![]() Tancredi 単語&idioms |
P268/P269/P270/P271/P272 | |
P268 | |
anomaly(n) | something that is noticeable because it is different
from what is usual 例外,変則,異例;変態,異様,奇態,奇妙 |
innumerable(adj) | very many, or too many to be counted 非常に多くの;数え切れない,無数の |
bear one's cross | 苦難に耐える |
stifle(v) | to stop a feeling frim being expressed 〈声・感情などを〉抑える,こらえる,抑制する,差し控える |
prodigy(n) | a young person who has a great natural ability in
a subject or skill 非凡な才能の持ち主(特に子供,若者), 天才,神童 (…の)並外れたこと[もの] |
P269 | |
the initiative | if you have or take the initiative, you are in a position
to control a situation and decide what to do next 開始,第一歩,手始め;先制,率先,首唱,先導,イニシアチブ |
agape(adj) | with your mouth wide open, especially because you
are surprised or shocked (驚き・意外さのために)口をぽかんと開けて;唖然(あぜん)として,あっけに取られて |
explicit(adj) | expressed in a way that is very clear and direct あからさまな,遠慮のない,率直な,ざっくばらんな |
timid(adj) | not having courage or confidence 自信のない,おどおどした;びくびくした,臆病(おくびょう)な,気の小さい;気の弱い,内気な |
flash(v) | to shine suddenly and brightly for a short time, or
to make something shine in this way きらりと光る,きらきら輝く |
attire(n) | clothes (特に豪華な)衣装 |
remedy(n) | a way of dealing wiht a problem or making a bad situation
better 矯正手段,改善法,救済策 |
predicament(n) | a difficult or unpleasant situation in which you do
not know what to do, or in which youi have to make a difficult choice 苦境,窮地,窮境 |
perennial(adj) | continuing or existing for a long time, or happening
again and again 持続する,永続的な |
P270 | |
merit(v) | to be good, important, or serious engough for praise
or attention 報いを受けるに値する |
esteem(n) | a feeling of respect for someone, or a
good opinion of someone 尊重,尊敬,好意的意見 |
pious(adj) | having strong religious beliefs, and showing this
in the way you behave 〈人が〉信心深い,敬虔(けいけん)な,篤信の |
hellish(adj) | extremely bad or difficult 地獄の(ような); 身の毛のよだつ |
wicked(adj) | behaving in a way that is morally wrong 〈人・行為などが〉悪い,よこしまな,邪悪な,不正な,不道徳な |
P271 | |
repent(v) | to be sorry for something and wish you had not done
it - used especially when considering your actions in a religious way (…を)悔やむ,悔いる,後悔する,気がとがめる |
spontaneously(adv) | |
spontaneous(adj) | something that is spontaneous has not been planned
or organized, but happens by itself, or because you suddenly feel you
want to do it 自然に起こる,自発的な,無意識のうちに出てくる |
dissociate(v) | to do or say something to show that you do not agree
with the views or actions of someone with whom you had a connection …を(…から)分離する,引き離す;引き離して考える |
fast(v) | to eat little or no food for a period of time, especially
for religious reasons 断食する,絶食する |
penance(n) | something that you must do to show that
you are sorry for something you have done wrong, especially in some religions (罪に対する懺悔(ざんげ)のしるしとしての)贖罪(しょくざい), 難行苦行 |
gorge yourself | to eat until you are too full to eat any more がつがつ食う,むさぼり食う |
belch(v) | to let air from your stomach come out loudly through
your mouth おくびを出す,げっぷをする |
lashing(n) | a punishment in which someone is hit with a whip 厳しい叱責(しっせき), 痛烈な非難 |
irrepressible(adj) | full of energy, confidnece, and happiness so that
you never seem unhappy 〈人・感情・行為が〉抑えきれない,制御できない: |
whore(n) | an offensice word for a woman who has many sexual
partners, a femal prositute 売春婦 |
chaste(adj) | not having sex wiht anyone, or not with anyone except
your husband or wife (肉体的に)純潔な;〈女性が〉貞淑[貞節]な |
salvation(n) | in the Christian religion, the state of being saved
from evil (罪と罰からの)救い,救済,救世 |
profane(v) | to treat something holy wiht a lack of respect …の神聖を汚す,冒涜する |
P272 | |
coven(n) | a group or meeting of wiches 魔女の集会,(特に)13人の魔女から成る一団. |
premonition(n) | a strange feeling that something, especially something
bad, is going to happen 将来についての不安[心配],(…という)予感?}that節?;兆候,前兆 |
clarity(n) | the clarity of a piece of writing, law, argument etc
is its quality of being expressed clearly (論理・意味などの)明瞭(めいりょう), 明確,平明,明快 |
inflict(v) | to make someone suffer something unpleasant 〈負担を〉(…に)負わせる;〈刑罰などを〉科する,加える |
unbridled(adj) |
not controlled and too extreme or viloent |
caress(v) | to touch someone genlty in a way that shows you love
them (軽く優しく)愛撫する |
dismay(n) | the worry, disappointment, or unhappiness you feel
when something unpleasant happens 突然の[完全な]勇気の喪失,意気阻喪,落胆;突然の幻滅 |
blasphemy(n) | something you say or do that is insulting to God or
people's religious beliefs (神・神聖なものに対する)不敬な言動,冒涜(ぼうとく), 涜神 |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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