもん)を唱える |
talisman(n) | A talisman is an object which you believe
has magic power to protect you or bring you
luck. (魔よけなどとして携帯される)神秘的な力を持つとされる模様や文字を刻んだ石,(一般に)お守り,魔よけ,まじない札 |
promise(n) | (…の)気配,兆し,徴候 |
scanty(adj) | You descibe something as scanty when there
is less of it than you think there should
be. (必要な量・程度・大きさに対して)不足気味の,(数・量が)わずかな,乏しい |
hedge(v) | If you hedge against something unpleasnt
or unwanted that might affect you, especially
losing money, you do something which will
protect you from it. 【1】〈庭・土地などを〉(…の)生け垣で囲う[仕切る]in, off, about, round/with;…を生け垣で遮る[分ける] |
inspan(v) | (南アフリカ)〈牛・馬を〉車につける[つなぐ] |
oxen | the plural form of ox ox=(労役用・食用の去勢した)雄牛 |
P257 | |
rustle(v) | When something thin and dry rustles or when
you rustle it, it makes soft sounds as it
moves. 〈木の葉・絹・紙などが〉サラサラ[カサカサ]いう;サラサラいう音がする,カサカサ音をたてる;サラサラ音をたてて動く |
haze(n) | If there is a haze of something such as smoke
or steam, you cannot see clearly through
it. もや,かすみ,煙霧;もや[かすみ]状のもの |
maize(n) | トウモロコシ |
breaking-poit | 限界点 |
willing | will の現在分詞 |
will(v) | If you will something to happen, you try
to make it happen by using mental effort
rather than physical effort. 切望する,願う |
break down | If someone breaks down, they lose control
of themselves and start crying. 〈人が〉(感情などを)抑えきれなくなる,わっと泣き伏す;〈人が〉体を壊す,〈健康・体力・気力などが〉衰える;(圧力・拷問などに)屈する |
P258 | |
whip up | If someone whips up an emotion, especially
a dangerous one sucha as hatred, or it they
whip people up into an emotional state, they
deliberately cause and encourage people to
feel that emotion. …を(…の状態まで)刺激する,興奮させる |
come alive | If people, places, or events come alive,
they start to be lively again after
a quiet
period. 活気を呈する |
consult(v) | If a person or group of people consults with
other people or consults them, they
and exchange idears and opinions about
they might decide to do. (…と)話し合う,相談する,談合する,〈医者に〉かかる(with) |
devour(v) | If a person or animal devours something,
they eat it quickly and eagerly. 〈人・動物が〉…をむさぼり食う;食い尽くす,〈火事などが〉〈建物などを〉壊滅させる,焼き尽くす |
ashen(adj) | Someone who is ashen looks very pale, especially
because they are ill, shocked, or frightened. (死人のように)極度に青白い,血の気のない |
P259 | |
sorrow(n) | Sorrow is a feeling of deep sadness or regret. (人・事に対する)悲しみ,悲哀,悲嘆;後悔,遺憾,残念 |
assuage(v) | If you assuage an unpleasnat feeling that
someone has, you make them feel it less strongly. 〈苦痛・悲しみなどを〉和らげる,緩和する |
statute(n) | A statute is rule or law which has been made by a govenment or other organization and formally written down, |
statute book | (一国の)法令集 |
stamp out | If you stamp something out, you put an end to it. |
inadmissible(adj) | Inadmissible evidence cannot be used in a
court of law. 許しがたい |
hair's breadth | A hair's breadth is a very small degree or
amount. ほんの少し(の間隔)だけ;間一髪 |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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