第十八回Net 勉強会 2003,3 The Street-Sweeping Show 単語&idioms |
P210/P211/P212/P213/P214 | |
P210 | |
Zhao | 趙 |
mimeograph(v) | 謄写[複写]版で刷る |
upper-echelon | |
echelon(n) | An echelon in an organization or society
is a level or rank in it. (命令系統・組織体などの)(階)層,段階;(権限上の)地位 |
complexion(n) | When you refer to someone's complexion, you
are referring to the natural colour
or condition
of the skin on their face. 肌の色[きめ],(特に)顔の色つや,顔色 |
utilitarian(adj) | Utilitarian objects and buildings are designed
to be useful rather than attractive. 実益[実利]を重んじる,実用的な |
deferential(adj) | Someone who is deferential is polite and
respectful towards someone else. 恭しい,丁重な,いんぎんな |
modulate(v) | If you modulate your voice or a sound, you
change or vary its loudness, pitch,
or tone
in order to create a particular effect. 声を〉(状況・聞き手に応じて)変える,合わせる |
shrewd(adj) | A shrewd person is able to understand and
judge a situation quickly and to use
understanding to their own advantage. (実際的な事柄に)抜け目のない,目ざとい;洞察力のある,鋭い,明敏な,はしこい;賢明な;賢そうな(顔をした) |
pore(v) | If you pore over or through information,
you look at it and study it very carefully. (…を)凝視する,熱心に見る |
Federation(n) | 連合 |
Literary(n) | 文学 |
P211 | |
pillar(n) | If you describe someone as a pillar of society
or as a pillar of the community, you
of them because they play an important
active part in society or in the community. (比喩的)(国家・社会などを)中心となって支える人,柱,柱石,大黒柱 |
smug(adj) | If you say that someone is smug, you are
criticizing the fact they seem very
with how good, clever, or lucky they
are. (自分の風采(ふうさい)・才能などに)うぬぼれている,きざな,気取った,独りよがりの;自己満足の, |
come into play | When something comes into play or is brought
into play, it begins to be used or
to have
an effect. 〈物・事が〉働き始める;作用する. |
Pacesetter(n) | A pacesetter is a person or a company that
is considered to be the leader in a
field or activity. (最も進んだり成功していて)他の模範となる人[団体],先導者 |
Martyr(n) | A martyr is someone who is killed or made
to suffer greatly because of their
or political beliefs, and is admired
respected by people who share those
beliefs. 殉教者,殉ずる人,犠牲者 |
whisk(v) | If you whisk someone or something somewhere,
you take them or move them there quickly. さっと乗り付ける |
P212 | |
assortment(n) | An assortment is a group of similar things
that are of different sizes or colours
have different qualities. (各種の)寄せ集め,取り合わせ,詰め合わせ;集まり(艪ルぼ同類だが,形・大きさ・色などが異なったものの集まり) |
wheel barrow(n) | (荷物運搬用の)手押し車 |
dignitary(n) | Dignitaryies are people who are considered
to be important because they have a
rank in goverment or in the Church. 高位の人,(政府などの)高官;高位聖職者 |
retinue(n) | An important person's retunue is the group
od servants, friends, or assistants
who go
with them and look after their needs. (集合的)(重要人物に随行する)供奉(ぐぶ)員,供[従者]の一行,随行[随員]団 |
strut(v) | If you strut your stuff, you act in a proud
way and show off. (人目を意識して)気取って歩く |
onlooker(n) | An onlooker is someone who wathces an event
take place but does not take part in
it. 見物人,傍観者;観察者,目撃者 |
cordon(n) | A cordon is a line or ring of police, soldiers,
or vehicles preventing people from
or leaving an area. 立ち入り禁止線, |
buzz(v) | If something buzzese or buzzes somewhere,
ig makes a long continuous sound, like
noise a bee makes when it is flying. ざわつく,ざわめく,騒がしい |
chitchat(n) | Chit-vchat is informal talk about things
that are not very important. 気軽な会話,雑談;無駄話;世間話 |
P213 | |
grit(n) | Grit is very small pieces of stone, It is
often put on roads in winter to make
less slippery. ちり,ほこり,砂塵(さじん), 砂 |
popsicle(n) | A popsicle is a piece of flavoured ice or
ice cream on a stick. ポップシクル:香料入りの棒につけたアイスキャンデー |
pursue(v) | If you pursue a person, vehicle, or animal,
you follow them, usually in order to
them. 追いかける,追跡する |
visored cap | サンバイザ-つきの帽子 |
single file | A group of people who are walking or standing
in single file or single file are in
a line,
one behind the other. 縦に並んだ人[物]の列 |
wield(v) | If you wield a weapon, tool, or piece of
equipment, you carry and use it. 〈武器・道具などを〉巧みに使う,使いこなす,操る |
entourage(n) | A famous or important person's entourage
is the group of assistants, servants,
other people who travel with them. (集合的)(身分ある人などの)側近,取り巻き連;随行 |
P214 | |
pitch in | 協力[助力]する,勢いよく仕事を始める |
grim(n) | unpleasant and depressing thing 不快な,嫌な |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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