第27回Net 勉強会
sawdust(n) Sawdust is dust and very small pieces of wood which are produced when you saw wood.
scuff(v)  If you scuff something or if it scuffs, you mark the surface by scraping it against other things or by scraping other things against it.
knot(n)  If you tie a knot in a piece of string, rope, cloth, or other material, you pass one end or part of it through a loop and pull it tight.
lock(n)  A lock of hair is a small bunch of hair on your head that grow together and curl or cuve in the same direction.
shorn(adj) If grass or hair is shorn, it has been cut very short.
bump(n)  A bump on a road is a raised, uneven part.
tuft(n)  A tuft of something such as hair or grass is a small amount of it which is growing together in one place or is held together at the bottom.
sureptitious(adj) A sureptitious action is done secretely.
flaw(n) A flaw in something such as a pattern or material is a fault in it that should not be there.
peak(n)  The peak of a cap is the part at the front that sticks out above your eyes.
fruiterer(n)  青果商人,果物商 
clothier(n)  (特に男子用の)洋服小売商,服屋
gravy(n) Gravy is a sauce made from the juices that come from meat when it cooks.
crust(n)  The crust on a loaf of bread is the outside part.
delicacy(n)  A delicacy is a rare or expensive food that is considered especially nice to eat.
drowsy(adj)  If you feel drowsy, you feel sleepy and cannot think clearly.
canal(n)  A canal is a long, narrow stretch of water that has been made for boats to travel along or to bring water to a particular area.
tench(n)  Tench are dakr green European fish that live in lakes and rivers.
テンチ Tinca tinca:ヨーロッパ・アジア産のコイ科の淡水魚
barge(n)  A barge is a long, narrow boat with a flat bottom. Brges are used for carrying heavy loads, especially on canals.
reed(n)  Reeds are tall plants that grow in large group in shallow water or on ground that is always wet and soft. They have strong, hollow stems that can be used for making things such as mats or baskets.
bullrush(n)  パピルス,葦
bramble(n) Bramble are wild prickly bushes that produce blackberries.
キイチゴ:バラ科キイチゴ属 Rubus のとげのある低木の総称 イバラ:ノイバラなど,とげのある低木の総称
thorn(n)  Thorns are the sharp points on some plants and trees, for example on a rose bush.
brittle(adj)  An object or substance that is britle is hard but easily broken.
cluster(n)  A cluster of people or things is a small group of them close together.
plump(adj)  You can describe someone or something as plump to indicate that they are rather fat or rounded, usually when you think this is a good quality.
irregularity(n)  不規則[不ぞろい]なもの 凸凹 
cane(n)  Cane is used to refer to the long, hollow, hard stems of plants such as bamboo. Strips of cane are often used to make funiture, and some types of cane can be crushed and processed to make sugar.
appall(v) If something appals you, it disgusts you because it seems so bad or unpleasant.
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDCD-ROM小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました